10 ways to get rid of a bloated belly

There are days when and you don’t know exactly why. Could it be that you have gained weight or that you simply have a larger than normal belly? This is the dreaded feeling of a swollen belly, a fairly common health disorder which can also be an aesthetic problem for people who suffer from it.

The feeling of a swollen belly or abdominal distension is a relatively common ailment.especially among women, although it is not exclusive to the female gender. Beyond the aesthetic or discomfort problem that it may cause, bloating is often a symptom of other bowel problems or diseasesalthough healthy dietary habits may be enough to solve the problem.

To alleviate this gastric problem there are a number of tricks that will help you promote digestion and eliminate gas.

control the way you eat

The shape in which you ingest food or drinks can cause gases to accumulate in your body. To reduce the entry of air, do not use straws when drinking, and do not drink directly from the bottle either, eat without haste, with your mouth closed and chew each bite well. The smaller the food that reaches the stomach, the easier it will be to digest and the less the belly will swell.

Avoid certain foods in your diet

Carbohydrates (such as those in pasta and bread) are one of the most gas-producing nutrientssince they are retained in the body in the form of energy reserves to be released when an effort is made.

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Other foods such as fiber, legumes or some vegetables (such as cauliflower, peppers, broccoli or cabbage) are also not recommended and you should avoid them in your diet if you want to avoid gas.

Beware of chewing gum

The habit of chewing gum is very common in people who are on a diet and want to keep their mouths busy to avoid temptations. However, this habitual practice can contribute to your stomach swell since when chewing chiche swallow more air than you really should.

When you chew gum you take in more air than normal. Getty Images

Exercise and tone your muscles

But not only the diet and the way of eating cause the , it is also physical condition. Exercise and improving muscle mass can help make this feeling go away.since by staying active you will prevent metabolism from slowing down and digestion too.

Although it is advisable to practice about 30 minutes of exercise a day, to help you get rid of a bloated belly, daily walks of about 15 minutes at a more or less accelerated pace may be enough.

Drink two liters of water a day

Drinking at least two liters of water a day will help you avoid fluid retention by eliminating toxins and improve function. But, beware! In summer it is common that with the high temperatures you drink more soft drinks, which obviously swells the belly and causes weight gain when it has sugar and these are empty calories.

Bet on pineapple and papaya

Whether natural, in infusions, juices or homemade smoothies, the enzymes in these fruits will help you get rid of the feeling swollen belly. Pineapple and papaya have bromelain and papain, respectively, two enzymes that facilitate the digestion of difficult-to-assimilate foods.

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Pineapple and papaya have digestive properties.Getty Images

Pay attention to the size of your portions

If you want to get rid of the bloated belly bet to eat about five smaller meals a day, instead of three large and copious. By reducing the size of your portions you will give your intestine a break and by eating more meals a day you will speed up your metabolism.

Ally with spices and herbs

Some spices such as parsley, anise, coriander or cardamom reduce gases and can help you to get rid of the feeling of a swollen belly if you use them when cooking. In addition, other herbs such as chamomile or cinnamon can help you improve digestion after meals through infusions.

Avoid taking too much salt

Sodium in some foods or salt itself as a seasoning causes fluid retention by stopping the mechanism that expels water from cellscausing that dreaded sensation in the belly and legs.

Know if we suffer from any intolerance

Sometimes, the origin of the swollen belly are certain food intolerancessuch as lactose or gluten. If this is the case, you should follow the advice of a doctor or nutrition expert to find out what foods you can or should include in your diet.