A subject of great weight and emotional charge, generally Transgenerational (ancestors abused previously and the chain is repeated).

It is one of the issues that you never want to talk about or mention, and that is that abuses can occur in different ways, the most vulnerable are minors, the smaller the more vulnerable they are, since they have not developed verbal language. The context or environment of the abuse generally occurs within or close to the family circle, the perpetrators are usually close relatives, in 80%. Unfortunately the system has to protect the perpetrator and not the victim.

Also keep in mind that there is no penetration, some groping, touching or another type of “abuse” can be considered in the same way by the person who suffers it at any age.

Mention should also be made of abuse by women of young girls or boys, of course in a lower percentage but there are.

Some people go through several treatments and take years before revealing that they were abused or remembering what happened to them, other victims prefer to remain silent and never comment on it out of guilt or shame, then it will become a “conflict” either psychologically or the body will express in some organ what is silent.

The first recommendation is to get out of the “secret” in order to heal it and to avoid repetitions in the following generations. Let’s keep in mind an important premise:

“Secrets will always seek to come to light”

The statistics are alarming, the percentage of minors who have gone through episodes of bullying. A study carried out in Spain indicates that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 8 boys suffer from sexual abuse, in developing or poor societies these percentages tend to be worse.

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These minors grow up and become adults with many conflicts or health problems, sometimes with continuous relapses, without daring to tell about the trauma they experienced, many thought they could block it, without success. In other cases when the person has the feeling of having experienced something unpleasant but strangely does not remember anything between the ages of 5 or 7, in these cases the information is accessed through therapeutic techniques such as Ericksonian hypnosis.

Violence within marriage or partner relationship

It is important to mention that there are many cases of sexual violence carried out within marriage, where the “husband” believes that he has ownership of his wife” and sometimes uses force, threats or abuse to get to the sexual act.

In other cases, the subject is alcoholic or drug dependent and in states of altered consciousness he comes to violate his partner.

With respect to the perpetrators, they will hardly stop, they may have a period of remorse but they will repeat their behavior, they present severe disorders, it is advisable to report and speak with the family and that the respective judicial measures be taken, so that they proceed to urgent psychological intervention .

Impunity is an opiate for humanity.

By speaking about it, they are going to remove that suffering from themselves, that which they had been hiding for years for whatever reasons, and in this way they will help themselves and future generations.

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Clarifying that each case is unique and cannot be generalized, I mention some of the physical or psychological symptoms that people (children or adults) who have experienced sexual violence may present (or who are in resonance with the untold story of their ancestors, which we call Transgenerational)

  • panic states.
  • Agoraphobia
  • Pollen allergy- Sinusitis
  • chlamydia
  • Ectopic (Extrauterine) Pregnancy – Placenta Previa
  • Hip problems, coccyx
  • Problems in the sexual organs
  • vaginismus
  • Pathologies in the uterine tubes
  • Arrenoblastoma.- Nephroblastoma
  • Genuvalgo (X-shaped deformity of the legs. The knees come together and the ankles separate.
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (washing your hands or excessive cleaning of everything).
  • nightmares in children
  • Periosteum
  • -Encopresis – Fecaloma
  • self harm
  • leukoplakia
  • Homosexuality
  • excessive sweating
  • sexual perversions
  • fear, night terror
  • Sarcoidosis
  • Very obvious change in behavior, withdrawal, crying, sudden moods, anger, etc.

I present the summary fingers cases of many attended (each one is unique, it is never generalized)

Case 1. Conflict: Anorgasmia

30-year-old married woman, with blockade in sexual enjoyment, analyzing her history.

After the transgenerational analysis:

Her mother experienced sexuality as great suffering, she did not want to be with her husband, who was going to take her out of the children’s room, the consultant recalls that her mother returned crying and frozen.

Work was done to release resentment.

In addition, your partner has the same name as your father (if there is a conflict, it represents “symbolic incest”), that is, the husband having the same name, profession, similarity, etc., the unconscious of the consultant can associate the resemblance of the father, then the conflict could be I can’t or I don’t want to be intimate with my father (also valid when it is double of the mother in male consultants)


** Several processes are carried out here, release the resentment, return the program that never belonged to him.

Case 2. Conflict: Genu valgus

Consultant 48-year-old woman, who presents the case of her 11-year-old son diagnosed with Genu valgus.

Reviewing the family tree, apparently there was no information, but the mother gave me an answer when questioning how she had been as a mother, she indicated that she was very overprotective with the 3 (2 sons and a daughter) of not leaving them in other people’s houses, she told me that she was suspicious I had bad thoughts even with close relatives, I never left my children with anyone.

Reviewing the “son’s doubles” was the maternal grandfather. The client had a dream a few days after the session and was encouraged to call her father, who lived in another country. The question was direct, for the sake of her grandson it was important to know if any traumatic event had happened, and the answer was yes, at the age of 11 he had suffered an episode of sexual violence, he had never told it before. By releasing the secret, the minor presented a great improvement.

With this publication I hope to generate a positive wave that encourages you to get out of a conflict that may resonate with you or a family member.

A hug of light

Alexandra Sanchez

(Psychotherapist – BioNeuroCoach-Reconnective Healing Practitioner)..

Videos proposed Abuse and violence

Abuse in minors (Akasha Integral Healing):

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