Lose weight without stopping eating: with this superfood it is possible

Sometimes It’s not just a matter of what you eat for “main course” so to speak. The “add-ins” that you put into your diet are also very important. Surely you have heard about the importance of taking care of food between meals. You have to control what you “snack” in the office. Nutrition experts have long been advising you to use fruit for those moments when you are hungry and don’t know what to put in your mouth. If you do, you will be able to lose weight because you will be eliminating saturated fats and, in addition, you will achieve the goal of eating several pieces of fruit a day. (remember that it is recommended that you eat eight pieces of fruit and vegetables every day). But not only the fruit is important. There is a food that cannot be missing in your diet. Only 30 grams a day can help you What the experts say. It’s about nuts.

“When studies have been done with two groups: one with diet X and the other with diet X with nuts, the second has lost more weight. About 30 grams a day contributes to fat loss and gains in health”, explains nutritionist Miquel Girones in one of his latest posts, who accumulates tens of thousands of followers on social networks, where he tries to teach healthy living lessons. “The best options are natural or toasted nuts (without salt, sugar or honey)”, he explains, emphasizing that if you eat more than those 30 grams recommended “Nothing happens either because there has not been a significant weight increase”.

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The great question

But, if these nuts are very caloric foods, the big question is how can they help you lose weight now? Well, Girones himself tries to explain it even though there is not much data about it. “You don’t know exactly why but the scientific evidence is true. There are multiple studies that start it like this. It is thought that perhaps it is because we do not absorb all the calories 100 percent. Another theory is because they fill us up and prevent us from eating more caloric foods at the end of the day,” he explains. And, going back to an idea that we developed before, it is very important that you include both nuts and fresh fruit in your lunch break. as in your breakfast. We have already told you many times about breakfast in our health section. The best thing to do if you want to lose weight is to leave industrial pastries aside and switch to healthier options. Have you noticed that just two hours after the first meal of the day you already have ? The explanation of what is happening to you is simple: foods such as industrial pastries have a lot of quickly absorbed sugar, which your body consumes very soon and needs more soon and that is why you have to eat the mid-morning skewer. Try having fruit, yogurt or nuts for breakfast, you will see how that reality changes.

But there are still more theories about the goodness of eating nuts. “Another theory is that it increases basal metabolism or thermogenesis through some as yet unknown mechanism,” Girones insists, emphasizing that “whatever it is is a very healthy habit that will also help you control your line,” he concludes. “I tell you from personal experience and from my clients that it works. That is why it is a fundamental habit that I always incorporate into personalized coaching plans focused on losing fat by gaining health,” he insists.

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You just have to try it. In addition, you yourself can choose the dried fruit that you like the most or that you fancy the most.