Biodecoding of Autism

Definition: Autism or ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorders) involve behavior that excludes and separates the subject from reality in an attempt to withdraw into himself and into his own inner world. In ASD symptoms such as mutism (silence at certain times), affective withdrawal, absence of the ME in sentences, or difficulty looking into the eyes, especially when holding a conversation, can be observed.

Technical: 2nd and 4th Embryonic Stages. Conflicts of fear and anger in the territory.

Constellation of laryngeal mucosa (Fright, fear) and Stomach, pancreas and bile ducts (Territorial anger).

Transgenerational conflict or felt project.

Biological sense: Escape and over-control of the world and the environment, due to a constellation of territory that produces tremendous sensitivity.

It is essential to control at all times the relays that trigger territorial conflicts in a constellation before it breaks out and produces an imbalance that leaves us exposed. For this reason, the best solution is not to confront the dangers that the world offers at that level and to focus on the control and management of one’s own territory (physical, intellectual, creative, relational territory…).


Constellation: Conflict of fear or fright in relation to the Larynx, added to a conflict of anger and rage in the territory by the bile ducts (stomach and pancreas).

Family secret conflict with guilt. You have to look for everything in your visual field.

When he is active… (with the accentuated left hemisphere conflict or manic side) …he shows up in a more or less psychotic way, or he can be hyperproductive in his own world. It is observed in some artists and scientists. Combined with the mythomaniac constellation, it sometimes gives rise to exceptional writers

When the conflict in the right hemisphere (depressive side) is accentuated: “Passive” autism can range from a degree of total psychotic withdrawal to “normal” shyness.

In many cases it is the result of genealogical incest

The extent to which the Autistic Constellation manifests itself emotionally and mentally is determined by the magnitude of the conflicts involved.

-“I adhere to the family unconscious desire to be the one who presents the living proof of being the exile”

The autistic person remains blocked on a mental level: It constantly checks whether what it says is accurate or not, whether it’s smart and correct enough, checks, checks again, over and over again, until the brain decides it’s better not to communicate and keep quiet.

– We are in the world of the forbidden and secrets.

– Taking the lives of others because we cannot live our own.

– I have no right to make mistakes (it would be death).

– “The criteria that I must meet are so high that it is easier to retract in silence instead of having to be accountable to others (parents, teachers, authority,…)”.

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– “I am fleeing from a very painful situation in my environment”.

– “Ultimate refusal to face the physical reality of the outside world because I see my sensitivity mistreated”

The autistic person must resolve transgenerational conflicts almost always linked to tremendous secrets that will be tremendously repeated around them. Ending the autistic phase, getting out of the so-called “disease” only depends on the one who lives it, on no one else, and their exit will never be towards the dazed plane in which most people live, which is why they almost never

they find their way out. Autistic people are also great teachers for those around them because they show a true path that was lost in many cases long ago and of which they are not even aware.
Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

What is it?: Autism is a specific disorder in the management of information received by the 5 senses of the child. There is no physical disorder, but rather a different way of processing thought. The minor may present some slight problems coordinating certain movements, but it is not due to a delay in itself, but rather in the utility that he reasons, it is not necessary.

Autism, to finish soon, is considered within Biodecoding, as a sign of the family tree, that there are low and dirty secrets that have been kept for generations and, therefore, it is the tree itself that orders a “high to reproduction”, so that they become aware, so that stories change, so that they stop living in superficiality and live differently, in fullness of true love and understanding.

What emotional conflict am I experiencing?: For autism to occur in the family, in a family member, let’s repeat again, what a Schizophrenic Constellation means. Because autism is, biologically, a schizophrenic constellation.

To fully understand the causes of Autism, it is necessary to first understand what a Schizophrenic Constellation is in Biodecoding. As we already know in Biodecoding, a specific emotional impact impacts a specific area of ​​the brain and said area will always correspond to a specific organ or tissue that is damaged or that presents symptoms. Well then, a Schizophrenic Constellation will almost always represent that NOT only ONE emotional impact has occurred, but that two specific emotional conflicts have occurred simultaneously, affecting both cerebral hemispheres at the same time.

In this case: GRUDGE CONFLICT (gallbladder) + VIOLENT FRIGHTEN CONFLICT (larynx). A Schizophrenic Constellation will always present an alteration at the behavioral level. In the case of Autism, the person who lives this schizophrenic constellation is not the minor. To rule out the mother, it will be necessary to review the Sense Project and find out what she experienced emotionally from 6 months before conceiving. But what will certainly give birth in the case of autism is the Transgenerational.

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A complete and exhaustive review of the family tree, on the side of the father of the minor and the mother. This of course, is only valid for those people who have it, get it, work on it and investigate. And now with the tree, everything must be analyzed with complete impartiality. Most people think or feel that their life is good, it is healthy, with problems, yes, but the “normal” ones, and they do not give themselves the time to find out further. And the family tree can bring stories similar to the fact that one of my 4 great-grandparents or one of my great-uncles has been a womanizer and has cheated on a dozen women, leaving children everywhere. Or what if one of my 4 great-grandmothers or a great-grandaunt is the woman who cried tears of blood for an unhappy love. Or maybe one of my 8 great-great-grandparents or one of my great-great-uncles happened to murder several people at the time of the Revolution, and I don’t know it. Or perhaps I am a descendant of one of those murdered. And that, only manages to discover, investigating. Because only with these data, we will understand that the sum of: GRUDGE + VIOLENT FRIGHTENING does have a place in any family, no matter how decent, wealthy or educated it may seem. For this reason, and no matter how many times they turn their heads, understanding the cause of autism in their family will only be possible for a few. For others, experiencing autism up close will only be a sign that something bad has been experienced in the tree and it is time to change, to do justice, to understand that the only thing that really exists in this life is love. peace, honesty, sincere love, etc. Because the emotional impact has been of such magnitude that it has traversed generations and generations. And now, it’s resulting in a child with autism.

In the family tree then, we must look for stories similar to:

– Violations
– Incest
– Murders
– Tears
– Heartbreaks / Infidelities
– Lies, Betrayals
– Violence
– Mistreatment
– abandonment

Because in the biological unconscious, whether of the father or the mother of a minor with autism, the emotion of: “I must have a different child” has been stored. Their sperm and ovules already come loaded with information that frees the minor from belonging to or being equal to “the family.”

Therefore, a child is born who:

– It is but it is not.
– Coexists but does not get involved.
– Everything is perceived as beautiful and peaceful.
– Anything that breaks his peace, upsets him.
– Listen but do not speak.
– Your world is yours alone and no one can contaminate it.

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In the eyes of others, he is a “blocked” child, with adaptation problems, but he is radically the opposite. He is such a pure child, that he manages to bring out the deepest peace of the parents, or makes them explode and walk away. He is a child who comes to tell the world: if they love me well and if not, too. Depending on the degree of love, communication, honesty and tolerance of the family, the child may improve almost to the level of what we consider “normal”. Or, the child may decide to stay in his world because the family is not worth it. Nobody decides for him. The child will simply decide based on how the vibe is at home, the sincerity or sincere love with which the members treat each other and the state of energy consciousness of the people around them.

Source: Akasha Integral Healing

Autism is the ultimate refusal to face the physical reality of the outside world, which brings a form of withdrawal into my outside world in which the imaginary and ghosts reign.
I run away from a situation or my environment because it hurts too much, or because I see my sensitivity mistreated. My sorrow, my sadness or my despair are so great that I “cut off” from the physical while I continue to have this same physical body.

The outside world appears to me as hostile and threatening. The fact that I, as an autistic person, have voluntarily “enclosed” myself in my hermetic “bubble”, implies that I receive thousands of pieces of information a day that are “stored” and “guarded” in my inner world instead of exchanging them with other people. . I find myself in a black hole, a road that seems to me to have no exit.
I have the feeling that the criteria that I must achieve are so high that it is easier to withdraw into silence instead of constantly having to improve myself and having to “report” to others (parents, teachers, authority, boss, etc…. )
It is possible to treat this type of case, but the cures will be much more interior than exterior, assuming they exist.
In any case, my environment must be able to communicate from the inside (or the inner world) with me to lead me to connect again or more with the physical world.
Thus, by projecting myself into my inner world, you can make better contact with me and better recognize my needs and my fears so that I can then show the confidence and openness necessary to reconnect with the physical world.

Fountain: The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel
Image source: thesoundofthegrasstogrow

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