The secret to burning fat and getting a flat stomach according to your type of abdomen

achieve a flat stomach and sculpting is no easy task. Get rid of the fat that accumulates in celebrities love handles and cartridge belts it becomes a challenge that is overcome with a lot of willpower and perseverance.

In fact, it is easy to run into people who are very fit, who regularly practice sportbut they can’t get rid of it

Not everyone has the same abdomen; neither does the origin of its fat come from the same reasons. According to Dr. Amaro, medical director at Feel Good Clinic and author of the patented “ultimate diet” weight loss treatment, the Amaro Method: “The first thing to do is to analyze por why do you have a certain abdomen and if everything is fat or there is some other component that makes itand expect an unsightly abdomen.”

Types of abdomen and how to act to eliminate fat in each case:

tire abdomen

This type of abdomen is suffered by those people who remain many hours sitting and they practically do not exercise in addition to having a diet based fundamentally on carbohydrates.

How to remove it?

The first thing is to eat a healthy diet reducing the consumption of carbohydrates and increasing the intake of fruits, vegetables, meat and fish.

Do exercise. This type of abdomen is also usually associated with a greater accumulation of fat in legs and hips so the most recommended type of sport will be cardiovascular.

If there is an excessive consumption of alcohol, it should be reduced significantly to see results.

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lower abdomen

This type of abdomen is associated with highly qualified people, with very demanding careers and positions, addicted to the gym and who have been following the same diet for a long time. Generally its origin lies in a excessive exercise for abs and ineffective gym hours.

How to remove it?

The first thing we must do is modify that diet that we have been doing for so long without results. We must introduce lots more fiber, broad leafy greens and reduce protein consumption, which in these cases is usually excessive.

A good hydration is essential. You should drink at least 2-2.5 liters of water a day.

Leave the abdominal exercises as they are being done since they are not being effective.

pregnant abdomen

This type of abdomen is usually common in mothers who have had a baby and have little time left to take care of themselves without this meaning that they are not concerned about their physical appearance.

How to remove it?

The first thing to do is give the body time to adapt to its new situation, a minimum of 6-8 weeks. Exercising excessively and ahead of time will not allow you to recover your figure sooner. Here exercises to work the pelvic floor are very important.

Eat a good post-partum diet, which should include foods such as oily fish (rich in omega 3 and 6 and avocado, which has been shown to help lose weight after childbirth due to its hormonal influence).

Stress Abdomen

They are easily detectable since the weight accumulates only in the diaphragm area and in the umbilical area.

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It appears in very perfectionist and highly responsible people in their work, which causes them such stress and this type of abdomen. These people usually have associated insomnia problems and digestive problems such as irritable bowel or ulcers that are caused by the same cause, stress. This is also often linked to eating fast, opting for unhealthy foods and an abuse of stimulating drinks such as coffee or tea that not only do not help the problem but also aggravate it.

How to eliminate the abdomen due to stress?

Since the main cause is stress, the ideal is to try to combat it with relaxation techniques and, very importantly, with the regular exercise practice (Avoid excessive cardiovascular exercise as far as possible and lean towards Pilates, yoga)

As another cause is the Lack of sleepyou have to work to acquire healthy sleep habits and get a minimum of 7 hours of sleep.

Having a good diet including foods rich in tryptophan that help us feel better and reduce stress: nuts such as almonds, fish (mainly blue), lean meats (chicken and turkey), eggs (mainly the yolk) fruits such as pineapple or vegetables such as artichokes or watercress.

avoid the excessive consumption of exciting drinks: coffee, tea, cola.

distended abdomen

People who present this type of abdomen in the morning wake up with a flat abdomen iigniting throughout the afternoon. It affects both sexes and is not related to being overweight since it also appears in thin people.

The origin can be in several causes: stress, eating very quickly or allergies or intolerances to certain foods.

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How to remove it?

The first and most important thing is to rule out if there is some type of allergy or food intolerance to be able to exclude that food from the diet.

Having good eating habits that allow us to have better digestion. For example: cEat slowly, chew well and eat plenty of fruit, vegetables and fiber in our daily lives.

On some occasions and due to the side effects of the previous intake of antibiotics, we can have an imbalance in our intestinal flora that can also be the cause of this inflammation of the abdomen.

postural abdomen

This type of abdomen is caused by the fact that having to sit for many hours which causes a loss of muscle tone in the abdomen.

How to remove it?

While sitting, keep your back straight with your abs tight. Little by little this will help you recover lost muscle tone.

Abdomen due to slow intestinal transit

This type of abdomen is common in people who suffer from constipation and slow intestinal transit. When there is no proper bowel movement, the abdomen dilates, accumulating not only feces, but also gases and water.

How to remove it?