Biodecoding of Hemorrhoids: Emotional Meaning


Definition: Varicose veins (venous inflammation) located in the rectum and anus. Some lumps appear Pad-like pain in the anus and bright-colored blood in the stool.

Technical: 1st and 4th Embryonic Stage.

vagotonia: Varicose veins appear in the conflict repair phase.

Conflicts to drop piece.

Identity conflicts.

The external varicose veins are related to conflicts of contact and identity (4th Stage) while the internal ones to conflicts of letting go of piece and territory (1st Stage).

Biological sense: Hemorrhoids are varicose veins in the anus. There is a need to improve irrigation there where my sensitive part rests when I sit down (my identity, my place). A varicose vein appears on the repair phase of a conflict of veins (devaluation in the family and dirt that there is to clean) and in the anus (active phase of an identity conflict). In the active phase they ulcerate to increase the venous channel that carries the blood to be cleaned, and is in the repair phase that twist and varicose veins appear.

Conflict: Conflict of identity and territory marking (anus), lived in feminine (brain right).

The conflict of territory in relation to the year is equivalent to: “Where do I put my ass”.

The keyword is “my place” Where do I sit? Do I know where my site is?

The hemorrhoids of the pregnant respond to the unconscious thought of doubting your place: “What will my place be now that the child is coming?”.

Conflict of rage for the past, with great fear of letting go due to the sensation of still carrying many loads (of dirty territory and family) and not being able to handle them: «They give me up the ass and This may continue if I don’t watch.

They appear in the curative phase of the territorial conflict, that is: “when the site is found”.

Fear of being abandoned by the mother or mourning not done with respect to the mother.

See also  Left Eye: Illnesses and Biodecoding Spiritual Meaning

I don’t want to come home (blood family), it sucks to come home and….

Internal hemorrhoids: “Here I can’t let go of the piece (the dirty thing they did to me and still sorry), it is not my territory”.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


The hemorrhoids They are varicose veins, widened dilations of the veins, a kind of blister. They are located in the region of the anus and rectum. Given that the hemorrhoids can occur in cases of constipation, high pressure, pregnancy, I am going to check these diseases if I live one or situations that are linked to them. When there is pain, this is related to stress; when there is hemorrhageis related to a loss of joy.

The hemorrhoids They indicate a tension and an inner desire to force the removal, as if trying to force something out; at the same time, the action of holding is manifested. The conflict between pushing and holding creates an imbalance. The veins allow us to suppose a situation indicating an emotional conflict between the action of rejecting and rejecting and the action of wanting to retain and block the emotion inside. For example, this conflict can arise in children who feel emotionally abused by their parents (who want to reject them) and who, despite everything, love them and want them to stay with them. Other causes are related to hemorrhoids: an intense feeling of guilt or an old bad or unexpressed tension, which I often prefer to keep to myself and that I live in front of a person or a situation that “breaks my ass”.

The body warns me with this signal.

Something in my life needs to be “cleared”. Surely I live stress, pressure overload in relation to which I feel guilty.

Perhaps I have deadlines to respect and I have great difficulty letting go, building trust and I may feel obligated to fulfill my obligations and responsibilities even if what I want is to speak and express my needs to rectify or adjust some situations.


Also, I carry this weight only because the pride that I live will incite me not to ask anyone for help.

I may also experience a feeling of submission in relation to a person or a situation in which I feel diminished, as if I were a nullity.

When I find the metaphysical cause of my ailment, I become aware and accept this temporary situation that will help me find help to free myself.

My thoughts and my actions are sustained by love.

Everything harmonizes in me and the hemorrhoids they disappear.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel

Biological decoding of hemorrhoids

Commonly associated with episodes of constipation, slow intestinal flow, and dry stools, biological decoding reveals that hemorrhoids actually represent a conflict of identity. Literally, the anorectal area symbolizes the place where one fits, where one feels comfortable. They are people who harbor doubts about their real identity and about the recognition of that identity by others, in a climate of rage for the past, for something they experienced and felt as an affront that is still alive in her mind. In addition, there is a tendency to repress the expression of that feeling of not being recognized. There is a lack of recognition that the affected person keeps inside without expressing himself about it. That uncertainty is lived in silence, isolated.

In short, they are territory marking conflicts since they always manifest in the anorectal area. The person with hemorrhoids consciously or unconsciously suffers from the impossibility of taking her place. She feels that she cannot assert herself and be recognized for what she considers to be her true identity, especially with regard to family, work and society.

When the hemorrhoids are bleeding, the maternal figure comes into play and then we must value and take into account nuances and feelings such as the fact of not being able to position ourselves in life without the mother or permanently needing her presence and opinion. The inability to let go, to let life flow without clinging to stages of childhood in which there were possibly affective deficiencies, is once again present, as we can see; but which, of course, belong to the past and will no longer return.


If the bleeding that accompanies hemorrhoids is internal, the hidden conflict has the meaning of “dirty”, of an insult that we have suffered without having been able or willing to respond viscerally. On the other hand, when it is an external hemorrhage, the conflict is fully related to identity.

Facing the healing of hemorrhoids from the BioNeuroEmotion It implies becoming aware that they express a pressure generated by emotional states and fears that the affected person does not allow themselves to talk about and that, obviously, they try to hide. Undoubtedly, this repression becomes a burden that increases the problem. The person creates added pressure, too much is demanded. In the background, there is material insecurity and a difficulty in making decisions.

Paradoxically, the more pronounced this internal attitude of insecurity is, the more likely it is that episodes of hemorrhoids will appear and if they already exist, they will worsen. You don’t have to force yourself or demand to “do” or “have” to alleviate or neutralize that feeling of insecurity. On the contrary, the essential thing is to learn to “let go”, to acquire more confidence in oneself. And, of course, do not hold back the words, express what you feel, giving yourself the right to have fears and doubts.

in therapy BioNeuroEmotion, the awareness of the unresolved conflict – making the unconscious conscious – is necessary and essential as a first step. Then, work to change the toxic beliefs and emotions associated with the conflict, either through Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), eriksonian hypnosis, clinical hypnosis or a simple relaxation, provides a fast, effective and definitive cure.

Jesus Casla

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