Definition: Lipids that accumulate in the body to protect us from the weather (cold or heat), protection of the viscera or against blows, or as energy reserves.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of devaluation, direction and abandonment.

Biological sense: Fat has several biological senses:

The sense of protecting structures, acting as a shock-absorbing cushion and also as a thermal insulator.

It accumulates nutrient reserves and has metabolic functions (Women have more fat because they are closely linked to the function of nourishing, feeding).

In childhood, the accumulation of fats may have the function of expanding the size to be able to be seen.

It also plays a role, along with myelin, in conducting information in nerve structures.

Conflict: Abandonment or separation syndrome.

conflict of energy reserves and organ protection.

Conflict of lack of affective feeding.

The fat replaces the affection that I did not have.

In healing there are usually blocks related to a conflict of family loyalty.

Also look at the anniversary syndrome (What happened on these dates x years ago in me or in the family?).

Salomon Sellam presents seven conflicts or variants associated with fat and its accumulation:

-The feeling of being alone in a hostile world. Liquid retention function.

-Conflict of lack of food. Function to create reservations.

-Feeling of being lost and without direction. It affects the adrenals and the secretion of cortisol.

-Devaluation and powerless in a situation of abandonment. Augmentation of the abdomen for be able to be seen

-Camouflage and transformation (in masculine) before a possible predator.

– Frontal fear conflict. Fear of meeting a predator face to face (permanent danger).

-Conflict of the biological clock (in relation to the previous conflict). affects the thyroid


Definition: Circumscribed mass of encapsulated adipose tissue and generally benign.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Repair phase of a conflict of precise devaluation and located. Attack on dignity.

See also  Biodecoding of Fever: Emotional Meanings

Biological sense: It has not been possible to eliminate that excess fat and we proceed to encapsulate it, as if it were a dangerous agent.

Conflict: Repair phase of a conflict of precise devaluation and wing attack dignity.

Each cyst must have its decoding. A cyst protects me from a very precise thing. Yeah I have several on the same site is that I have received several attacks on the same thing.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

Biological sense of fat.

Body fat performs mechanical functions by cushioning, protecting, and holding internal organs in place. It also fulfills metabolic functions since it is in charge of generating fats for the body. Fat is bulkier and less heavy to transport than bone and muscle, and allows for greater combustion. Also, fat is insulating.

we know by the New German Medicine that adipose tissue belongs to the third embryonic layer, the New Mesoderm. This embryonic layer appears in evolution when the living being needs to move through the terrestrial environment to find water and food. Therefore, the function of these organs and tissues is to give movement and thereby facilitate survival. We also know that adipose tissue derives from the same embryonic layer as the serosa, which are intended to protect the organs, and that the tissue that is altered to manifest obesity is the hypodermis, belonging to the embryonic layer of the Ancient Mesoderm, whose biological meaning is protection.

The person who feels lonely, biologically and instinctively, will tend to generate food reserves and store fats because they don’t know when they will eat again.

In nature, when two animals face each other, ready for combat, they will first try to impress their enemy by puffing themselves up, ruffling their fur, spreading their wings, etc. to dissuade the opponent and try to avoid a confrontation always with an uncertain outcome. The human equivalent is trying to intimidate your rivals by increasing your size through fat.


Indigestive deficiency conflict

Originated by situations of lack of maternal food (lack of milk or lack of affection). Premature weaning, whether due to health or work problems of the mother, causes not only the obvious loss of the first and most valuable food, but also the loss of contact with the mother. These situations can condition the life and health of the adult who will unconsciously tend to accumulate reserves in the form of fat. Faced with a situation of affective deficiency in childhood, the adult may continue looking for that first antidepressant he had: maternal affection. He will unconsciously seek the maternal breast, a symbol of protection and security. Instead, for example, he will tend to consume sweets, instead of maternal affection, or refined carbohydrates, a symbol of protection.

Conflict of rejection of sexual contact

This conflict basically responds to their emotional blockade that often drags on from childhood when the affected person felt humiliated and still has that fear of feeling ashamed or of someone wronging them. It often happens that a person who has experienced such humiliation later accumulates too much fat to not be desired by the other sex, to avoid sexual contact or for fear of being deceived.

Jesus Casla


Definition: Benign tumors constituted by the proliferation of adipose cell tissue subcutaneous (under the skin).

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Repair phase of an adipose tissue conflict.

Conflict of local aesthetic devaluation.

sympathicotony: In the phase of active conflict, localized ulceration of the adipose tissue occurs.

vagotonia: In the phase of reparation of the conflict appears the lipoma to fill in the area.

Biological sense: Adipose cell growth to fill an ulceration of the tissue that is occurred in the active phase of the conflict. This new fabric will correctly fulfill its function of protect the “attacked” area.


Conflict: Conflict of local aesthetic devaluation. Zone overprotection conflict affected.

If it is given in the back we would interpret: “They laugh at me behind my back”. If it hits your face: “HE laugh at me in the face”.

It is also possible that it is due to a physical attack in the area. The lipoma appears as a shock protection.


Definition: Layer of subcutaneous fat that hangs under the chin, common in people old and obese.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of devaluation with power.

Biological sense: Some animals swell their dewlaps when faced with a threat as a show of can. It is also a small reservoir of fat (food).

Conflict: Conflict of devaluation. They don’t listen to me, I have no power of conviction.

Definition: Tissue made up of adipocytes (cells that accumulate lipids). There are various types and are distributed throughout the body.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of aesthetic devaluation in the area.

sympathicotony: In the phase of active conflict there is necrosis of the tissue that forms holes (cellulitis).

vagotonia: In the conflict repair phase there is necrosis repair with connective tissue lipomas.

Biological sense: Its function is to cushion, protect against blows, maintain the organs in place and is also a good thermal insulator.

They are also fat reserves (food) and stem cells that can be structured in various tissues.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

Conflict: Conflict of aesthetic devaluation of the area (reprogramming conflict because the fat appears to protect the area that is considered unsightly, producing worse results to our eyes).

Conflict of protection of the affected area.

Conflict of lack of food reserves (conflicts of going hungry)

Conflict of lack of structure (foundations) in relation to the affected area

Cartridge belts (localized fat)

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