Biodecoding Meniere’s Syndrome Disease

Definition: Inner ear disease that presents with tinnitus (ringing noise) along with dizziness and vertigo.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Auditory separation conflict. Territory conflict.

Biological sense: It has the sense of preventing us from going in a bad direction (at the auditory level,

what we hear or don’t hear). See the biological meaning of the symptoms: TINNITUS, DIZZINESS, VERTIGO.

Conflict: Auditory separation conflict. I don’t get the good wordsexplanations or the silence that I would need.

Auditory aggression conflict. not wanting to hear moreI put up a wall and hide inside myself.

«I can’t stand hearing nasty things«.

Territory conflict. not bear hear how the enemy enters my territory.

Central conflict of the cerebellum. Fear for the future, makes me “vertigos”.

Take into account the associated conflicts of tinnitus and dizziness

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


What is it?:
Meniere’s syndrome or Meniere’s disease is a disease that affects the inner ear, caused by increased endolymph in the labyrinth or by inflammation of the labyrinth, characterized mainly by episodes of vertigo, which usually manifests very accompanied by tinnitus or tinnitus ( ringing in the ears) and hearing loss, with tinnitus and hearing loss prior to vertigo.
The vertiginous seizures almost always appear in sudden episodes that can last hours or days and are repeated periodically.
Hearing loss is fluctuating and evolves over the years to irreversible hearing loss or deafness. It was first described by the French physician Prosper Meniere in 1861; This is the first time that a lesion in the inner ear has been identified as the cause of a vertiginous seizure, that is, with a clear labyrinthine etiology and which manifests itself with the characteristic triad: rotatory seizure, hearing loss, and tinnitus.

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What emotional conflict am I experiencing?:

As we know, our entire balance system is in the ear. Therefore, there are some situations inside the ear, that is, physical, that can cause us to lose balance. In addition to this, we must take into account that listening to “unreal” sounds, to call them in some way, can also affect our balance.

Once this is clarified, we are going to analyze the situation from the biological point of view.

Vertigo itself symbolically represents “I no longer know what place I occupy.” But it is not so much an emotion of “feeling like a fish out of water”, rather it is more like a feeling of “I am not what I was before” (and that causes me to no longer have said place), either physically, before the sight of others, before the opinion that I have of myself.

This condition (vertigo) is usually very common among retirees, who have lost their place “at work” and feel without a place “at home”. Or in adults who carry too many responsibilities and no longer even know what their true role is.

But, let’s not forget something important, and that is that Meniere’s Syndrome also imposes an “ear problem”. Therefore, biologically, we must look for what “I don’t want to hear.”

“There is something that I am hearing, that I no longer want to hear, that I cannot bear to hear and that also makes me feel “out of place”. That’s Meniere’s Syndrome.

And faced with this situation, we must also interpret the word “hear” as “receive”, since we will be talking about an “auditory morsel”, an auditory morsel that I should receive or that I receive. That I should also swallow, but I don’t swallow, I don’t like it, it makes me go out of my mind and lose my balance.
And still one more element, these ear issues, are accompanied by “tinnitus” that appear out of nowhere and make us despair.

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So let’s get to work, I have to look for, if I suffer from or the doctor has diagnosed me with Meniere’s Syndrome, stories similar to the following:

– I’m sick of those neighbors of mine who make me angry with their loud music.
– The area where I live is very noisy, so much noise makes me lose patience.
– What a sad solitude in which I live, there is no one to talk to anymore, I feel alone.
– And what comes for me now? I feel like I can’t plan a future, I don’t know who I am.
– And what comes for me now? I feel like I can’t plan a future, I don’t know what I want.
– They already tired me at home with that refrain of “what are you going to do today”, I don’t know!
– I feel afraid to think what will happen to me in the future.
– I am afraid of being alone, in silence, it distressed me.
– As much as I think about it, I don’t know how to solve that problem, get out of that commitment.
– So calm that I lived and now there is no way, to put up with the son-in-law and the grandchildren, what a scandal, there is no peace anymore.
– My children do not leave home, are they waiting for me to die to keep it?

Therefore, it will be necessary, if we want to find the reason for our Meniere’s Syndrome, to basically look for emotional conflicts, that happened days before I started with the symptom, and of course, that it is still a conflict that I have not accepted. , forgotten, forgiven, changed, etc. Because if today I still have the disease, it is because I am still experiencing the conflict.

I have to look for:
– Why do I feel out of place, incapable, aimless, just
– Things I didn’t hear before and now I have to put up with
– Things that I used to listen to and that I no longer listen to.


And it can be anything from a voice, music, traffic, a blender, a word of love, a word of encouragement, words of support, a morning greeting from someone.

If, no matter how much I review my whole life, if no matter how much I remember and analyze my life minute by minute, I am fully happy and at peace with everyone and with what I do, then it will be time to look for the programming conflict in the family .
I must do my family tree and look for the previous stories in my doubles, review their lives and how they lived them, if they enjoyed them or suffered them.
I must find out if any of my doubles were deaf, became deaf, etc.
I have to find out if anyone else suffered from dizziness, vertigo, etc.
I must look for migrations and “feeling out of place” stories.

In my Sense Project, I will have to find out if for some reason my mother or father regretted having to “change places” (housing, work, friends, customs) months prior to my conception, because it could be them. those who programmed me to suffer from hearing if I feel out of place, or feel unbalanced by what I hear.

Finally, while I lived aware that my life is full, then it will be easier for me to accept that this syndrome is not mine.
A mourning letter, freeing me from this generational inheritance or from this program received from my parents, will be enough to change my life and leave these discomforts forever.

Akasha Comprehensive Healing



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