Definition: Disease derived from tissue damage or an autoimmune disease, which causes the hardening of an organ or tissue due to the increase in connective tissues.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Conflicts of contrariety in the movement and obligation.

Search ghost in the transgenerational.

Biological sense: Sclerosis have a common biological sense: Impede movement.

Conflict: Future conflict (coming).

Great discomfort in movement in a context of danger and death: “If I move, I die”

In a right-handed man or left-handed woman it is:

“I want to go abroad but I can’t, or they won’t let me”

In a right-handed woman or left-handed man it is:

“I don’t want to go outside but they force me.” Or “I force myself not to bother”.

Quite possibly we will find a “ghost” in the family tree.


Definition: Degenerative disease of the neuromuscular type due to the death of motor neurons (motor neurons).

Causes progressive muscle paralysis

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Conflicts of contrariety in the movement and obligation. Not being able to run away

Transgenerational conflict (ghost).

sympathicotony: In the phase of active conflict there is a progressive motor paralysis proportional to the intensity of the conflict.

If the conflict is prolonged, there is a risk of a schizophrenic constellation due to a second conflict.

vagotonia: In the conflict repair phase, cerebral edema appears with

momentary worsening of symptoms followed by an epileptic seizure.

After the crisis, muscle innervation resumes progressively and slowly. “Parkinson’s disease” may appear. The epileptoid seizure appears in the repair phase.

Biological sense: See the biological meaning of MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.

Conflict: Conflict of great devaluation in terms of movement (if I move, I die).

Also in the notion of wanting to flee and not being able to.

Lateral movement conflict with threats from behind.

Check affected muscles:

Legs: In relation to fleeing, following or accompanying. No longer finding a way out or not knowing where to start.

Arms: In relation to not being able to hold something or reject.

Back and shoulders: In relation to something (a load) that we cannot dodge or avoid.

Also verify the vertebra from which the orders of that muscle or group of muscles come out and apply their meaning.

Always check the family tree for the ghost.

Conflict of wanting to live next to who we love but that carries danger or is prohibited.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


What emotional conflict am I experiencing?: If I am presenting symptoms of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, I must first understand something, the faster I locate the emotional conflict that causes it, the faster I will prevent the progression of the disease. I must do it before the number of damaged motor neurons grows.

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I must search from a year to date, emotional conflicts in my life, similar to:

– “I was wrong to take that step” (Real or symbolic). – “I don’t want to go forward” (Real or symbolic). – “There is no way I will go back” (Real or symbolic). – “That one next to me, he is a threat to me and I don’t want to move”. – “That one behind me is a threat and I don’t want to move”.

Pay special attention to school or work colleagues, and even couple situations, which represent a “competition” for me, with a tone of “if I compete against him or her, I will be defeated”. This is lived with a deep emotional conflict of “feeling displaced”, and that is why I start to stumble, lose my step, lose my rhythm, until I fall, with the emotion of: “the other has defeated me” .

Review common situations such as: – A new classmate has arrived in class and he is better than me. – A new co-worker has arrived and he is better than me. – A son is on the way and he will have more attention than me. – I was the king and they came to dethrone me.

Commonly, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is suffered by people with a high Ego. People who felt powerful, intelligent, bold, fast, in short, the best in what they did or had, but were not prepared, in any way for “a circumstance”, not planned by themselves, to change. That destroys them.

Discovering that they stopped being the Gods, to become one of the mortals and feel deep inside, that it will be a battle lost beforehand.

Another conflict, but less common, that can trigger Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, is an emotional conflict related to “wanting to run away”. But it is not only about tragic stories from which one seeks to escape like a fire, an accident, no. We talk about everyday things that we believe, which are not so “serious”. Unfortunately, let’s remember that unconscious thought is the one that receives these emotional impacts. And if we add to that that I can be a person who has done what he wanted all his life, how he wanted it and when he wanted it, I live closed to changes, novelties, unforeseen events, it will definitely affect me. .

– My girlfriend asks me to get married, I want to run away. – A son is on the way, I want to run away. – That big project is coming, I want to run away. – The signing of the contract is coming, I want to run away. – My wife asks me for a child, I want to run away.


It will also be important to analyze, in the case of the vertebrae, which of them present pain or discomfort initially, to determine the specific meaning of each one and find what I am running from, find what scares me.

And if once all this is done, in depth, I determine that nothing said here makes sense to me, then this Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is not mine. Therefore, I should search all my doubles in the family tree for those relatives who have experienced the emotional conflicts described, and who have inherited the emotion or programming from me. I must release them immediately with a mourning letter, with introspection, with hypnosis sessions. I must free myself from that “not moving” program.

Akasha Comprehensive Healing


Definition: Progressive demyelination (loss of myelin) of nerve fibers in the brain and spinal cord.

Produces abnormal sensations in extremities or on one side of

the face and with progress appears ataxia, fatigue, abnormal reflexes and difficulty urinating.

Technical: 3rd Embryonic Stage. Conflict of great devaluation and rigidity.

Repair of dead

Conflict of obligations violated with fear of dying.

sympathicotony: In the active conflict phase there is muscular atrophy and partial or total paralysis.

vagotonia: The conflict repair phase begins with worsening symptoms and the appearance of cerebral edema.

After the epileptic crisis, muscle innervation resumes progressively and slowly.

The epileptoid seizure located in the middle of vagotonia presents tics and muscle spasms, hypersensitivity and neuralgia.

The first symptoms appear about six months after the shock.

Biological sense: Prevent movement.

On the one hand, there are one or more loyalty programs that force you to make a (demanding) movement. On the other hand, we know that it is impossible achieving that move. The solution to fulfill both programs is immobility.

It affects the motor nerve so that the transmission of the order does not reach the muscle and the possibility of doing so does not even arise (paralysis). In order not to be forced to advance, fall and die.

Conflict: Conflict of great fear with devaluation in relation to movement.

Fear of falling and not being able to get up, with great importance to fear in facing downwards, or the force of gravity.

In a context of important obligation or prohibition (authority, orders) that we cannot comply for fear of dying.

Conflict of great opposition in the movement: “I want to be there, but when I am there, I want to be here”, move where I move, I die.

Taking ownership of the movements made or not made by another (usually the mother) that generate the contradiction.

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Great devaluation in the movement that I cannot carry out (like the diver who does not have the strength to come up to the surface for air).

Conflicts related to prisons or confinements (search in the tree).

Conflict in the felt project: Being born to prevent one of the parents (usually the father) from leaving.

In the eyes: In relation to seeing someone leave or being forced to watch a game, unwanted flight.

In the neck: In order not to be killed, not to kill or not to fight.

We should always look for a ghost in the family tree.

Thyroid involvement in multiple sclerosis: I don’t feel solid enough at the structural level”. Lack of support.


Definition: Autoimmune disease that affects blood vessels and connective tissue.

It produces degeneration of the connective tissue fibers of the skin, lungs, and especially the esophagus and kidneys.

Technical: 2nd, 3rd and 4th Embryonic Stages.

Conflict of protection (from suffering).

Conflict of separation, stain and devaluation.

Reprogramming conflict of aesthetic devaluation, or self-programming).

Biological sense: It is known as the mummy disease. Those affected produce a lot of collagen, which suggests a need for greater resistance in the affected tissues.

Harden. It also disappears the fat of the unprotected hypodermis), or calcinosis (calcium deposits in the skin), calcium hardens.

Conflict: Dramatic separation conflict without solution added to a stain conflict or attack on integrity, added to another conflict of strong painful devaluation. Everything in relation to the affected part.

A very, very painful separation, with devaluation and notions of coldness and death.

Very strong separation conflict from someone with whom I had identified a lot, feeling that with his departure (or death) something of me is also gone.

Experience of something that will never change, that is immutable.

Double separation conflict. Feeling stupid (separated from oneself) due to a separation.

“I feel bad for having separated from…”.

“I feel bad that the other is alone for me Blame”

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


The sclerosis It is an inflammation that hardens the connective tissue, the which is necessary and present in the whole body. A person affected by sclerosis has his immune system attacked, because there is deterioration of the conjunctive tissue. It is important to be aware that if I am affected because of this disease, I attack myself, which can make the sclerosis to spread to most of my organs. This inflammation causes a kind of fiery energy that causes anger to flare up for a long time…