Definition: Articulation between the coxal bone of the pelvis and the head of the femur. It is therefore the union between the trunk and the lower extremities.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage.

Four conflicts: Opposition conflict. Gallbladder conflict. Symbolic incest conflict. Family secret conflict.

Biological sense: The function of the hip is to transport the body and its organs in balance. It allows us to stand, endure and move forward. The main function of an injury or hip problem is to “stop the fight”. It is the first joint that gives way in a frontal confrontation between bulls or deer, for example.

Conflict: Archaic “Hold Your Position” Conflict.

In a young person: «I want to fight and I can’t, but I am active in the fight». In older person: “I can’t fight and I bear the fight passively”

The hip counts 4 important conflicts:

2) From Gallbladder, energetic.

3) Of symbolic incest.


1) Opposition conflict: Two people oppose or face each other. In fighting conditions we adopt a position to resist in our place that forces the hip. A real opposition would be: “I oppose someone”, a symbolic opposition: “I do not have the same political ideas as…”. An active opposition would be: “I am here and I fight.” Passive opposition: “I don’t want to go there, but I can’t resist or do anything else” or “I can’t fight”.


2) Gallbladder: Energy conflict: Cholera, anger and repressed rage. rancor and injustice

in a context of opposition


3) Symbolic incest: Memories of touching, abuse, rape, etc. (in the life of the person or in the transgenerational). And also relationships of direct incest (with brothers or very close relatives) or symbolic (“it is as if it were my sister, my father, my mother, etc.”)


4) The Family Secret: Something that has never been said. It may be unconscious but follow the secret in the clan. Search transgenerational.

Conflict of being knocked down from below (ultimate blow)

Conflict of great sexual devaluation in the sense of impotence to have children.

narrow hips: Incest memory. Sexual relationship in which it is imperative that no baby comes out.

Wide hips: “I must ensure that my son does not lack anything and has the best at his disposal.”

Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

HIPS (see also: PELVIS)

They carry my body in perfect balance and are located between the pelvis and the femur. My hips allow my legs to move to push my body forward. They determine if I go forward or not. They represent my basic beliefs against what they are or what they should be id. previous note.

Femur: long bone that runs along the thigh and forms its skeleton. my relations with the world. The pelvis and the hips form a whole, and thus represent the fact of throwing myself into life. Therefore, the hips will also represent my level of determination to progress in life.


I accept to move forward with joy and confidence in life, knowing that everything is experience to help me discover my inner riches..


It is in the hips that the movement of the legs begins, that is, walking. The legs are used to move freely. I can hold myself back from going forward. Hence the indecision to move forward in life. Due to hip problems, my body indicates a certain rigidity to me: therefore I experience inflexibility in the face of a situation or a person. This can come from a situation in which I have felt betrayed by someone or abandoned and this has affected me so much that I reconsider my relationships with others.

Plus, I’m happy to set “new rules” to protect myself from being hurt again. I can have a concern for the future: therefore, I feel anguish when I have to make an important decision because I can have the feeling that I am not going anywhere or that I will never get anywhere. When my hips hurt, my body sends me a message.

It helps me develop my conscience so that I can move forward in life with confidence and security, and it teaches me to be more flexible in the way I make decisions, thus ensuring a better future.

When there is pain, there is some guilt. This is how a pain in the hips or hips that do not want to move, can indicate that I block my sexual pleasure due to fear or guilt. I can even experience impotence on a sexual level as well as my ability to accept myself as I am, with my tastes, my desires, my pleasures.

I will be sexually and emotionally disturbed, thus preventing my hips from functioning normally. This impotence can also be experienced in the fact that I do not feel capable or I no longer feel capable of taking my place and opposing someone or something.

This situation forces me to reflect on the limits I give myself. I am in balance and walk through life with confidence and serenity.

I appreciate life for everything it makes me experience at every moment. I learn to live in balance with these experiences.

Source: The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel



What is it?: The hip is the joint where the thigh bone meets the pelvic bone. The hips are ball-and-socket joints and are known as ball-and-socket joints because the ball-shaped upper end of the thigh bone (femur) moves within a socket in the pelvis. The hips are very stable.

When they are healthy, it takes a lot of force to hurt them. However, sometimes sports, running, overuse, or falls can lead to hip injuries.


These injuries include: Strains Bursitis Dislocations Fractures Some diseases can also lead to injuries or problems with the hips. Osteoarthritis can cause pain and limit movement. Osteoporosis in the hip causes the bones to become weak and break easily. Both pictures are common in elderly people. Treatment for hip problems may include rest, medicine, physical therapy, or surgery, including hip replacement.

What emotional conflict am I experiencing?:

The first thing we are going to tattoo in our mind is the following:

“All bone problems are ALWAYS due to a devaluation conflict.”

Always always always.

And obviously, each bone, depending on the area of ​​the body where it is located, will assign the corresponding tone of devaluation. It will not be the same damaged bone for a work devaluation, that for a sports devaluation, an intellectual devaluation or a devaluation of a couple. And, furthermore, the way in which I myself live or resent said devaluation.

With this more than clear, we continue.

The hip is a bone that due to its location, close to the genital and sexual organs, indicates that the main devaluation is affective devaluation.

Therefore, the area of ​​my life that I must necessarily review to solve my hip problem is the affective, sexual, reproductive, passionate, and loving part. And in case it’s related, my work life.

Also remember that “moments of emotional impact” must be sought to determine the onset of the symptom. All osteoporosis is an “active phase” of emotional conflict.

Therefore, of the stories below, you should look for the one most similar to the one in which you “felt” a shock, sadness, great pain, great disappointment, etc.

– My partner told me that I was not good in bed.

– My sexual life is over, I am no longer of age for such things.

– I am widowed and no longer have a sexual life.

– Since my divorce I have not had relations with anyone.

– I have not been able or never was able to give my husband children.

– No matter how hard we try, I can’t get pregnant / get her pregnant.

– I’m not good or good, I don’t feel capable of being good or good at sex.

– He cheated on me, he changed me for another or another, surely I am not attractive to him or her.

– I never managed to get married, no one ever noticed me.

– They fired me from work because I was old, they didn’t give me the job because I was old.

– They retired me and my partner now does not tolerate me at home.

And of course it doesn’t need to be something extraordinarily dramatic, but perhaps I have experienced it that way, perhaps it was or is something really important to me.


There are also stories that can damage the hip, but that are in a tone, in a less sexual or reproductive tone, and that go more on the intimate side, such as:

– I do not want my partner to know that I suffer from impotence

– I do not want my partner to know that I suffer from incontinence

– I do not want my partner to know that I cannot have children

Now let’s look at the specific conflicts of specific areas of the bone:


– I feel unable to have a baby. – I feel unable to get pregnant.

– I feel incapable of carrying a pregnancy to a happy term.

– I live in incest (real or symbolic).

– I suffered from incest (real or transgenerational by a double of mine).

– I enjoy my sex life but I can’t get pregnant, I shouldn’t.

– I am not good or good at sex.

– I lead a sexual life that I consider dirty.

– They force me into a dirty sexuality.

– I lead a forbidden, immoral sexual life.

– My mother overprotects me, she doesn’t let me be.

I am afraid that my partner will leave me.


Coccyx-Femur Articulation:

– I refuse to put up with sexuality like that.

– I resist not having a sex life.

– I can’t with so much sex or with so little sex.

I’m opposed to having sex like that.

– I don’t tolerate that sexual position.

And since we can then, suffer or suffer from the hip, or know someone whose hip hurts, it already gives us an idea of ​​the type of conflicts that are being experienced.

Hip problems in women tend to appear more frequently after menopause, when they no longer feel sexually attractive, when they no longer feel valuable to the opposite sex.

It is also common in women to suffer from hip problems when they have been separated, divorced or widowed and not because they no longer have a sexual life, but because they no longer feel capable of being “useful” or “valuable” to another person of the opposite sex. .

So, in the event of any hip problem, it will be necessary to review, as always, our entire life, review who we live with and what happened just before I presented discomfort.

Now, and this is important:

“We will never have any discomfort in the bones, in the active phase of the emotional conflict”, the bones do not cause discomfort.

It is until we have resolved the emotional conflict, that the brain sends the order to strengthen the bone, repair it, that we will present pain and discomfort.

But be careful, if I am going from active conflict to resolved conflict over and over again, if I am not aware that I am damaging my hip with my attitudes, with my character, with my way of thinking or acting, I will remain with it. ..