Definition: Fear of open spaces, crowds, public contacts.

Basically there is a fear of not being in control of the situation, of not having an escape route. in case of emergency. It often causes panic and anxiety.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Conflict of fear of dying and of control, of territory and, in origin, prisoner conflicts and high demands. Mom conflict. Conflict transgenerational and meaningful project.

Biological sense: It is the response to a message recorded during pregnancy: “Going out is dangerous, I must stay in my safety zone.”

Message that is confirmed in the first years of life in which it is necessary to “not let your guard down” to survive.

Conflict: Conflict in the mother’s womb. “I am fine in my mother’s womb, but I perceive a great danger outside”.

Troubled family environment.

There is an excess of responsibility in agoraphobics.

During life’s learning (childhood) they had to take too much responsibility for something or someone (usually the mother). “I don’t get into situations I can’t control”, “If something happens, no one will be able to help me”.

Conflicts related to the cold.

A death in the cold or from the cold. Or someone caught out in the cold.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


The agoraphobia comes from the Greek words AGORA (meaning public plaza) and PHOBUS (fear). It’s the panic of the crowd and also to be afraid of him. It is strongly linked to a fear unconscious to death. If I am affected by agoraphobiaI am probably a very sensitive person, receptive at various levels (especially psychic. At the level of my thoughts, at the mental level.) and endowed with a very fertile imagination. I am very dependent on the emotional level and I have not really cut off the maternal bond(s).

I have difficulty discerning my true self from what I am creating on the psychic plane, that is, thought-forms, which feeds my anxieties.


I am similar to one sponge: I absorb the emotions of others (especially fears) without discerning, filtering or protecting what belongs to me from the rest, and I increase both my fears and those of others. Therefore, I have a tendency to withdraw into myself – myself, to feel responsible for everything, to communicate very little except with the person in whom I have enormously confidentwith whom I sit in security: I isolate myself for fear of straying from this form of security. I can even think of being affected by madness and I must stop believing this as soon as possible.

It is easy for me to control all this in a place where I am in complete safety. However, as soon as I put this one down, everything collapses! I was distressed by everything, as if my fears invaded me to the point of having the feeling of losing control!

As soon as an experience stimulates me too strongly (birth, accident, death, catastrophe), I run the risk of delving even deeper into my anxieties (noises, people, etc.) without ever finding any lasting situation, from which the expansion of the agoraphobia. In addition, my level of criticism is high because I live a lot of insecurity, I have little confidence and I believe that things and situations are not going as well as I would like: therefore, critical.

The agoraphobia sometimes implies a conflict with my mother, whom I criticize constantly. I must change my attitude right now.

I agree my fears one by one, such as they are, because I know they poison my life, but they can also make me progress!

I learn to love and accept myselfto love my maternal and protective side (mother), to build myself a physical and inner universe full of happiness, without criticism or dependency.

I also have the advantage of expressing myself in my verbal communication and my creativity.

I must overcome the fear of “losing my place” and be in harmony with myself!


I remain responsible for my happiness, even if I tend to believe that I determine both the happiness and misfortune of others.

I agree take risks and anticipate my fears that stop my creative power. This will help me to better control my life and my inner impulses. A balanced and active sexuality will have the advantage of making me let go of this emotional fixation linked to the mental plane.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel.


Physical lock: This phobia is an unhealthy fear of open spaces and public places. The person suffering from agoraphobia suffers from anxiety and anguish to the point of feeling panic. This distressing situation produces physiological reactions that can cause panic; cognitive reactions and behavioral reactions.

Emotional block: The fear and sensations experienced by the person with agoraphobia are so strong that they make them avoid situations from which they cannot escape. For this reason he needs to find someone who will become the safe person for him to date and he also needs a safe place where he can hide. There are even those who do not go out at all. They always find a good reason for it, even when the catastrophes they anticipate never happen. Most of these patients were highly dependent on her mother during her childhood, feeling responsible for her happiness or helping her in the role of her mother. One way to help them is to resolve their maternal situation on an emotional level.

Mental block: The two great fears of those who suffer from agoraphobia are the fear of dying and the fear of madness. These fears arose in childhood and the patient experienced them in a situation of isolation. A favorable situation to develop agoraphobia is the death or madness of a relative. It is also possible that the person who suffers from it was on the verge of dying as a child, or that the fear of madness or death was transmitted in their family environment. The patient experiences this fear of dying at all levels, even when they are not aware of it. He does not think he is capable of facing a change in the terrain, because it would represent a symbolic death. This is why any change makes him experience moments of great anguish that accentuate his state. These anxieties and fears can be unconscious and remain hidden for many years until, one day, the patient reaches his mental and emotional limit, and, no longer able to control them, they become conscious and manifest externally.


The person with agoraphobia also has an overflow and uncontrolled imagination. He imagines situations out of reality and believes he is incapable of coping with these changes. This enormous mental activity makes him fear madness and he does not dare to talk about it with others. It is urgent that you realize that it is not about madness, but rather a sensitivity that is too great and mismanaged. If you have the aforementioned symptoms, you should know that what you feel is not madness and that it will not cause your death.

Simply, you were a child too open to the emotions of others, also believing that you were responsible for their happiness or misfortune. As a consequence, you became very sensitive in order to be able to be on the lookout and prevent the misfortunes of those around you. That’s why when you’re in a public place, you pick up on the emotions and fears of others. The most important thing is that you learn what true responsibility consists of. What until now, you have believed was your responsibility, is not, and it is also something very harmful for you.

Lisa Bourbeau

Video proposed by Jorge Wilcke

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