Although the mobility of our facial muscles allow us to reflect a wide range of emotions, some people are incapable of showing any expressiveness. Their faces, more than faces full…
Recover your emotional well-being with Rescue
When was the last time you gave yourself quality time? Are you thinking? Are you trying to remember? It is very possible, because therein lies one of the great problems…
What is diaphreotherapy? Recognize your emotions through the body
Each body is unique and is made up of much more than a bunch of cells. It reflects each person’s story more faithfully than a written autobiography. The shape of…
“Dad, we are more than chickens”: the testimony of suffering from emotional deprivation
In order for a child to grow up physically healthy, they need to have their basic needs for food and protection from possible dangers covered. In addition, for him to…
Art therapy: art at the service of emotions
Whether to capture reality or to express what is imagined, art is a necessity as old as human history. We find it even before the appearance of Homo sapiens. It…
Why it is important to heal emotions step by step
People often seek therapy when they are in a life crisis situation. They know that they want to improve and that they must change their lives, but they are unable…
Stress from the pandemic affects the emotional development of children and adolescents: how to help them?
86% of our minors have experienced emotional changes of various kinds during this pandemic, According to a The results tell us that: In 69.9% of the cases the presence of…
How will going back to school after confinement affect children emotionally?
These days, the government and the autonomous communities, discuss what school normality will be like from the month of September. Although, at first, the possibility of following a mixed system,…