Swollen Spleen Emotional Cause: Biodecoding Illnesses

Your spleen is a silent companion, a hidden wonder in your being, a vital force that drives your body, giving you the energy you need to live.

It is a guardian of health and vitality, a source of protection and well-being, which supports you in the most difficult moments, and leads you towards balance and inner peace.

It is a constant reminder of the importance of balance, harmony and the natural flow of life, a metaphor for your body’s ability to heal, and a tool for finding peace and serenity.

It is a path to connect with your deepest self, a way to access wisdom and inner knowledge, a means to connect with the earth and nature, and a path to find fulfillment and happiness.

The spleen is an organ that aids in the production and maintenance of immune blood cells.

It is directly linked to the hypothalamus and to , as well as to , for the production of insulin (secreted by the pancreas and which decreases the percentage of glucose in ).

Just as he lives in the present and he inquires into the future, the spleen is a slave to the past, although well orchestrated it helps you focus on the present.

▸ Your spleen represents youru ability to live in the present.

In the region of the spleen is the Splenic center, which yogis call ‘own abode’ and whose force is represented by a fish. Its activity generates health and growth, it has
relation to the gland and exerts a balanced influence on the nervous system and on the normal body temperature.

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Poor functioning of the spleen (splenomegaly, hypersplenism, hyposplenism) probably reflects your difficulties in ‘living in harmony’, and this is so because you constantly ruminate negative ideas or thoughts. By lowering your energy level, you no longer get anything.

This recurring negativity is linked to the way you see yourself @: faith @, ‘not right’, ‘not good’, ‘not enough …’, …, and any other way of .

The spleen suffers a lot if you feed something related to the . It is the a la that is frequently present in the background.

The spleen monitors the quality of white blood cells and its malfunction can indicate a large internal wound that is difficult to heal. It is like a sore that bleeds.

It symbolizes the joy of living. A bad spleen translates your concept of life: a constant and hard struggle. traumatic or negative may be anchoring you to the past. Have you heard of the ”?

What would it be like to start a new relationship with the drama? A new day would see the light if you manage to de-dramatize, first you, and then each new situation; instead of negative ideas.

Learning to express your will allow you to maintain balance and harmony throughout your body, starting with the spleen.

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The alternative is awareness.