Definition: Inflammation of the skin due to infection of a hair follicle and tissue surrounding.

Technical: 2nd Embryonic Stage.

Protection conflict (by contact and separation). Anger and accumulated rage.

vagotonia: Repair phase of a conflict of great aesthetic devaluation.

Biological sense: See biological sense of acne. Add a connotation of protecting yourself before an unwanted contact in relation to the place where it appears.

The bacteria appear in the repair phase. In this case, a major repair is necessary that can be harmful, because if the previous devaluation has not been consistently overcome, the process can be reproduced.

Conflict: Conflict of protection against an attack. Accumulated rage from forced contact and unwanted or wanted and forced not to have. “I have been deprived of my freedom in a way unfair and unacceptable.”

Separation conflict and stain.

Repair of a conflict of aesthetic devaluation in relation to the affected area.

Furunculosis: Low and ugly blow behind our backs.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


A boil is defined as being an inflammation of the fur caused by a bacterium, characterized by a white mass of dead tissue. I have the one that someone or something poisons my existence and by repressing in the inside all my anger, my anxieties, I will be fed up and the excess will be manifested by one or more boils. Since the boils affect the furthe anger experienced is usually the result of a situation in which I was separate of someone or something that I appreciated and with which I can no longer have physical contact (by touch).

See also  addicted children

The place in my body where the boil give me one indication regarding the aspect of my life that arouses in me so much anger and about the reason why “this” boils inside me. For example, a boil on the left shoulder indicates frustration in relation to my family responsibilities and those of my partner. I may have the feeling that I am overloaded and that my spouse is not doing enough. I am interested in expressing the anger that I am experiencing and asking for help, if necessary, to avoid poisoning myself with boils.


Any boil indicates unspoken frustration. if it manifests at the level of my sexual organs, is it possible that I experience anger towards my spouse (or sexual partner) and the way in which sexuality is experienced (for example: I may be frustrated by the duration, the frequency, the intensity of our sexual relations )?

And if I don’t have a partner at the time the boilsI can live anger for the fact that I do not live my sexuality as I want, for not having a spouse.

Whatever my situation, if I have a spouse, it is important that I communicate my needs, my frustration so that we both make the necessary changes towards a more complete sexuality.

If I don’t have a partner, I accept my present situation as being the best at the moment.

By having a positive attitude, I increase my chances of finding a person with whom I can develop a beautiful relationship and who will know Satisfy me at all levels.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel


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