Insomnia and emotional causes that can cause it


Definition: Difficulty falling asleep or waking up frequently or early. During the day there is a drop in performance in general.

Technical: Conflict of fear, guilt and negative thoughts in general. It is always the phase of active conflict or sympathicotony.

Biological sense: We must remain alert due to an unresolved danger (many times on a mental level). At an archaic level, we have that if in the cave or in the town there were not enough people to watch, weapons to defend the clan, or a threat was around the environment, we would be restless and it would be very difficult for us to sleep, in order to be able to react more quickly in if the threat is real. There is always a notion of urgency in the conflict or threat.

Conflict: Conflict of fear, guilt, anguish, negative thoughts, surrender… Covert or overt nervous depression. Need to watch over a dead person (real or symbolic).

Conflict of the controller and the perfectionist. Fear of losing control of a situation. Difficulty in making decisions. 2 meanings for the conflict and the two related:

  • to) I don’t accept things as they are (because of guilt, fear, whatever) and I need to change them, act now, right now, without delay. In this case, the mental process is activated and prevents us from resting. If we do not find the origin of the conflict, we will hardly be able to order our mind to stop, therefore we must find our negative thoughts and solve them (during the day) and with that satisfaction we go to bed. We cannot turn the bed into a place for conflict resolution, because we will accustom our mind to being alert in it instead of resting.
  • b) Find a ghost in the family tree and analyze it to cut ties.
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Bio-Emotional Dictionary


The inability to sleep corresponds to a deep fear of abandoning and letting go. I live insecurity and I want to have control over everything that happens in my life. However, when I sleep, my “mental faculties” sleep as well and I am more vulnerable, because my senses are more alert and open to the unknown. For this reason, keeping my mind busy with all kinds of ideas, all kinds of situations, even fictitious and invented by me, I prevent me from sleeping. My life is colored with tension, anxiety, guilt and sometimes even paranoia. This may result from a feeling that my ego or survival has already been threatened in some way, which is understandable if I experienced some deep trauma, such as robbery, rape, etc. There is a chance that I will feel extremely nervous and have difficulty positioning myself and making decisions. It’s also like I die every time I fall asleep and this arouses fears of the unknown of the night in particular. Insomnia can be strongly related to conscious or unconscious guilt. For one reason or another, I may have the feeling that “I don’t deserve to rest.” Maybe because I feel guilty for not being successful in life, not doing everything necessary for my children, etc. I may also have programmed myself thinking that “sleep is a waste of time.” The thymus gland is closely linked to sleep and, at the same time, to the energy of the heart. Insomnia can be linked to my ability to love myself, to trust love and, by the same token, to life. I learn to relax and let go of control to let the dream take its place in my life.

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The great Dec by JACQUES MARTEL

Decoding Insomnia

From the biological point of view, insomnia manifests, above all, the existence of fear; the need to stay alert. The person who suffers from insomnia lives with deep insecurity and, therefore, feels the need to have permanent control: watch. When we sleep, our mental faculties also rest and, logically, we lower our guard. This makes us more vulnerable. For this reason, unconsciously, the person who lives with insecurity and fear remains constantly alert so as not to lose control, so as never to show himself vulnerable to the unknown, to the dangers that he feels lie in wait for him. That is the reason why the person who suffers from insomnia keeps his mind occupied -unconsciously- with all kinds of ideas, problems and situations to prevent restful sleep from settling in.

Due to that deep insecurity that presides over their lives, these are people with difficulties in making decisions. Frequently, associated with this insecurity, there is also anguish, anxiety and guilt. Often the insomnia It is closely linked to guilt when -unconsciously- the person feels that they do not deserve the pleasure of resting because they feel guilty for not being successful in life, for the malfunctioning of their couple life, for not doing everything possible for their children. , etc.

He insomnia it is also the biological manifestation of a feeling of mistrust in the process of life. Evidence, the existence of negative thoughts, of apathy. What is seen and what is felt is not to the liking of the affected person.


Usually, in insomnia there is a strong component transgenerational that should be sought and analyzed through the corresponding study of the family tree. He insomnia It is usually the manifestation of unresolved transgenerational conflicts that, precisely for this reason, have been transmitted from generation to generation. Active conflicts related, above all, to traumatic or unexpected deaths of one or some member of the family clan. Deaths that could not be veiled or that could not be mourned at the time. Losses for which the family clan has found neither explanation nor justification. In these cases, it is necessary to analyze the possible transgenerational affinity between the deceased and the affected person (if they are double) because the insomnia It takes on the sense of watching over the tragically disappeared clan member who is still waiting to mourn his death.

The therapy of Biological Decoding for the insomnia It allows us to detect its possible transgenerational origin and the circumstances of the original conflict that we have inherited and that we unconsciously repeat. Knowing and understanding the nature of the conflict that is behind insomnia allows awareness to be taken, immediately afterward, to take action by making the changes that are necessary.

It is essential, therefore, to find the origin of the conflict in as much detail as possible, to locate it in time, space and context. Only then can the unconscious program that the person has inherited be deactivated. Only then is it possible to reverse the situation that leads the person, prey to fear, insecurity and guilt, to remain alert every night, preventing the necessary rest.

Jesus Casla

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