Chrononutrition: This is the time you have to eat if you want to lose weight

Although it is not well known, dietetics and have been researching chrononutrition for years.

It is a discipline that consists of eating food when the body is more prepared to assimilate it.

And it is that, according to this discipline, the ideal moment to eat is highly influenced by the so-called circadian rhythms, which are nothing more than the physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle, depending mainly on light and darkness.

The influence of circadian rhythms

These circadian changes they condition the effect produced by food according to the time of day at which we consume it.

Because? Because in our body there are a series of hormones whose concentration changes depending on the time of day.

Besides, each organ and tissue has its own clock which determines its hours of operation.

These hormones include:

  • leptinresponsible for regulating appetite
  • melatoninwhich intervenes in the natural sleep cycle
  • cortisolwhich has multiple functions such as responding to stress, regulating blood sugar level, maintaining blood pressure or organizing metabolism.

The hormones that are most activated at night are, for example, melatonin and leptin.

Leptin and the feeling of satiety

Leptin is the hormone that alerts our body that it is full and does not need to eat during the night. On the contrary, hormones such as cortisol are more present during solar hours.

What happens when we break these circadian rhythms, eating at night, for example, is that the clocks that regulate all these substances go out of whack, and that can lead to weight gain and other health problems.

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A study conducted by Martha Garaulet, PhD in Pharmacy and Professor of Physiology and Physiological Bases of Nutrition at the University of Murcia, shows how those people who eat after three in the afternoon find it more difficult to lose weight compared to those who eat before that time. . And this regardless of the number of calories they consume.

The study, published in , indicates that during rest there is an improvement in the metabolization and oxidation of carbohydrates. In addition, the level of glucose in the blood is lower and the cortisol levels are better compared to those who eat after 3 in the afternoon.

But not only the timing of meals influences weight loss. We must also add another series of factors such as exposure to sunlight, the practice of physical activity, hours of sleep or stress level. All this influences the worsening of our quality of life and, therefore, can cause a circadian interruption or chronodisruption (disruption of the circadian rhythm).

How to harmonize eating with our circadian rhythms?

The Spanish Nutrition Foundation points out a series of recommendations to get it:

1. Eat the main meal of the day before 3:00 p.m.

2. Eat dinner at least 2.5 hours before going to sleep. No later than 9:00 p.m.

3. Avoid eating during sleeping hours.

4. Dedicate 15 to 20 minutes for breakfast, between 30-45 minutes for lunch and one hour for dinner.

5. Avoid exposure to light at night, and sleep in darkness when it is possible.

6. Do not perform physical activity during the 2 or 3 hours prior to the usual time of sleep.

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7.Sleep at night and be active during the day.

8. Sleep enough hours a day (7-8 hours).

9. Take a short nap at noon (20 minutes).

10. And of course, follow a Mediterranean diet.

In Spain, lunch and dinner are usually late, times that do not facilitate weight loss and, furthermore, they do not benefit correct hormonal secretion, which also poses a health risk. And if we want to lose weight significantly in the short and long term, it is best to follow the recommendations of nutrition experts.