Definition: Swelling due to the accumulation of fluid in the intercellular or interstitial tissue, in addition to the cavities of the organism.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage.

Conflict of survival and referents.

vagotonia: In the repair phase of many conflicts edemas appear.

Biological sense: In general, the biological meaning of edema is “to retain water”. If we find ourselves in a situation with difficult access to water (the desert, for example), the collecting channels will be closed and all the liquid will be used to survive longer.

An edema collects the liquid that may be necessary and “reserves” it. In the repair phase, an edema fulfills the function of protecting the area, especially at the neuronal level (cerebral edema in the Hamer focus).

In addition, there is the association of water or liquids with our “references” since we come from water, as well as with emotions or money.

Conflict: Repair of a conflict.

See where it appears. Fluid retention (in the legs, or overweight due to fluid) can also be related to the kidney in a survival tone, because it does not eliminate leftover fluid (stagnant water, does not filter).

Or with loss of referents.

Conflict of not taking care of oneself (wasting time).


Definition: Swelling due to accumulation of fluid in the skin.

Technical: 1st and 4th Embryonic Stages.

Conflict of survival, referents and separation.

vagotonia: Repair phase of a contact and separation conflict.

Biological sense: See biological sense of EDEMA.

Conflict: Add to the conflict of Edema and area, the conflict of contact (separation) in a tone of protection.



Definition: Central point of the retina where the precision of the perceived image is maximum.

Responsible for color discrimination.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage.

Conflict with visual details.

Biological sense: It is the center where colors, details, differences are read…

The meaning is linked to avoiding the vision of something horrifying that is found above all in the details of things (messages hidden in plain sight).

Conflict: Direct fear of something that I see above all in the details and that I feel horrifying.

Vision of something horrifying.

I saw someone in my family die in front of my eyes.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)




Definition: Nosebleed. Nosebleeds (of any kind).

Technical: 3rd and 4th Embryonic Stages.

Olfactory conflict repair phase (something smells bad).

Conflict of fear of death and changes. Conflict of sexual changes.

Biological sense: Bleeding from the nose is one of the ways to “release the pressure” of the blood that accumulates in the nose area.

The blood has to do with family and the nose with sexuality. In adolescence it is a regulating system of both blood and sexual pressure.

Another sense is related to the possibility that some ancestor had a stroke, then the bleeding solution is activated, so that there is no excess blood in the brain and avoid such a death.

Conflict: Mostly a mild “something sucks” conflict regarding blood clan.

Conflict of fear of death.

Seeing one’s own blood flow is a reason for peace of mind, it makes us feel that we are alive.

Conflict of having to leave the house against our will.

Feeling of guilt for some conflict related to the family.

Right hole: Emotion.

Left hole: Understanding, analysis.


He edema It is a swelling caused by water retention.

It causes bloating and is very common in the ankles and feet.

It can also be found in other joints or connective tissues.

The liquids in the body represent my emotions, I may retain or repress my inner feelings.

I can also deny my impulses or feel limitations and barriers to things I want, which bring me discouragement and disgust.

I may also want to hold on to someone or something, either from my past or from the present and I hold on to him or it like a lifeline.

Otherwise, I’m going to drown in my grief, in my disappointment, in my bitterness in the face of events.

The function of the part of the body affected by the edema add other information.

At the level of legs and feet, I can experience a very strong desire to go in a different direction, but I feel emotionally caught in the direction in which I am going and I feel unable to assert myself and to free myself from it.


When the edema after a blow, an injury or that a part of my body tries to reconstitute itself, this is called the healing edema.

In certain cases, my body then brings this fluid as if to reduce friction and help the immediate environment of the affected part to reconstitute itself.

He edema brings the need to recognize and discover the expression of my emotions bottled up and locked up.

I also learn to let go to allow myself to move forward and make positive changes in my life.


The water retention It is often caused by a malfunction of the kidneys.

My body “makes reserves” and this highlights the fact that I can store things or emotions because I am terrified of losing something or someone.

I also have a tendency to criticize myself, or to criticize others.

This derives either from my difficulty in asserting myself or, on the contrary, from my ego, which is too big and makes me take my place, as well as that of others.

I hide my anxieties like this.

My relationship with authority will also be very chaotic because I often feel like a victim of injustice.

I must take responsibility for my life and learn more respect and humility. I learn to take my divine rightful place, knowing with confidence that everything is available, as long as I ask.

SWELLING (in general)

The swelling usually appears when I live a resistance emotional and that I repress my emotions.

I accumulate emotions because I live impotence or I don’t know how to express them to avoid hurting someone or simply receiving a wound myself.

The swelling It can also be a means of protection and I can ask myself: Why do I feel the need to protect myself? And in front of whom or what”? I learn to express what I live to free myself and thus make these swellings.

SWELLING (…of the abdomen)

The swelling of the abdomen allows me to become aware that I live a frustration with my spouse, my children or my family. I probably feel limited emotionally or in the expression of my feelings towards people around me. If I take the time, I realize that by changing my way of seeing things and having a more positive attitude, I become aware of all the abundance that is in my life, both emotionally, intellectually, emotionally, materially, etc.

See also  Right Ankle Biodecoding Emotional Meaning


The swelling and the bloating come from the fact that my kidneys do not work well. Limitation is the keyword.

I keep everything I want to myself because I feel locked, limited. Even my thought mechanism is “fixed”. I take other people’s feelings into consideration so much that I ignore my own.

I’m afraid to express what I feel.

Feel without power and i live melancholia, sadness and a great tiredness.

I think that I am destined to fail, which prevents me from moving forward.

I developed an inferiority complex and am very afraid.

I can have the feeling that life is very unfair, living a great inner emptiness and a lot of melancholy. I cannot act for myself, I show a lot of authority towards others and I try to make decisions for them. Since I hide from everyone what bothers me; I become aware that it is urgent for me to express my needs. I accept ¯© learn to communicate my needs and understand that it is possible to do so without the other person feeling attacked. Authorizing myself to be myself, I recover the joy of living and consequently, a renewal of energy. My understanding of others is greater because I express myself and understand myself better.

Swollen belly (see also: STOMACH / /GAS)

The belly swelling are due to a swelling air or water at stomach and belly level. They are linked to a frustration affective, to the feeling of being dissatisfied on the affective level.

Say feeling because it is a creation of my mental, brain impression that my stomach always wants more, that I want even more attention and affection.

I can’t really see what life gives me that is so good.

I sincerely verify at what point I am really emotionally fulfilled.

It is always a matter of inner perception.

Now I am aware that life gives me exactly what I need in the present moment.

I agree to “be” a smiling person, to live and see the beautiful sides of life and to remain open…

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel

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