Definition: Diffuse inflammation of the subcutaneous connective tissues (fatty tissue cells).

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of aesthetic devaluation.

sympathicotony: In the active conflict phase there is ulceration of the fat in the area.

vagotonia: In the conflict repair phase, the lipoma appears to fill the area

Biological sense: Rewrite the fatty tissue of the hypodermis to improve the silhouette. Cellulite occurs in the active phase or in pending healing.

Conflict: Silhouette conflict.

Conflict of aesthetic devaluation regarding a part of the body judged as non-aesthetic by oneself. It is a localized silhouette conflict

It is also a conflict of fear of commitment with anger or anger.

Fear of being abandoned while breastfeeding. Also in childhood

Conflict in relation to emotions that I reject in myself, conflict of resentment kept.

Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


Cellulite is sometimes characterized by inflammation of the cutaneous or subcutaneous cell tissue. Cellulite is usually feminine in nature (although it is possible in men) and is manifested by water retention and an increase in the irregular distribution of toxins and fat on the buttocks, legs, abdomen, neck, back, etc. .

Cellulite is linked to anxieties, aspects of myself that I retain, repressed emotions, regrets and resentments that I keep. It is linked to the commitment towards myself – myself or another person.

I fear fully committing to the person I love and refuse to go forward. This fear may have its origin in an event in which I experienced an abandonment. I refuse to contemplate a certain part of my youth, because I was frequently hurt and marked by certain traumatizing experiences that still attack me today and that stop my creativity and my child’s heart.

Cellulite is found more in women than in men because I, as a woman, start to worry about my appearance very young, with my silhouette that I want to be perfect according to society’s norms. The aesthetic aspect is excessively important. I check what are the feelings that prevent me from going forward and I agree to slowly integrate them into my daily life.

Source: The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel


Cellulite is the result of an alteration in the circulation of the fat layer. Adipose tissue accumulates in certain areas of the body, forming dimples and fat nodules that modify and alter the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Usually, the appearance of the cellulitis to various hormonal disorders related to the climacteric, pregnancy or taking contraceptives, as well as an inadequate diet, slowing of blood circulation and genetic inheritance.

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The cellulitis it is much more common among women than among men. It is estimated that approximately 85-98% of women present after puberty with some degree of cellulitis. It is more common in women due to a hormonal factor, since progesterone and estrogen (female hormones) favor fluid retention and the accumulation and irregular distribution of toxins and fat in the buttocks, legs, abdomen and back.


compact or hard cellulite: The skin offers a hardened and grainy appearance, and can even be painful. Due to the strong pressure generated by this type of cellulitisIt is common for stretch marks to appear on the skin. It is located mainly on the outer side of the thighs and on the inner side of the knees. It is distinguished very well because it is difficult to pinch. It produces temperature changes that cause sensations of heat or cold in the affected areas. It occurs mainly in young women with a strong physical structure. This type of cellulitis It is the worst because its treatment and elimination are very complicated.

White or flaccid cellulite: It is the most common, the one that presents that typical appearance of orange peel. The affected areas show a gelatinous and flaccid appearance. It is located mainly in thighs, buttocks, abdomen, back and arms. Unlike the cellulitis hard, it is not painful. It normally occurs after the age of 40 in women with sedentary habits or who have suffered sudden changes in weight due to diet or illness. Sometimes the cellulitissoft causes an annoying sensation of heaviness.

edematous cellulite: Appears, above all, in young women. It can become painful. It occurs mainly in the legs, which appear visibly swollen both due to fluid retention and venous insufficiency. It also affects thighs, knees and calves. The cellulitis edematous is the least frequent and also the easiest to treat and control.

Cellulite evolution phases

If we look at the degree of development of the cellulitiswe consider four phases of evolution:

initial cellulite: It manifests itself in youth. In this phase, the skin is still smooth, but it is already beginning to show slight swelling due to fluid retention. Symptoms begin to be observed such as: heavy legs, a progressive loss of elasticity in the skin and a thicker appearance to the touch in the affected areas. In this phase, the cellulitis it is easily reversible.

visible cellulite: At this stage, the cellulitis it is clearly identifiable on the legs. The blood circulates incorrectly. Further vascular dilation is observed, and serum leaks from the capillaries into the subcutaneous tissue. Pain on palpation in the affected areas is now added to the symptoms of the initial phase. Stretch marks and varicose veins appear. There is a tendency to obesity. In this phase, the cellulitis it may still be reversible.


highly visible cellulite: This is the phase, without a doubt, most hateful. The characteristic “orange peel” makes its appearance in an evident way. Cellular metabolism is disturbed and micronodules are formed. The skin acquires a rough, dry and cold touch. Superficial and deep varicose veins begin to be observed. There is a loss of sensitivity. Normally, this phase corresponds to the pre-menopausal period. Reversibility is difficult and requires time and extensive treatments.

pathological cellulite: At this stage, the cellulitis already presents a pathological picture. The skin takes on a padded appearance and takes on a bluish hue; it becomes hard and cold to the touch. The union of the micronodules that appeared in the previous phase now forms macronodules. It normally corresponds to the post-menopausal period. In this phase of evolution, the cellulitis is not reversible and classical medicine recommends the only solution liposuction (surgical removal of excess fat).

BioNeuroEmotion and Cellulite

We are used to hearing that cellulite prevention or treatment must consist of a correct combination of a balanced diet and regular physical exercise, such as running or going up and down stairs. Of course, these habits are always healthy and recommended; but, as we will see, they do not prevent the appearance of the cellulitis nor do they guarantee its disappearance by not attacking the symptom from its root. Not even surgical solutions such as liposuction definitively resolve this condition. Often, the accumulation of fat ends up appearing sooner or later. Because? Where, therefore, is the key to preventing the appearance of cellulitis or to make it disappear?

The work of a therapist of BioNeuroEmotionBiodecoding part of the fact that symptoms or illnesses are a message from our unconscious about the existence of one or more emotional conflicts that have not been closed or adequately “digested”. The unconscious expresses through our body the active unconscious emotional conflicts; conflicts or situations that have generated trauma, fear, stress and pain. Many times we believe them forgotten or surpassed; but it is not like that because our unconscious archives them as a survival measure so that we can continue living without collapsing. Exposure to emotional circumstances similar to those in which the original trauma occurred will cause our unconscious notify us and activate our biology to warn us – in the form of a symptom or disease – that the emotional conflict is still active.

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As we have seen, the cellulitis it is much more common among women than among men, especially for social and cultural reasons. In modern societies, too much importance is attached to the aesthetic aspect. Since adolescence, the woman pays more attention than the man to her physical appearance to obtain the silhouette perfect according to fashion or social norms. In people with cellulitis It is very common to have a aesthetic devaluationabout a part of your own body. It’s about a silhouette conflict localized in which the person reaffirms himself every time he looks in the mirror. That aesthetic devaluation It almost always has its origin in situations of the past that were experienced as a grievance or humiliation. The biological response is to increase in size to appear strong and confident, although, at the same time and paradoxically, oneself hates their own appearance when looking in the mirror. Thus, the silhouette conflict generates devaluation, pessimism and low self-esteem.

The appearance of the cellulitis it also responds to situations and conflicts of accumulated anger and self-punishment. The affected person bears and anxiously observes various aspects of himself and her life; harbors repressed emotions and holds resentments about past episodes.

Other times, the cellulitis it highlights situations and experiences of fear of abandonment or rejection lived in the past, mainly during infancy or childhood. The person refuses to contemplate that part of his childhood or youth that he associates with the traumatizing experience. In the wild, the newborn remains attached to its mother for safety. When we feel abandoned (real or symbolically) we are defenseless and we are invaded by the feeling of being in danger. Death and danger lurk so that the person (biologically and instinctively) tends to generate food reserves and store fats because he does not know when he will eat again. Likewise, the feeling of abandonment and danger will cause the renal ducts to close to retain water inside the body, essential for survival.

The cellulitis It affects people who hold back, who don’t trust themselves and worry too much about the opinion of others about their physical appearance. People, therefore, easily influenced who limit the expression of their creativity, hiding the emotions inside so that others do not notice it.

In therapy of BioNeuroEmotion – BioDecoding, analyzes all the aspects and nuances related to the cellulitis to find the hidden emotion that has generated the conflict. It’s about being aware of…