TEST: How do I know if my friend likes me?



I thought that if he liked me like he did :'(



I got 7.25 and I think my best friend likes me and I like him too but I’m embarrassed to propose to me. And he leaves school very soon, what should I do? 😢😍

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Tell him what you feel if you don’t stay with what you didn’t tell him



Hello, I want to tell my story, I am a gay boy, a great friend and I met a boy at a party months ago, he and she are now dating and EJ and I started a good friendship. He has always made it known how much he appreciates me for being the one who I bonded from the beginning, and J showed me a lot of interest and affection towards me, which seemed normal to me at first, but as time went by, I began to feel that everything had become more complicated. He looks at me and touches me, touches me in strange ways, of course he knows who I am. gay between drinks he rubbed his Jabios on my cheeks of course my friend is not aware of it, the worst of all is that he is very handsome and catches my attention of course he has never responded to his intentions for my friend I need psychological help what should I do



It’s super cool even though I’m not sure about things, it really helped me a lot

Miguel Angel


thanks for giving me the advice

Arely Martin


The test is very interesting, it is somewhat confusing to express feelings and this helps us realize



Being sincere since my friend likes me, I don’t like him



Hello, I liked the test, but I like a boy that I have known since elementary school and I came to live with my family in another place, I lost contact with my friend and after 2 and a half years, I had communication with him again. .
At first I think he was upset that I sent him a message but overnight, I started talking to him and he seemed very interested in what I was telling him, I told him if I had a game called Roblox but he said no and “I told him that when he has Roblox to look for me” after a while he answered me and told me that he already had the game and that he had not deleted it but I asked him why and he did not answer me he started to change the subject since I did not I told him that I will download it, plus he is very different when he talks to me than with other people. I don’t know what to do !!! Thanks for the test, it helped me a lot to reflect.

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Hello. I feel attracted to my friend, he doesn’t know it. He seems to like me too. When I answered this test, the result confirmed that he liked me but…. Which of the two should come forward and say what they feel? How would it be done?



I don’t know if you like it, I hope so



I want to know if my friend likes me

yasmina castano


But if it turns out that my friend has already sent me to ask for a tie, but my mom says that when a man loves a woman, he says it to her face, not by sending him to ask, what should I do in this situation?



I really liked it, I thought I was going to have more questions, what if it doesn’t show anything to you? For example, he doesn’t look at you differently, low score, I mean, he doesn’t show anything like you, but he’s still in love with you.

jimy carcache murillo


I want to know if my cruss loves me


01/13/2020 I have many doubts about a friend that I love, but the problem is that I don’t know if he likes me and I am afraid that he will reject me in my attempt to confess my feelings towards him.

But I don’t want to let it go
I would greatly appreciate some advice from you.
I hope you can understand me

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I understand you, almost the same thing happens to me and he is not very clear. But I guess you try, but make it clear that whatever the answer is, make sure you are calm and don’t feel uncomfortable, I’m going to do the same.

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I have doubts. I have an ex, and when I broke up with him he changed. He started out as kissing and being with different girls outside of a relationship. Afterwards we saw each other and he kissed me and asked me to kiss longer. But I don’t think he’s in love with me. We saw each other again at school and he did the same, my best friend told him to ask me yes or no. He didn’t do it, he didn’t ask me. And he’s very daring, so, by not wanting to ask me, I think he just wants to have fun. He looks at me with a shine in his eyes, he treats me with a lot of affection… What do you think, Psychologist, can you help me understand or know if he really wants something with me again, and won’t he deceive me by being separated from school for a year? When I finish the grade I am in, I will go to the school he is in. Please help me…



I basically like a friend, I can’t stop thinking about him. He looks at me constantly, he talks to me a lot, he laughs at things that I think are almost or not funny to me. He treats me well and he is very happy with me (Can he give me some advice, do you think he likes me?)

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Yes, yes I believe it💕😉👍👍



I like a good friend of mine. But I don’t know if he feels the same as me, even though he pays attention to me, he hugs me, he laughs at everything I say if it’s not funny, he always supports me…
Could you tell me what I should do?
Thank you so much.

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Anna Badia Llobet thank you FOR your response and attention.



I liked the test, but I didn’t understand some things.



I wanted to ask what would be a good decision in this situation:
I like a friend with whom I get along very well, we have known each other for a year and a half, my parents and his are very close friends and therefore we live together a lot. He had a girlfriend but they broke up in September of last year and around December I started to feel attracted to him. 3 months later in an online conversation we confessed that we had liked each other but he had already returned to his ex (who by the way deception) he told me that he was in love with her and that he didn’t plan to leave her for a long time. Then they broke up again and in that period in which they were not together we went to a spa with his family and in the transport he held my hand, it didn’t seem right to me because I knew that he had done it out of spite so I decided to let him go and try of not getting so close to him on the entire return trip. Then they came back and now they finished again, I don’t know what to do
A good opinion would be very helpful to me, I look forward to it and thank you in advance for your article, it helped me a lot. Regards.


Hello Erandy,
With this information, it seems that he is not very clear about what he wants. A good option may be to express your feelings honestly and hope that he is clear with his response.