Biodecoding Gastritis: Emotional Meanings


Definition: Inflammation of the gastric mucosa (in the walls of the stomach).

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Conflict of indigestible piece.

Biological sense: The function of a gastritis is to produce more gastric juices and sensitize the area to better digest something that is difficult for us to digest.

Conflict: conflict of indigestible discomfort in the territory. There is also anger, anger and cholera that are related to inflammation (“itis”): “Everything that irritates me in the territory”.

Incomprehension conflict.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


The gastritis It is an acute or chronic inflammation of the mucosa of the stomach, where the digestion process begins. If there is inflammation, there is irritation and anger towards something or someone that I do not digest: certain things do not happen as I would like, or it may be one or people who do not act as I wish.

I can have the feeling of having been deceived and of being caught in a situation.

I am irritated by something that absorbed my digestion system and the “digested” reality bothers me to a great degree.

I learn to accept situations and others as they are, knowing that the only power I have is power over myself – myself.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel

What emotional conflict am I experiencing?

So let’s go to the origin of any gastric problem, because as we already know in Biodecoding, nothing external can make us sick.
Let’s start then by analyzing the function of the stomach, and this is summed up as: “digest”.
There is no more, there is no more.

We also know, because we have repeated it over and over again, that the human subconscious does not know how to differentiate between what is real and what is imaginary, therefore, and in the case of gastritis, I should not check my food but rather analyze what emotion I have not been able to digest


And of course it must be an emotion that I ingest constantly, because it has already irritated my stomach, it has already caused me to bleed and if I don’t review my life in time, it can cause a gastric ulcer and even cancer. It will depend on me and the changes I make in my life.

It is a widely used belief, believing that the food we eat is what causes gastritis. Eating fat, spicy, eating badly, etc. And it is not like that.
What will determine my ability to tolerate or not tolerate food will ALWAYS be my emotions.

Obviously if I am convinced that spicy is bad for my stomach, spicy will be bad for my stomach, so I must start by reviewing what I “believe” about food.

Once my false beliefs regarding a certain type of food have been ruled out from the list of possible causes of my gastritis, it is time to look for the emotions that I have trapped and that are hurting me.

Other beliefs, which are taken as valid for the presence of gastritis:

– Do not eat at “my hours”.
– Eat “standing up”.
– Eating poorly and unbalanced.
– Eat in the street.
– Eating dirty food.

And the solution to these beliefs is again to review them. Because surely what bothers me is not that I “eat at odd hours”, but that I do not have enough time to be able to enjoy my delicious food in sufficient time.

If on a normal work day, I had 3 full hours for “my lunch hour”, to be able to go to eat in a peaceful, calm, delicious, clean place, where I could talk with my friends about fun and entertaining topics , I would not have gastritis.

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Because gastritis is not the food you eat, but everything you “eat” emotionally while you eat:

– The rush to run out to eat.
– Finding something that suits your budget, that you like and that they serve you quickly.
– Don’t fall heavy so you can continue working all afternoon.
– The position in which you eat, the place, the smells, the people around.
– The noises in the street.
– Talking with colleagues, or loneliness if no one accompanied you.

This is exactly what you “do not digest”.

You do not digest eating in a hurry, you do not digest going to eat alone, you do not digest talking about work at lunchtime, you do not digest that they are slow to serve you, you do not digest staying locked in the office dressing room to eat your salad in that mold of plastic, you don’t digest continuing to attend to work matters while you eat, you don’t digest eating “nervous”, because later there is still more work, etc.

And the same, if you do not have a working schedule and you are always at home. Check who you eat with, what they talk about while you eat, do you eat stressed?, do you eat in a hurry?, what do you listen to when eating?

Many people are not aware of everything that surrounds their “meals” (food) and are satisfied with reviewing food to determine what is harmful to them.

Check, from today, ALL what you eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner:

– I’m accompanied?
– Do I feel comfortable with the company?
– Am I alone and enjoying it?
– Am I alone and I don’t like to eat alone?

See also  Biodecoding The Emotional Body - Sides

– Am I talking about a pleasant subject?
– Am I discussing work matters?
– Am I talking about sad or distressing topics?
– Am I silent and would like to talk to someone?

– Am I comfortable with the amount of time I have to eat?
– Am I worried about eating in a hurry?
– Does eating on the run stress me out?
– Does it bother me not having more minutes to eat in peace?

– Am I aware of the noise around me at mealtime?
– Do I hear screams, annoying people, cars, television, radio?
– Do I hear pleasant jokes and comments while eating?
– Do I hear children fighting and yelling or crying?

– Am I eating in a quiet and pleasant place?
– Am I eating standing up, in a dirty place?
– Am I eating in my car while I’m stuck in traffic?
– Am I eating in a dark place, without ventilation?

And it is that although it may seem unbelievable, when we eat food, we believe that the only thing we are eating is what is on our plate and it is not.

We are ingesting our rush, our stress, our anguish, our sorrows, our joys, our disappointments, our plans for tomorrow, and what we did 30 minutes ago.

Therefore, the basic key, to end gastritis, is to review ALL my territory, everything that surrounds me when I eat food, everything that I experience day by day and that I do not “digest”.

Because something is certain: for me to already have gastritis, it is that what I have been eating has already been happening for at least 2 weeks and “I don’t digest it”.

Akasha Comprehensive Healing

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