Definition: Pregnancy that occurs outside the uterus because the fertilized egg has not descended to him.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Contrary reproduction conflict.

Biological sense: Avoid an unwanted pregnancy unconsciously.

There is a crossover of messages, on the one hand we want the pregnancy and on the other we don’t. That is why the ovum stops in the tube, halfway.

Conflict: Desired pregnancy and at the same time unwanted or feared.

Unaccepted wedding, parental disagreement regarding the relationship.

The child will have no place in the home.

It is not the time of pregnancy or the father is not the right one. We will not be able to take care of the child.

Doubts as to who is the father of the child.

Pregnancy outside the norm or carried out with violence (rape)


Definition: Psychological problem in which a woman believes she is pregnant to the point that she exhibits most of the symptoms of pregnancy.

Technical: Conflict of fear of pregnancy.

Biological sense: Simulation of a pregnancy to understand (and repair) a conflict of fear of pregnancy.

Conflict: Fear of pregnancy.

Program or memories of unsuccessful pregnancies or those that ended up leading to the death of the mother.

Desire to have a child without having to go through pregnancy.


Definition: Toxemia of pregnancy. It is characterized by the appearance of symptoms such as hypertension, postinuria, edema, hyperreflaxia and even seizures or coma more or less in the third month.

Technical: Annoyed conflict of wanting to abort.

Biological sense: It is a response to a situation (pregnancy) that can be dangerous or counterproductive for us, surely due to a memory transgenerational.

See the biological meaning of each symptom.

Conflict: Unconscious desire to abort. Perhaps upset with the conscious desire to have the child.

Something is lost in the relationship with the partner (father of the baby).

What happened at 16?



Definition: The placenta is inserted too low into the uterus.

Technical: 2nd Embryonic Stage. Child protection conflict.

Biological sense: It makes sense to provide superior protection during childbirth and for the child.

It also makes sense to try to prevent sexual intercourse from occurring during pregnancy.

Conflict: Child protection conflict.

Conflict of rape by the father.

Conflict with the feeding of the son. Search in the transgenerational problems for feed the child

Failed pregnancy conflict.

Search also in the transgenerational.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)

PREGNANCY (pains of…)

Although the pregnancy It is usually happy and enriching, it can also cause fear because of your secret concerns, your doubts, your fears and your anxieties, especially when it is the first time.


These unexpressed feelings will find a way out if, as a mother-to-be, I am not able to express them verbally. Sometimes I may have the feeling that the challenges to accept are so great in relation to what I am capable of taking that I may unconsciously reject the child.

Here are some examples of ailments that you may experience during pregnancy: heartburn they indicate a difficulty in swallowing the reality of what is happening; he constipation it reveals my fear of letting go, that I try to keep things as they are now even though I know that the arrival of a child entails major changes in my life; a painful sciatic nerve manifests my fear of going forward, in the new direction that life brings me, a gestational diabetes is the consequence of the sadness that I live during this period.

I may also be unhappy, afraid of being rejected by seeing how my body changes, and wish I would stop being “fat or pregnant.” I learn to be confident and I accept that I have all the necessary instruments to be able to live this wonderful experience in joy and harmony.

Prolonged pregnancy)

When a pregnancy is prolonged Beyond the usual period, as a mother, I may subconsciously want to continue carrying this child as long as possible, appreciating this state where I feel my child safe and the bond between mother and child is so strong. I want to keep it “protected from the weather” from everyday life. I may be afraid of these new responsibilities that await me with this new child that is about to be born.

Will I rise to the situation? Will this change anything in my life as a couple?

Will I be a good mother?

My concerns regarding this birth can make me delay the arrival of the child. It may also be that my child feels so good in this calming environment that he wants to stay in it as long as possible.

Then I can get in touch with his divine aspect, comfort him, assure him that I will do everything I can to take care of him, that I will continue to love him and that I am in a hurry to have him in my arms.

I must detach myself from my son and convince myself that he has all the instruments necessary to face the challenges you encounter. You only need my love and affection.


At the end of pregnancya eclampsia which is a serious condition characterized by seizures associated with high blood pressure.

It usually occurs in the woman who lives her first pregnancy. It is similar to an epileptic seizure, characterized by a loss of consciousness.

The pregnancy lasts approximately 9 months or 273 days from the date of fertilization. rigidity of the limbs followed by convulsions.

See also  Biodecoding of Autism

The eclampsia It is enough for me if I am a woman who, due to insecurity or guilt, rejects the pregnancy or everything that can represent the arrival of the son. I can also live a grudge against my spouse because I make him guilty and responsible for the pregnancy.

In other cases, it may be me who, as a mother who, having difficulty accepting imminently giving birth to my son, I am going to reject myself, feeling unable to assume my new responsibilities.

I learn to look at the arrival of my son with a positive attitude, knowing that I have everything I need to help him walk.


A ectopic pregnancy develops outside the uterine cavity.

In this case, it may be that as a mother, I live an anguish in the face of childbirth and that it inhibits me from procreating.

I must learn to let the normal process of life flow and let the energy circulate freely within me so that the elements of life take their place according to the divine plan.


I can live in my physical body the same states as a pregnant person even if I’m not; this is called then nervous pregnancy.

A nervous pregnancy manifests an uncertainty, an insecurity of face to my responsibilities in front of my desires. You may want to have a child but I don’t know if I feel up to it, if I have the feeling of being able to assume and meet all the needs of the child. Maybe not…

If he nervous pregnancy manifests itself in a single woman, I must also consider if I experience difficulties with my sexuality. Maybe I’d like to have a child, but I don’t have the pleasure of having an affective relationship with another person.

I can also be afraid of all the responsibilities that work entails. fact of having a spouse even though you want one.

Although the nervous pregnancy manifests itself above all in women, it may happen that this phenomenon occurs in a man. I may wonder how this could be.

I must remember that, whether I am a man or a woman, I have both facets inside me, the YIN (woman) side and the YANG (man) side.

Even though I am a man, I can develop my maternal instinct and certain fears that are linked to it and thus develop the symptoms of a nervous pregnancy by empathy or energetic symbiosis. I check then what are the fears that my inner child is currently experiencing.

So I can reassure him, give him the love and attention he needs so that everything returns to order.


Definition: Mild infectious disease produced by the T. gondii parasite. It can cause general malaise, fever, arthromyalgia, headache and skin rashes.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage.

See also  Biodecoding Shortness Of Breath & Lungs Disease

Separation conflict.

Conflict of fear of dying.

Conflict of toxic mother.

Biological sense: All parasites take advantage of the surplus energies of a organism. In this case the parasite crosses the placenta although it affects the mother little. The son (real or imaginary) is therefore the surplus energy.

Conflict: conflict of separation by distance.

Conflict of the mother who feels toxic herself or a part of her (thoughts, emotions) for the child during pregnancy.

Conflict of fear of dying for sexuality (and reproduction) and/or femininity not accepted


Definition: placental tumor. It is formed from the cells of the placenta.

Technical: 2nd Embryonic Stage. Child protection conflict.

Biological sense: Make a larger placenta to protect the fetus. There is probably a memory of miscarriages or dead brothers in the mother’s line or in the family.

Conflict: Child protection conflict.

A pregnancy that occurs after two or three siblings have died will have a larger placenta for more protection for the baby and for it to receive more food.

Conflict on purpose of doubting about carry the pregnancy to the end.

Conflict over the have a child. I’m ready and I want to have it, but my husband doesn’t want it.

(This can also be the cause of nervous pregnancies)


The hemorrhoids They are varicose veins, widened dilations of the veins, a kind of blister. They are located in the region of the anus and rectum. Seen that the hemorrhoids can occur in cases of constipation, high pressure, pregnancyI will check on these diseases if I live one or situations that are linked to them. When there is painthis is related to stress; when there is hemorrhage, is related to a loss of joy. The hemorrhoids They indicate a tension and an inner desire to force the removal, as if trying to force something out; the same time, the action of withholding manifests itself. The conflict between pushing and holding creates an imbalance. The veins allow us to suppose a situation indicating a emotional conflict between the action of rejecting and rejecting and the action of wanting to retain and block the emotion inside of you. For example, this conflict can flare up in children who feel emotionally abused by their parents (who want to reject them) and who, despite everything, love them and they want them to stay with them retaining them. Other causes are related to the hemorrhoids: an intense feeling of guilt or an old tension bad or unexpressed, that I often prefer to keep to myself and that I live in front of a person or a situation that “breaks my ass”.

The body warns me with this signal. Something in my life needs to be “cleared up”. Surely I live stress, pressure overload in relation to the which i feel…