The breakfast, lunch and dinner menu that you should eat to lose weight fast

You often hear about the “dream”. From its name, it is clear that it is a method that consists of increasing rest hours so that food is distributed differently throughout the day. If one sleeps more, the body has less need to eat. In this way, obesity could be effectively combated.

Studies have focused a lot on this topic. Groups of volunteers have experimented with this weight loss method, which would be very useful in the presence of clinical conditions. People who are overweight and obese absolutely need to lose weight to improve their health. But what is the dream?

It’s not that hard to follow this one, as it just takes a few tricks to get more sleep. This is then an excellent starting point to modify the different meals of the day. Of course, it is always essential to have a nutritionist who can assess each specific case in detail.

Sleep is often recommended for people whose lives are especially stressful. Stress, as we all know, has a very negative effect on the body. Not only because it causes anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia. But stress causes the body to produce a very specific substance, cortisol, which increases blood sugar and slows metabolism.

As a consequence of this state, people tend to eat more sweet things and do not eliminate them as they should. The consequences can also be serious. Think about the onset of diabetes. For this reason, we also try to intervene in rest and not only in food.

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The goal of this diet is to de-stress and deflate. The benefits of this method range from improving digestion, reducing cholesterol and blood sugar, and improving metabolism to deflate the belly and lose weight. It goes without saying that if all this is combined with some physical activity, the result will be perfect.

An example

The first thing to do is create an environment conducive to rest. This means avoiding caffeinated drinks in the evening, avoiding television and electronic devices for at least two hours before bed. In addition, you must create the environmental conditions for an uninterrupted and prolonged rest of at least 7-9 hours.

That said, an example of a daily menu for this diet could be this:

  • breakfast: bread, jam and seasonal fruit;

  • lunch: rice and vegetables, or meat and vegetables, or fish and vegetables

  • dinner: salad, dairy products, meat or fish and vegetables.

The basic rules are: load carbohydrates in the morning, reduce them at lunchtime and avoid them completely at night. And not only that, in this scheme, dinner must be made early, at least between 5 and 7 in the evening. Obviously, these are general indications, which should then be investigated and adjusted by a professional.