Attention Deficit

Definition: Difficulty in maintaining focus on a particular thought, action, or desire is known as Attention Deficit. It can be a symptom, whether occasional or related to a disorder (ADD or ADHD), rather than a standalone disorder.

Technical Details:

  • Occurs during the 4th Embryonic Stage.
  • Often linked to transgenerational conflicts and unresolved issues.

Biological Implication: The belief of “If I stay still, I die” is prevalent. This implies a need for constant movement, possibly stemming from a heightened perceptual and auditory sensitivity.

Conflict Root:

  • Rooted in transgenerational conflicts, often involving a deceased figure prohibiting stillness or stability.
  • Schizophrenic constellation in the hemispheric separation areas.
  • Involves experiencing multiple separation conflicts and conflicting orders.

Example: In a specific project, there was an excess of advice given to the mother about raising the baby.

Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


Hyperactivity is frequently observed in children with intense and constant activities. It is important to differentiate between dynamic behavior and hyperactivity. Hyperactive children tend to display turbulent, sometimes odd behavior.

It is a habitual way of ignoring surrounding situations and becoming overly engrossed in one’s own activities. This may be a way of rebelling against less encouraging or supportive realities, often rooted in unexpressed fears and inhibitions.

The link between hyperactivity and artificial additives like excess sugar, dyes, and fast food is established. These types of food may symbolize attempts by a father figure to compensate for love that may be lacking.

In cases of hyperactive children, it may signal a need for greater self-focus and introspection.

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As parents, exploring energetic treatments like relaxation, acupuncture, and homeopathy before resorting to medication is recommended. Hyperactivity may be a resonance with the internal child of the parent, indicating high tension or insecurity.

The Great Dictionary of Ailments and Diseases by Jacques Martel

What is hidden behind ADHD?

Despite being declared the most widely studied conduct disorder by the American Medical Association, the origin of ADHD remains relatively unknown. This lack of understanding contrasts starkly with the alarming number of children being medicated for this disorder.

The DSM-V defines ADHD as a behavior disorder with persistent patterns of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity before the age of 12. It interferes with functioning and development, characterized by behaviors related to inattention and hyperactivity.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that medication isn’t without consequences. Ritalin, introduced in the mid-50s, is an inhibitory medication aimed at calming hyperactivity. However, it’s often used to suppress difficult circumstances, masking the will of the individual.

Many experts argue that ADHD is an invented disorder, and medication may not be the appropriate solution. There is no conclusive evidence of a biological component to ADHD or the effectiveness of medication for treating this physical disorder.

Source: Angeles Wolder

Overview of Recumbent Syndrome (Salomón Sellam)

Recumbent Syndrome, as elucidated by Salomón Sellam, is a complex psychological condition that delves into the intricate interplay between the physical and emotional realms of an individual’s life. This syndrome, as proposed by Sellam, revolves around the concept of being in a state of repose or recline, both metaphorically and literally.

Sellam’s work on Recumbent Syndrome provides insights into how a person’s tendency towards reclining, both in posture and emotional disposition, may be indicative of underlying psychological struggles. By delving into the nuances of this syndrome, Sellam offers a unique perspective on how one’s bodily position and emotional state may be intertwined, shedding light on potential paths towards healing and self-realization.

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Ideally, Analyze the Sense Project

The Sense Project presents a unique opportunity to delve into the intricacies of sensory experiences and their profound impact on human cognition and behavior. Ideally, a comprehensive analysis of the Sense Project would involve a multidisciplinary approach, drawing from fields such as psychology, neuroscience, and cognitive science.

This analysis would aim to dissect the various components of sensory perception, including how sensory input is processed by the brain, how it influences decision-making and emotional responses, and how it ultimately shapes our perception of the world around us. Additionally, delving into the practical applications of the Sense Project and its potential implications for fields such as healthcare, education, and design would be crucial in fully understanding its significance.


Transgenerational phenomena encompass a broad spectrum of experiences, beliefs, and behaviors that are transmitted from one generation to the next. This concept recognizes that aspects of an individual’s experience may be influenced by the experiences of their ancestors. These influences can manifest in various ways, from deeply ingrained cultural traditions to more subtle psychological and emotional patterns.

In a psychological context, transgenerational experiences may involve the transmission of unresolved conflicts, traumas, or belief systems from one generation to the next. Understanding transgenerational dynamics is essential for unraveling the complexities of familial and societal dynamics and can be instrumental in fostering healing and personal growth. By recognizing and addressing transgenerational influences, individuals can gain deeper insights into their own behaviors and beliefs, ultimately leading to greater self-awareness and the potential for positive transformation.

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