Biodecoding of Amenorrhea

Amenorrhea is understood as the absence of menstruation both in women who by age should already have started to menstruate and have not yet done so, as well as in the more adult woman who has seen this process suddenly interrupted. This absence of menstruation can be of a physiological or pathological nature, that is, when it indicates the possible existence of other diseases.
The main physiological circumstances associated with the amenorrhea are:

– The appearance of menarche: Usually, women have their first menstruation (menarche) between 11 and 13 years of age, however there are cases in which it begins much later, even at 16 years of age. This delay need not be worrisome.
– He pregnancy it also alters and conditions menstruation from a physiological point of view, since during those months amenorrhea is always present and therefore responds to natural circumstances.
– Amenorrhea that occurs during lactation has a variable duration; but it is also due to physiological reasons since the endometrium at this stage remains stable due to the decrease in the production of estrogens and progesterone.
– With the advent of menopause, approximately between the ages of 45 and 55, the ovary loses its functionality and menstruation disappears permanently. The last rule is preceded by the climacteric that marks the transition between the reproductive and non-reproductive age of every woman.

The amenorrhea of a physiological nature are grouped into:

primaries: when menarche has not occurred before the age of 16. It is estimated that only 3% of women reach that age without having had their first period. Primary amenorrhea can be caused by abnormal functioning of the ovaries, which in turn causes insufficient production of hormones such as progesterone, estrogens, and androgens. Primary amenorrhea can be accompanied by other manifestations such as lack of definition in certain parts of the female body structure, especially the waist and hips.
high schools: when menstruation disappears for at least three months in women who are not pregnant, lactating or have reached menopause.

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The amenorrhea that responds to pathological circumstances expresses the existence of alterations in the organs and structures involved in menstruation, such as the central nervous system, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries, uterus and vagina, mainly. Other times, the amenorrhea Pathology is an indication of the presence of diseases such as tuberculosis, hydrocephalus, aneurysm, meningitis, adrenal function disorders, or thyroid disorders.

Apart from the physiological and pathological aspects, there are other circumstances that can influence the appearance of amenorrhea. By their origin, the amenorrhea They can be grouped into those caused by the existence of anatomical abnormalities of the genital organs (imperforate hymen, vaginal agenesis, gonadal dysgenesis or congenital adrenal hyperplasia) or those caused by endocrine function abnormalities, such as primary ovarian failure, ovarian tumors, polycystic ovaries, ovarian lesions (follicular or luteal cysts) and pituitary tumors.

In addition, other situations and habits must be taken into account that can also cause the appearance of amenorrhea. In the first place, various psychological problems, such as anguish, anxiety or depression that very frequently lead to the disappearance of the menstruation. Malnutrition can also trigger clinical pictures of amenorrhea, either due to extreme weight loss diets or anorexia nervosa. In these cases, the recovery of normal weight is usually enough for the menstruation return to its normal course. In cases of overweight or obesity, the amenorrhea. Likewise, women who practice a lot of sport are subjected to great pressure and physical and mental demands that, together with the usual loss of body fat, cause recurrent menstrual disorders due to the increase in testosterone, growth hormone and prolactin. These alternations can also lead to the disappearance of the menstruation.

Biological decoding of amenorrhea

The range of causes and circumstances that can lead a woman to suffer amenorrhea it is wide and varied; however, the biological meaning of this disease allows us to simplify and clarify the tonality and nature of the unconscious emotional conflicts that originate it.

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The symptoms associated with the menstruation In general, they report that the affected woman harbors unresolved conflicts of rejection of her femininity; attitude always based on the rejection of the mother-woman model that her own progenitor has meant for her. Furthermore, in the case of the amenorrhea Two circumstances of great importance come into play. In the first place, the sexual aspect that is revealed with the aforementioned rejection of femininity itself. From this rejection of one’s own femininity and one’s own sexuality arises a feeling of dirt regarding the genital organs and, therefore, the deep and unconscious desire not to be a woman because of the “inconveniences” that may entail.

Secondly, the affective aspect refers mainly to the couple relationship. Many times, the woman with amenorrhea She harbors feelings of guilt that have been generated by her partner’s words, actions, and attitudes toward her. Denigrating and frustrating facts that she has lived through in silence, with rage and impotence. The woman experiences this situation with devaluation and guilt. The attitudes of her partner and the impossibility of expressing what happens inside her make her not feel up to it, she devalues ​​herself. She does not find the way to understand the attitude of her partner or to get a rectification. She devalues ​​herself and blames herself because she believes she is incapable of redirecting the situation. Most likely, these words or actions of the couple have taken place just before or during the period and, therefore, her unconscious has associated the conflicting situation with that periodic manifestation of her menstrual cycle. So the period is unconsciously linked to that feeling of guilt and powerlessness. In these cases, the biological sense of blocking the menstruation it is, therefore, to annul that guilt and impotence. Unconsciously, the woman remedies this conflictive and painful situation by blocking the menstrual cycle. Thus, she rejects the possibility of procreating and reproducing with her partner that unsatisfactory model of mother-woman-wife that she saw in her own mother. In these circumstances, the amenorrhea it represents an unconscious defense by the woman to avoid repeating herself unsatisfying and painful experiences and roles that she observed in her mother as a child.

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In therapy, healing and deactivating the unconscious programs that give rise to the amenorrhea requires a thorough study of the Sense Project, the childhood and adolescence of women to scrutinize the model of mother-partner-woman with which she has grown up and find out if she identifies with said model or not. Likewise, it is very important to know how she lives and how she feels about her partner’s relationship and what unconscious programs of transgenerational origin may be affecting or projecting in that relationship with her partner. All this will allow you to become aware of what blocks and rejections have led you to suffer amenorrhea. Locating and understanding all the circumstances that have been affecting the acceptance of your femininity and your mother-partner-woman model will allow you to free yourself from patterns, programs and beliefs that are not yours. Understanding the origin of your feelings of guilt and devaluation in relation to your partner will help you value yourself, respect yourself and, therefore, affirm and accept yourself. cure the amenorrhea it requires a job of internal search and reconciliation with itself; of acceptance and respect for her own body and her abilities to be able to feel and live as a mother, as a couple and as a woman who flows in fullness and harmony.

Source: dbr-casla.comv


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