Definition: Main organ of the circulatory system whose mission is to pump blood to carry nutrients and oxygen throughout the body.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of impotence for not being able to defend the territory.

Biological sense: The function of the heart is to pump oxygenated blood throughout the body and dirty blood to the lungs to be washed.

In the decoding of biology, the heart is considered “home”, my home, my real or symbolic territory and the family meeting point. From the heart the family (blood) radiates and it returns to it.

It is the operations center of family concepts. Also in other currents the concept of “love” is taken but with a different connotation than that of “falling in love”, rather related to what the “heart magazines” have, that is, love closely related to “home”.

The blood delivers food and life (oxygen) and collects waste from the body to be cleaned in the lungs. Blood is, according to Louise L. Hay, a symbol of joy and therefore the heart is the pump that circulates joy, happiness throughout the body. They are different appreciations of the same thing.

Conflict: Devaluation for not being able to defend my territory (real or symbolic).

People who harden in their relationships, above all in those related to family and home.

It is fire, the distribution of life by blood. Conflict with the love that feeds us or its circulation.

The heart represents the home, the house and its affections.

atrial systole: Receive the blood – It is Female.

Ventricular systole: Throw the blood – It is Masculine.

“My ex-wife gets the house.” “I want to go back to my mother’s house«.

«I leave the door open so my mother can come back«.

A big heart indicates the need to expand the house. “We need a bigger house to accommodate the baby (for example)”

Auricles (female): What I receive at home, in relation to the mother.

Right atrium: Mudblood reception. Conflict with the reception, the secrets, the bad plays and the mother.

Left atrium: Reception of purified blood. The father wants to kick me out of the house, my mother protects me.

Ventricles (male): Expel or leave home, in relation to the father.

Right ventricle: Need to throw dirty things out of the house. Not wanting something because it is considered dirty (a baby, for example).

Left ventricle: Expulsion of the sons of the clan.

senile heart

Definition: Decreased cardiac function due solely to the advanced age of the person without any other affectation.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Conflict of tiredness at home.

See also  ANEMIA

Biological sense: Fatigue in the functioning of the heart. Tiredness regarding household issues. The tissue wears out in the active phase, slowly as no healing phase is foreseen.

Tiredness is “definitive”.

Conflict: Conflict of tiredness in relation to the home. Perhaps due to a long-term overdemand.

Being too harsh or demanding.

Ventricular failure: conflict in the communication between father and son.

HEART (in general)

The heart is linked to the fourth chakra or energy center. It represents love (my emotions, my ability to love), joy, vitality and security. The energy of the heart radiates throughout the body, especially between the neck and the solar plexus.

The heart is a type of energy pump that circulates life (blood) throughout the entire body. This blood circulation distributes the vital energy necessary for happiness, balance, the joy of living and inner peace. It is therefore essential that you manifest love by directing the energy of the heart towards the most beautiful spiritual energies available.

The more attention I pay to love, compassion, and forgiveness, the more my heart will work in joy, peace, and contentment. My heart will be affectively stable and protected from any disappointment. A heart with a smooth and harmonious rhythm indicates an inwardly calm person. My heart rate fluctuates when I am unbalanced, disturbed in love, or sensitive to my emotions.

I agree to open myself to love, I surrender any reproach to the care of the universe, I stop criticizing myself to the point of getting sick and above all I agree to forgive myself. It is by forgiving myself that I can better accept the love of others.


Angina comes from the Latin word ANGENE which means to squeeze. It is a very sharp pain associated with the main region of the heart (energy center of love). This temporary lack of oxygen at the level of the muscles that surround the heart brings all the consequences I know of: insufficient blood flow in this region, surgical intervention, bridge, etc… The heart frequently represents the engine or the machine of my system. When I give too much love (with an attitude of attachment), the heart may get tired of all these worries and may no longer feel enough joy (Joy: Since blood is related to joy, a decrease in blood flow expresses just this decreased joy linked to love. ) in these situations (hence the decreased blood flow).

If I am in a situation of angina, possibly I take life too much to heart and the things that I do and that I like. My worries (as well as my joys) are exaggeratedly enlarged: I get irritated and easily hurt, I experience dissatisfaction, sadness or irritation in relation to a situation which, in the end, is not so serious. I may receive a first alarm signal from my body after these states of being: spasms or heart-piercing pain. He launches an SOS so that I become aware of the feelings that inhabit me and of the fact that I am somehow destroying myself with my discordant thoughts, endangering my inner harmony, and giving myself a “bad conscience”.


Great joys can also bring about angina crises because, at this moment, the energy center of love (the heart) opens more and can activate the memory of great sorrows that are present and thus cause an angina crisis. Perhaps I do a lot out of obligation and not with joy and pleasure. Thus, let the joy circulate. It is as if I pay attention to others (their happiness and their ailments) instead of taking care of my own well-being first. My ego is so present and active that it is separated from the totality of being, which leads to an emotional block. It is an unconscious increase in self-esteem by placing attention almost exclusively on others. It is the Judeo-Christian principle of sacrifice. Give to others! I become vulnerable and the fear of opening up to those I love manifests. “Nothing reaches me anymore, but the pains begin!”

Spasms, points in the heart, cold extremities (hands and feet). My body seriously warns me that something is wrong (this warning is generally better recognized on the metaphysical – psychic plane than physical). I may unconsciously wish to leave “earthly life” because I have the feeling that I am drowning in worries and that I don’t know how to get out, but the time has not necessarily come! What am I afraid of, deep down?

Life is a continuous exchange. I give as much as I receive, such as the contraction and dilation of the blood vessels, otherwise I experience an imbalance and my attention must return to this necessary balance for a healthy life. It is a fundamental process in human existence because I am a divine being that must express itself in this balance. My awareness is this:

I stop taking life seriously and stay open! It’s easy because I don’t want to die, but I want to live, to open myself up to love and leave any power struggle.

I put my attention on the beautiful aspects of life. I learn to love myself as I am: my vital energy will thus be able to come back to life. These are the first steps towards a serious restoration of this disease. One last point to emphasize: watch all expressions related to the heart: “a heart of stone, a hard heart, it has no heart, it is heartless”, etc. Each expression is an indication that something is happening that deserves my attention…


The heart represents love and palpitations are for me like an alarm signal, a call for help as far as love is concerned. A deep fear of losing or not having the love that I need so much makes my heart palpitations a cry for help in relation to love. In the event that the ventricles of the heart contract in an anarchic and ineffective way, then it is ventricular fibrillation. This state can come from a cardiac disorder, from an electrocution, from a moment of panic in the case of the fetus (at birth). If this state is not resolved quickly, it is sudden death. This denotes an important decision that I must make in my life in relation to love and that is vital. I begin to give myself all the love I need to replace my concerns with more inner security and I trust life. Tachycardia is characterized by irregular rhythmic contraction of the heart. Your heartbeat accelerates to more than 90 beats per minute, and this state is often due to strong emotions. A distressing situation, a physical or mental effort and fear cause an imbalance momentarily affecting my heart that sends me an SOS As for bradycardia, it is a decrease in the rhythm of the heartbeat. The accumulation of deep sorrows can bring me this ailment, as if my heart could no longer suffer and decided to stop beating. In either of these situations, I became aware that love is at stake. I breathe calmly and deeply, I am listening to my heart.


HEART ATTACK (…of the myocardium)

When I hear of someone having had a heart attack, in popular parlance, this usually means that the person had a heart attack. This is also called a “heart attack” or “heart ailment”. The organ most frequently affected by a heart attack is the heart, the center of love within me, the core of my emotions. Heart failure is a desperate way for the body to teach me that I am going too far, that I pay too much attention to the material, external and anodyne aspects of my life, my social status, instead of returning to the essentials of my life, which is joy of living from the heart as a family, of expressing love, of loving oneself, of savoring each moment with intensity. I am so tied to everything that is part of my “territory” (my wife, my job, my friends, my house, etc.) that if I have the feeling that I have lost or that I am about to lose something or someone in inside my territory, I can resist what happens and I will have a heart attack. I would like “with all my heart” to continue being the boss, the owner on board. Heart ailments are also linked to my own feelings and what I experience in relation to them. How far am I capable of…