Definition: Decrease in the number of erythocytes (red blood cells) and hemoglobin in the blood, making it impossible for the proper transport of oxygen to the cells. Anemia is considered when hemoglobin drops below 13 g/100 ml of blood in men and 12 g/100 ml in women. Sometimes the decrease is in the size of the erythrocytes and not in the number.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of deep devaluation in the family.
Sympathicotonia: In the phase of active conflict, osteolysis occurs that reaches the marrow and decreases the production of blood cells.

vagotonia: In the conflict repair phase there is a natural regeneration of blood.

Biological sense: The survival of the clan or my descendants prevails over my own. I must leave the resources of life for someone else to take advantage of.
Hemoglobin is responsible for the transport of oxygen (life) to the cells and carbon dioxide to the lungs. If I don’t need so much life, I don’t need so much hemoglobin to carry it.

Conflict: Global devaluation in the blood lineage, especially due to incest and consanguinity.
Devaluation of what makes us live, that transports life. It affects the red blood cells if there is a connotation of life/death, the white blood cells if it is attack/defense or the platelets if it affects the disintegration of the clan or an aggression
It is related to a lack of joy in the process of life itself and to a feeling of worthlessness
“I don’t want to bother my family”, “I have to live as little as possible because I am annoying”, “I am drowning in this family”, “I have no right to fight within this family”

Definition: Hemoglobinopathy of genetic origin that produces difficulty in the transport of oxygen and obstruction of the blood vessels (see anemia). Its main symptom is pain in the extremities.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Vagotonia: Healing phase of a conflict of deep devaluation in the family.

Biological sense: The vital transport system is altered and deforms to the slightest.
This responds to a (transgenerational) program that greatly limits the conditions in which one can survive due to unpleasant or dangerous contacts. As in classic anemia, I must leave the resources of life for someone else to take advantage of.

Conflict: Death haunts the clan.We must look for a transgenerational conflict of great sorrow and little desire to live.


Definition: It is a macrocytic and megaloblastic anemia. It is the result of a lack of vitamin B12 due to a malabsorption and is due to a lack of intrinsic factor, essential for the absorption of cyanocobalamin. It mainly affects older people who may experience weakness, numbness and tingling in the extremities, paleness, fever and weight loss.


Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Vagotonia: Healing phase of a deep and continuous indigestible situation conflict (piece). Vital devaluation and territorial annoyance.

Biological sense: Similar to anemia. Respond to an indigestible programming conflict.
As in classic anemia, I must leave the resources of life for someone else to take advantage of (see Biological Sense of ANEMIA).

Conflict: Devaluation of vital things, loss of the will to live as a result of indigestible situations. In this case we must look for a programming conflict in a very indigestible situation for us or for the family and that still cannot be digested. The consequence of such a conflict was the loss of desire to live or to enjoy life. One of the solutions adopted was the decision that this was immovable, unalterable and that the best solution was to hide it in the most intimate. Even though he continued to hurt, we wouldn’t talk about it.
Huge devaluation and territorial contradiction with the blood family clan with the tonality of lack in a climate of fear of not being able to digest, assimilate.


Definition: Anemia characterized by a lack of iron and minerals in the blood.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Vagotonia: Healing phase of a conflict of deep devaluation in the family.

Biological sense: Iron symbolizes strength and weapons. In the bloodstream, it helps form red blood cells and carry oxygen, so the biological sense is similar to anemia but in a “no-fight” context.

Conflict: Devaluation in the family and not having the right to fight. I draw “iron” from an issue that is vital for my biology, probably in relation to “not being understood by my environment.”
«I need help in my maternal function», «I’m drowning in my family», Someone close to you is dying and you want to give them oxygen to live, Toxic atmosphere, “I don’t breathe well»

Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó).


Anemia is the result of a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood. The hemoglobin It is the molecule that is found inside the red blood cells and serves to transport and distribute oxygen from the lungs throughout the body.

A anemia mild or moderate may be asymptomatic; but when it is severe or acute, the person’s tissues and organs do not receive enough oxygen and symptoms appear such as tiredness, weakness (asthenia), exhaustion, intolerance to exertion and a feeling of lack of air (dyspnoea) with consequent acceleration of respiration. Cardiovascular symptoms such as palpitations and tachycardia may also occur which, over time, can lead to injury and heart failure as the heart is forced to do more work of pumping to deliver oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. In other cases, the anemia it entails changes of character such as irritability, lack of interest, sadness and despondency.


Other common symptoms of anemia They are dizziness, ringing in the ears, headaches, paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, chest pain, and cold hands and feet.

For classical medicine, the cause cataloged as the most frequent in the appearance of anemia It is the deficiency of iron in the blood either due to insufficient intake of this mineral in the diet or due to excessive losses due to the existence of hemorrhages. This anemianamed iron deficiencyis very common in women of childbearing age due to periodic blood loss during menstruation that can lead to episodes of anemia acute.

According to classical western medicine, the anemia It can also be the result of other underlying problems such as:

– Disorders in the production of erythrocytes.
– Hypothyroidism (iron and erythropoietin deficiency).
– Hyperthyroidism (increased plasma).
– Food deficiencies.
– Chronic inflammatory processes (bacteria or parasites)
– Chronic kidney failure, such as decreased production of erythropoietin in the kidney.
– Prolonged consumption of drugs that generate an autoimmune reaction of T lymphocytes.
– Defect in the synthesis of nucleic acids.
– Folic acid deficiency
– Vitamin B12 deficiency.
– Defect in the synthesis of globins.
– Kidney and liver diseases.
– Taking medications that interfere with DNA synthesis or inhibit the production of gastric acid.
– Chronic alcoholism.
– Celiac disease.
– Stomach or intestinal ulcer.
– Increased destruction of red blood cells.
– Changes in hemoglobin.
– Immunological (transfusions).
– Hypersplenism (the spleen enlarges and destroys red blood cells).

Biological decoding of anemia

The BioDecoding – BioNeuroEmotion of the anemia It means going beyond the mere observation of physical manifestations. It implies delving into the unconscious causes behind it and its biological meaning. As we know, from a biological point of view, blood symbolizes the joy of living and also represents the family, the clan, family ties. The anemic person has lost precisely that joie de vivre and is involved in feelings of worthlessness in his relationships and with respect to what he does (especially in the clan). With these conditions, anemic people are very often invaded by discouragement, weakness and insecurity.

The anemia It expresses, as we see, a devaluation of the person, especially with respect to family members or situations and conflicts that arise in the clan. Many times there are cases of consanguinity in relationships or cases of incest, either real or, above all, symbolic. For example: marriages or couples in which the spouses are double each other (usually by date of conception and/or birth).

See also  BIODESCODING OF EDEMA (Swelling)

In cases of anemia iron deficiency both calcium, which represents the paternal function, and magnesium, which represents the maternal function, come into play. These are usually cases in which both the man and the woman need help in their respective paternal and maternal functions. In addition, they tend to be people who inwardly feel – without consciously knowing the reason – that they do not want to bother the family or believe that they should live as little as possible in the family because they bother. In short, persistent feelings of suffocation in the family; toxic family atmosphere that prevents breathing well.

The hemoglobin, as we have seen, carries oxygen in the blood. Biologically, if we lack the proper amount of hemoglobin in the blood it is because there is someone in the family clan to whom we would like oxygen not to reach; someone we would like to exclude – expel – from the clan. Likewise, the hemoglobin It is found in the red blood cells and when they suffer alterations it is because there is a climate of life or death, either real or symbolic because the exclusion of a member of the clan is desired (symbolic death) or, on the contrary, because You want to give someone in the family oxygen to live.

In people with anemia The lack of joie de vivre, fear and, above all, devaluation, the feeling of not being worth enough, always appear as present factors. This devaluation is what leads these people to be excessively dependent on situations and conflicts of other members of the clan or to not consider themselves worthy of living or developing within their clan. It is this devaluation that annihilates the joy of living. Therefore, the anemic person must be recognized, affirmed and valued to become aware that he does not depend and should not depend on the assessment, acceptance and recognition of others. In the same way, the anemic person must carefully observe and monitor the negative thoughts that surely invade them persistently and prevent them from meeting, recognizing themselves and granting themselves the right to enjoy and live life with joy.

The person with anemia You must analyze and become aware of your family conflicts and the emotion with which you live and feel the family atmosphere. You must draw the visceral conclusion of what is what…