Spine: Biodecoding Meaning of Spine Diseases

Your spine is the axis of your being, the column that supports and lifts you up, a tree of life in your own garden, a symbol of strength, balance and connection.

It is a path that stretches from the root of your being, to the top of your head, carrying energy and vitality, a monument of your growth and evolution, a source of wisdom and understanding.

It is a channel of communication between the mind and the body, a tool to listen to your needs and desires, a means to release tension and resistance, and a way to embrace the fullness of being.

Your spine is a constant reminder that you are on a path of transformation, a bridge between the past and the present, and a symbol of constant renewal.

It is a metaphor for the connection between heaven and earth, an embodiment of grace and elegance, a means to dance and move with life, and a monument to the beauty and power of your existence.

If you keep your spine erect, you allow energy to flow throughout your being, and allow this axis to remind you that you are a being of light and connection.

▸ The spine represents support, protection and resistance. It supports and protects you in all situations of life.

The spine also symbolizes your most fundamental and spiritual energy. It represents your flexibility and your resistance to the different events of your life.

Spinal deviations (scoliosis, lordosis, etc.) are linked to the deep part of your energy system.


During a blockage, physical pains appear. Feelings of helplessness, a weight that is too heavy to carry, an affective or unsatisfied emotional need,…, make you feel attacked in your solidity and in your capacity for resistance. Do you have the feeling that you are the pillar within your family, your work or in any situation or organization in which you are involved? What would happen if you were no longer here, in this world? Do you think it would all collapse?

The spine is linked to all the different aspects of your being, through the central nervous system and through the central blood supply.

Every thought, feeling, situation, response and sensation is recorded in the spinal column and in the corresponding parts of the body.

Back pain refers to the first phases of conception, to basic needs and to the most fundamental structure of the being. It is important to take the time to analyze which region is affected and identify the cause of the blockage.

The affected vertebra (, , , ) can give you more information.

According to the western classification, 33 vertebrae are counted starting at the top:

7 (from Latin brain which means ‘nape’), rather thin It is the region where worry accumulates and suffers from mental inflexibility (neck). It also refers to communication, your degree of openness towards life and your own value on an intellectual level.

12 (from Latin dorsum which means ‘back’), rather thick It is the region of the heart energy center. It is a region of emotional and affective guilt.


5 (from Latin lumbus which means ‘kidney’), stronger It is a part of the support system. Dolores in this region manifest the presence of material (work, money, goods) and affective insecurities.

5 (this word refers to what is inviolable or what commands great respect, in this case, it would be the place where the kundalini spiritual energy would come from), welded into two groups Related to the , and your own ability to sustain yourself.

5 that are soldered together They represent your dependence on life or on another person, your security with respect to your basic needs, survival: a roof, food (physical, emotional and sexual), clothing, ..

Both the spinal cord and the meninges are contained within the spinal canal, or spinal canal, which runs through the center of the spine. The vertebrae protect the .

Do you think it is possible to agree to stay open to the cause of the blockage and integrate the changes in a more harmonious way?

A fracture of a vertebra is generally the result of an inner rebellion, a reaction of mental inflexibility linked to .

Lordosis (physiological curvature of the spine that hollows forward) shows that you have difficulties holding yourself upright because you have what you are, because you do not love yourself as you are.

A displaced disc reveals that you don’t feel supported, you don’t believe you’re up to it, and you lack . And in general, a deviation of your spine symbolizes a resistance to fully living your life.

We all have a role to play in the universe.

What would it be like to learn to live in the present, that is, ‘one day at a time’, and to listen to your inner voice, which is always, always there to support and guide you?


Rebuild the person you want to be.

Decrypt the disease, decode your reality.

Your personalized response through soul reading, the most unmistakable way to become aware and find answers.

The alternative is taking .

Annex – The spine and your posture

Your posture at work also reflects your attitude towards life. Be aware of your body postures.

Consequences of a bad posture (in front of the computer):

neck and shoulders: A bad position (due to the use of the telephone, …) causes an abnormal curvature of the neck, headache and contractures (, …).

: The dorsal vertebrae attack the rhomboid muscles located between the spine and the shoulder blades.

: The use of the mouse causes inflammation of the tendons and pressure on the nerves of the and . Wrist pains and, and cramps.

Ergonomics source: