Definition: Infrequent or straining bowel movements due to lack of movement intestine and by the excessive absorption of water that hardens the feces. Is considered constipation when the frequency is less than three times a week.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Conflict to absorb piece. In relation to water (references, mother). Move the piece.

Biological sense: Constipation appears due to excessive absorption of water in the intestine.

Water always refers to the mother (the first referent, we come from the liquid medium from our mother’s womb).

We will also apply the concept of “fear of letting go”, for retaining something dirty, for the refusal to abandon old ideas or for feelings of lack and lack. See TRAVELER’S CONSTIPATION.

Conflict: Conflict regarding the search or preservation of maternal love (thus We absorb all the water. Or wanting to retain something even after having absorbed the water.

Feeling of making a big mistake if we “let go” of something.

Conflict of feeling guilty about the children. Also conflict of not forgiving (letting go) something.

Active conflict of identity in the territory (the rectum is numbed and does not feel full).

Not being able to mark the territory for being under the surveillance of the “alpha male”.

Active separation conflict. Feeling isolated but wanting to keep someone.

Motor conflict. Not being able to move a piece, to something being blocked (“no I can sell my house and move on with my life.”

Conflict that stops bowel movement due to another urgency that gets in the way.

Conflict of fear of being discovered by something, we must hide it, so that it does not come to light.

Conflict of the controller that wants to have everything under control permanently (nothing should get out of control).


Conflict of the dominated, be a slave (I’m blocked)


Definition: Constipation that occurs when traveling. It tends to affect women much more than to men.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Territory conflict.

Biological sense: Lived in feminine, it is related to the territory, the woman for millennia only towards their needs in their territory, at home and always in the same place.

While the man, who went hunting, had to do it wherever he went and quickly. That is why today it is still difficult for women to go to the bathroom when she is traveling. This also happens to men who experience this situation in the feminine.

Conflict: Territory conflict. I’m not home and I can’t mark the territory.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


He constipation takes place inside the intestine when the muscle movements that allow elimination are made at idle, which which causes clogging of debris. These residues are only physical manifestation of my negative ideas, my worries, my anger, jealousy that hinder me.

He constipation It is generally associated with a diet low in dietary fiber. This is the indication of a great will to check the events of my life and that results from an inner insecurity.

I am a person very deranged needing the approval of others. For my insecurity, I became even petty. The situations favoring the constipation can occur when I experience a difficult financial situation, when I have troubled relationships or when I go on a trip, because that is when I am most vulnerable to feeling restless and “unanchored”. I cling to my old ideas and my personal assets. What I already know allows me some control and gives an illusion of security.

I am so afraid of being judged that I reject my spontaneity, I prevent myself from advancing. I also reject my “problems” and my past emotions, for fear that they will surface again and that I will have to face them.


When did I authorize myself to take my place and be myself?

When is the last time you felt free and full of enthusiasm?

What is stopping me?

I absolutely must abandon everything that no longer suits me, release. I agree, here and now, free myself from the past, move forward and live a more exciting life. I feel more relaxed and have confidence in life.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel


What emotional conflict am I experiencing?:

It is constipation, it is one of those symptoms that we may think is due to a single emotional conflict, experienced only once, but it is not.
Having constipation speaks of the fact that we are vulnerable people in a specific aspect of our character, therefore, we can continue living the emotional conflict all our lives, every day and we have become used to it, without becoming aware.
An event could have happened in the past that caused us the symptom for the first time, yes, but somehow we continue to suffer from it today without solving it.

The emotional conflicts that can lead to constipation are:

– I feel separated from my territory.
– I do not have a specific place in the territory.
– I don’t know who I am, within the territory.
– I live in an active separation conflict, because I don’t want to let go.
– I can’t keep the person I love.
– I can not direct this that is mine.
– I can’t forgive, I can’t evacuate this crap.
– I was evacuated from my home or from what I considered my home, my city, my home, my country.
– I want to save, control everything in my own way and constantly.
– I was educated under a rigorous and hard principle of order and cleanliness.
– I cannot change my culture, I cannot adapt to the new.
– I can not show my trash, no one should see or review my trash.
– I want to keep my mother’s love, I cannot detach myself from my mother.
– I cannot be wrong, I cannot “cag…”
– I feel trapped, blocked, enslaved, dominated.
– I’m not sure I’m leaving this, what if I’m wrong? What if the shit…?
– I cannot mark this territory, my father is the leader.


As we already know, we have to analyze all this in a symbolic way, because that is how the unconscious works. Therefore, we will have to analyze what crap, what emotional waste, what rubbish, we do not want to release.
Many times, it is about past love relationships, but not beautiful and romantic relationships, but relationships that hurt us, people who hurt us, and that nevertheless, we continue to remember and miss.

Many times, we receive offenses, disrespect, rudeness and day after day, we keep remembering them, without forgiving them.

Actually, the only thing that can easily free us from constipation is to forgive all those people who, according to us, have hurt us in one way or another. Moving on with our lives and becoming aware that it is not worth “holding shit” inside of us.

In Transgenerational, if none of the above conflicts apply to me, I should look for family stories of abandoned babies, babies given away, babies given up for adoption, as well as stories related to abandoning the clan or running away from the clan.

In the Sense Project, I will have to analyze if my mother or my father experienced any of these emotional conflicts, prior to conceiving me or during the pregnancy, because I could have inherited said emotion from her and I have mistakenly assumed that it is my problem.

Akasha Comprehensive Healing

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