Definition: Headache or discomfort in general that occurs in the tissues of the skull, bones, muscles, vessels, etc. Synonymous with the common “headache”.
Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of blame and control.
Biological sense: Primary headaches (without being linked to another disease) respond to the difficulty of solving a problem through the intellect.
As it is necessary to provide more nutrients to the brain, vasodilation occurs.
For secondary headaches see the meaning and conflicts of the disease that causes it.

Conflict: Conflict regarding brain activity
Guilt and control (excess or deficit) of a specific situation.
Elusive people, who live on dreams, without facing reality.
They settle into denial and repeat that nothing is wrong, that there are no problems, that it is not worth worrying about.
“I have problems, but it’s not that bad.”
“After all, it’s not that serious, it’s not worth worrying about”. Passionate people, who do not know how to contain themselves

Cerebral, intellectual and very mental people, Perfectionists, very demanding, with a desire to excel, who do not settle for anything

cluster headaches: Conflict of impotence and intellectual devaluation in the clan or in the group. “I devalued myself by putting up my face for someone from my clan”
Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

HEAD (pains of…)

There are several causes to Headaches. For example, stress and tension when I try as hard as I can “to be” a certain way or “to do” such a thing. He headache It appears frequently when I try too hard to do something or when I am obsessed with what is to come and worry about what awaits me in the future. I live in this moment a lot of anxiety and worry. This way I can react to strong pressures exerted by situations or events that surround me. I can live an intense feeling of failure, doubt, self-hatred that gives life to criticism and, above all, self-criticism. I’m caught, “boxed” in my head, I don’t like what I see, and I judge myself severely, giving myself – myself “bumps on the head”. He headache It can also come from denying and suppressing my thoughts and feelings that I think are unacceptable or disapproved of. Either I don’t have the courage to express them, or I simply don’t listen to them, because I rationalize, intellectualize everything I experience. “This is right, this is wrong!” Perhaps I want to understand too much, go too fast, want to know or have my questions answered right away. But the time perhaps it has not arrived yet and I must develop my patience and my confidence in that everything happens at the right time.

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He headache it also expresses negative emotions that are “caught in the trap”, in my head, such as insecurity, torment, excessive ambitions, the obsession to be perfect, which cause blood dilation. Finally, if I am afraid of facing a certain reality, I will be able to find another place to turn my attention and run away, this being the headache. A headache at the level of the forehead it will refer more to a situation in my work or linked to my social role but if it is located laterally (near the temples), it is rather my

emotional side (family, partner) that is involved. Whatever the cause, the headache it is directly linked to my individuality and I must learn to be more patient and flexible towards myself and others. “My ideas are becoming clearer”, and I am learning to give the place that corresponds to both my intellect and my emotions, in order to achieve balance. Then I will be more in harmony with myself, my head will feel freer and lighter.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel

What is it?:
The term headache refers to ALL pain and discomfort located in any part of the head, in the different tissues of the cranial cavity, in the structures that join it to the base of the skull, the muscles and blood vessels that surround the scalp. , face and neck.
Therefore, a headache is “a headache.”
The headache, then, can be an insignificant symptom, or depending on its degree of pain, a symptom of something more important that should be reviewed.
With this, we have the following types of headaches:

Tension headache:
It is the most common and the pain occurs throughout the head or in certain areas with a feeling that “something is pressing” the head. regularly. It is usually caused by muscle contractures, stress, anxiety, tiredness, fatigue, etc. It is an oppressive pain in a band that covers the entire perimeter of the skull.

It is a frequent headache and produces attacks of intense pain, characteristically affecting only the right or left half of the head. It may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and a throbbing sensation.

Headache in Clusters / Cluster / Histamine / Horton / Paroxysmal Hemicrania:
Much less frequent and in which extremely intense pain occurs.
They reflect a symptom of an organic condition, especially Horton’s disease, of some eye, ear, nose, and throat conditions, dental conditions, or rheumatology (cervical osteoarthritis). Sometimes they are produced by high blood pressure, carbon monoxide poisoning, certain medications (vasodilators, for example), fever, meningeal hemorrhage, meningitis, brain tumor, head trauma, post-traumatic brain hematoma. or to a brain aneurysm.

So, we basically have 3 types of HEADACHES:

1) Those of tension.
2) Those of constriction.
3) The symptomatic.

What emotional conflict am I experiencing?:

Biologically, our head represents what we are, what we think.
Our thoughts make us who we are.

Well, once this is known, we can conclude without much problem, that any headache, anyone, or headache, is telling us and indicating that something that we “think” is not right. That something of what “we are” is not right. That something we “do” is not right.

We could compare it with the slap that the “horse” needs to straighten the path.

Therefore, stories in which we seek to stop doing something or change what we are doing can lead to headaches:

– I’ve been under the sun all day and now I want to go.
– I’ve been driving for hours, I need to rest.
I don’t want to go to…
I don’t want to be with…
I don’t want to see…
I don’t want to know more than…

The main cause of most headaches is an emotion of “I don’t want to think anymore”. And of course, the degree of emotion, will be the pain.
They are a partial desire to “disconnect” from life, from a particular situation, from a particular person.
It seeks to stop thinking, analyzing, deciding. It seeks to “rest” mentally.

And although most headaches are due to what we are experiencing in the previous moment, there are many cases in which a birth memory may be involved.
Like the cases in which the mother’s pelvis is very narrow and the baby’s skull gets stuck, with this, the memory of “All this effort has pain as its end” is kept.


In the only headaches where the emotional histories change, are cluster headaches, (it could be any of them because it is the same emotion).

In these cases, the primary, unique emotion that must be sought and analyzed will be that related to “feeling powerless before the clan” or “feeling devalued before the clan.” Both cases, in the field of “intellectuality.” The way I think, act, my ideas, my ideals, my dreams, my goals, etc.

Obviously it will depend on my strength of character, my self-esteem and the confidence that I have, to “give in” to such an emotion and hurt myself so much or get out of the situation.

For me to have cluster headaches, I must look for stories in my life, in which I feel like the fool, the weak, the incapable, the poor thing and always similar to:

– For my parents, what I do does not matter.
– For my father, if I don’t study such a career, I’m a loser.
– My family does not believe that I can decide this or that.
– My family always decides for me.
– My family never trusts me.
– In my family neither my partner nor my children respect me.
– My mother says that my way of thinking is that of losers.
And something important, in the cases of cluster headaches, there may be a special event, which is also an extraordinary trigger:

– The fact that I have stood up for someone in my family and that thanks to that fact, I have felt little, worthless, weak, stupid.

I will need to consider if I stood up for someone in my family, if I fought with others over someone in my family, if someone made fun of me for doing something on behalf of the family or for someone in the family, etc.

With all this we are clear that more than the things that happen around me or with mine, it will be important “my way” of living things, of defending myself against what happened, of my strength to defend what I think, etc.

If I live everything from the role of victim, obviously the pain will be intense, strong, constant or permanent. It only depends on me and nothing else on me.
I must analyze in depth the type of relationship I maintain with the people around me, what I do on a daily basis, but above all, I must analyze whether I deserve to be devalued.
I must also be more aware that many situations are as they are and I must not suffer them, such as traffic, the sun, a hard day at work, a project. Because if I am one of the people who give up in the face of any setback, I get angry, I get stressed, well, I better get used to my pain and stop complaining.
The headaches do not come “just because”, they are indicating that “we want to get away from something”, so I have no choice but to look for that “something” that causes me the emotion of wanting to flee, escape, stop thinking, etc. .
Fountain; Akasha Comprehensive Healing


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