What really is resonance?

Resonance = Echo, vibration, repercussion, resonate.

Through the Law of Resonance we understand that everything in the universe communicates with each other through vibrations. All things and all living beings in the known world have their own vibration. The same happens with all the organs and cells of our body, and all matter. If we investigate the vibratory energy of matter, we will see that different targets oscillate at different frequencies, and some oscillate at the same or similar frequency to each other. We see this on the piano: if we press a note on the piano we will see that all the strings, when they resonate with the pressed note (that is, they recognize the pressed note and harmonize with it), enter into vibration. The notes may be higher or lower, but while they are in resonance they will vibrate. Other people, things or events cannot avoid the oscillation field that we create in ourselves, when they resonate with our created frequency.

Everything is bound to react with it. In the same way that the other strings of the piano, which resonate with the plucked string, cannot help but vibrate with that string, so people, things or events cannot help but vibrate when they are in the same plane of oscillation as we are. .

But what is the advantage that others feel led to oscillate with our energy? This is where the second basic statement of the Law of Resonance comes into play: Similar human characteristics attract each other. Everything that resonates with us will inevitably be drawn into our life, but this will not always be positive for us. For example, the vibration can be so strong that it destroys matter. An opera singer can cause a glass to break just by the timbre of his voice. Through space he directs the energy into the cup When the transported energy has the same vibration as the cup, that is, the same natural frequency as the molecular structure of the cup, the charge can reach such a magnitude that it breaks the cup into pieces . Obviously, we do not “break” like a glass. The so-called “negative” oscillation energy, which is part of us, can vibrate all sorts of areas inside us that we don’t want, or attract events into our lives that are unpleasant or perhaps even disturbing. For this reason, it is so important to know what our oscillation level is and what resonance field we consciously or unconsciously create.

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In 1993, for example, they wanted to investigate the power of feelings on the human body and focused on that part of our body that was believed to be responsible for the formation of feelings: the heart. Already from the first investigations, a most surprising, and absolutely puzzling, finding was made that had not been discovered before: the heart is surrounded by a powerful energy field, which has a size of about eight feet in diameter. You have to imagine this: the heart produces an energy field that is far greater than the energy field of the brain. Until now science had determined that the brain, with all its electromagnetic impulses, had the largest “radius of emission”. And now an energy field has been found that is infinitely greater, so strong that it goes far beyond the body itself. It is accepted that the energy field emanating from the heart actually has a radius even substantially greater than that measured, although the insufficient measurement systems available today do not allow for more accurate measurements.

As research continued, it was discovered that the electric and magnetic field emanating from the heart is not only created by our emotions, but receives its full force through another significant cause, that is, through our convictions, through of the things in which we deeply believe and on the basis of which we organize our lives. All this is found as information in the energy that our heart emits and will be transported with the maximum force of emission from our entire body, not only to our brain but to the world. There are many phrases in which the echo of this ancient truth can be found: “He protected his things with the strength of conviction”, “It is the desire of the heart”, “With the strength of the desire of the heart”, and naturally, “ With the voice of the heart”.

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The Law of Resonance always says yes. It always confirms your faith. It doesn’t contradict you. If, for example, you believe that your life does not work, or does not have any deep meaning, this will surely be confirmed. If you believe that a loving, deep and sincere relationship, money, inner and outer riches correspond to you, if you believe that your life has a deep and all-encompassing meaning, surely this will manifest in your life. Following the Law of resonance, nothing else can manifest. For energy it is basically the same as what you ask for, whether it is morally elevated or totally reprehensible, if it is useful to you, or if it hinders your life. The energy does not ask about morality and does not value. The energy reacts to each step according to the impulses you emit.

And what do you think? Your confidence is the force that decides everything. Make up your mind and organize your life properly. The most powerful energy we have at our disposal is the love. Fall in love with your desires! This creates the greatest positive energy. Can we influence with our mental strength a DNA that is far from us? Problems can never be solved with the same mental mechanism that has made them appear.

If we want to achieve the results we want, we should start by observing and controlling our thoughts, feelings and convictions, because everything we think or feel, EVERYTHING produces a resonant field.

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We are what we think. All we are is the result of our thoughts

As soon as we see ourselves as part of this world and not as something separate from it, we will have taken the first important step in attracting all our desires and desires into our lives. From now on, we will not abandon ourselves without thinking to any negative thought: we know that these thoughts also produce a resonant field, which unites with others and influences our life in a direction that we do not want. When we understand how we are united with everything, we will have access to the greatest force in the universe. When we modify the patterns of our certainties, our old, heavy convictions and our idea of ​​ourselves, then all those events and people that have vibrated up to now in this negative energy field in consonance with us will no longer be in consonance. that is, they will disappear from our lives. Instead, we will attract new experiences and other horizons to our environment that will vibrate with us through positive thinking.

Pierre Franckh

Excerpt from the book: The Law of Resonance

Image Source: haelanlifestream.com

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