These are the reasons why yogurt is better than milk

By adding powdered milk or protein fractions, generally serum proteins, with a satiating effect Produced by yoghurtmake this product a ally to lose weightespecially in energy-restricted diets, according to the conclusions of the speakers of a course organized by the Francisco Grande Covián School of Nutrition of the Danone Institute at the UIMP in Santander.

Likewise, during the course, directed by the professor and president of the Danone Institute, Luis Moreno, and the professor and honorary president, Serrano Ríos, it was recalled that both this type of yogurt and fermented milk “they improve the nutritional characteristics of milk”.

The technological process that transforms milk into yogurt (or other fermented milk), not only maintains the essential nutrients of milk, such as calcium of easy assimilation, its proteins, carbohydrates, fatty acids, minerals and vitaminsbut also “it improves their nutritional properties thanks to the fact that they are enriched in minerals and proteins”, affirmed the CSIC research professor, Manuela Juárez.

The most notable improvement in its properties occurs in the “easily digestible lactose” (especially in people with lactose intolerance) because the lactic bacteria used to ferment the milk convert it into lactic acid and therefore its content is lower. They also produce lactose so, as the EFSA and the EU have stated, “it is well digested by individuals with difficulties in assimilating lactose”. “These products thus become a gateway to the benefits of milk for that small part of the population that cannot drink natural milk because it cannot digest lactose well,” they add.

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Studies have shown that milk is the only natural source of linoleic acid conjugated a fatty acid, with properties that imply an improvement of the immune system as well as anticancer and cardioprotective effects.

For its part, yogurt is a food that contains probioticslive bacteria that are housed in our body and that, far from being a burden, “should be considered as one more organ of our body because provide us with metabolic benefits“, according to the person in charge in Spain of the ‘Metahit Project’, Francisco Guarner, who “aims to sequence the genome of the bacterial flora of Europeans”, precisely to establish a “relationship between the balanced presence of certain bacteria in the body and Good health”.

In the words of Juarez, “There is scientific evidence that guarantees that the consumption of balanced dairy products, either as fermented milk or yogurt, is not associated with an increase in cardiovascular riskon the contrary, an association with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease has been documented in various studies”, which is due to the action of serum proteins, bioactive peptides and milk calcium.