Definition: Each of the hairs that grow on a person’s head
Technical: 2nd and 4th Embryonic Stages. Father conflict.
sympathicotony: In the active conflict phase, partial or total hair loss occurs.
vagotonia: At the beginning of the conflict repair phase, hair loss continues, but then their regeneration begins together with a reddening of the scalp.
Biological sense: The hair has the function of protecting the head, mainly from the sun’s rays. The symbolism of the head is linked to the father, to the intellectual processes and to the image of oneself.
The symbolism of the hair to my strength, my faith and ultimately to my divine side, which needs neither strength nor protection.
Initially, hair loss is only the first phase of a biological process that should end with the partial or total regeneration of the hair in better conditions to perform its protective function.
Conflict: Conflict with the recognition of the father (real or symbolic) or intellectual conflict:
«I am worried, I eat the coconut, I think a lot…».

See ALOPECIA to deepen.

Symbolic father can be: Boss, leader, guide, the world, an owner, a coach…

Definition: Hair that appears to turn gray when pigment cells reduce their melanin synthesis.
Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Intellectual and parental conflict.
Biological Sense: Lack of melanin in the hair due to deficiency in the hair follicle.

The melanin (dye) “attracts” and informs visually. There is a loss of this function due to an important notion of separation with the function of the hair and the head, and its symbolism (father, intellectuality, my strength, my faith…).
Conflict: Need for my wisdom (my intelligence) to be recognized by the father. Or “me as a father”: Need for more intelligence or wisdom to play the role of father.
“I don’t feel intellectually recognized enough”, “I’m not smart or wise enough to be a father”.
Symbol of maturity or detachment.

They appear after the effort to integrate these two concepts or values.
According to the area: Gray hair usually appears on the front of the head (something I deal with intellectually) or on the temples (self reflections), although it can appear first in the beard (reflections on my masculinity) or more rarely on the back of the head. head (my vulnerability). If they are generalized and extended, take it as something general, if they are very localized, we can extract something from their meaning.
Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


What emotional conflict am I experiencing?

If I present any alteration, symptom, loss, or damage to my hair, it means that I am experiencing or have experienced an emotional conflict related to: SEPARATION + DEVALUATION. Therefore, I must analyze what situations in my life make me feel worthless and, at the same time, separated from something I love or someone I love.


Our hair represents our strength, our courage, our confidence in ourselves and our abilities. Having any hair problem necessarily implies that “something” has happened or happens daily that makes us lose faith in ourselves. And, related to that trust in us, there is also trust in life itself, in the Universe, in our spiritual part. If for some reason we lose confidence in ourselves, somehow, we are also losing confidence in the future, in the future, in the world, in our world. We do not have faith in ourselves, but neither in what is beyond, the divine, the superior.


If I have hair with excess fat, I am necessarily experiencing a conflict in which unconsciously “my strength slips”, my strength is unable to be sustained. Something or someone causes me to lose the strength that I have suddenly felt. – My strength slips. – I do not receive from the world the necessary information to be strong. – I lack knowledge, I am stupid, I feel stupid. – I don’t know what I need to know or learn to succeed. – They don’t tell me, nobody tells me what I need to know. If my hair is oily and is also falling out, it means that I feel the emotional need to recover my skills, my knowledge, my gifts, my abilities. Something has happened in my life that has taken away my strength, but I want it back.


If I present hair with dandruff and dandruff on the scalp, I am necessarily experiencing an emotional conflict related to an extremely strong interest because the truth “be known”. I want the truth to be told about something, that it be spoken clearly, that others stop pretending. Dandruff commonly appears after a separation that for us does not make sense. Also, it can appear after a situation that “made us feel” that we were not lucky, or that we have “bad luck”. – I want my ex boyfriend to clarify why he left me, I didn’t understand why he did it. – I want my father to explain to us why he abandoned us, I don’t understand. – I want my boss to clarify why he didn’t give me the promotion if he had already promised. – I want my luck to change, I always have bad luck. – I never win anything in any contest, I have bad luck. – My girlfriend left me, I have bad luck in love.

brittle hair

If I have brittle hair, I am necessarily experiencing an emotional conflict related to an unsatisfied need to be more in contact with the Universe, with the Divine. In general, they are people who give themselves totally to the needs of others, to such a degree that they move away from what is truly important.

See also  HIP, JOINT

It could be said that they are people who have been very believers or spiritual and suddenly, due to routine issues, work, etc. They suddenly discover that they have forgotten their spiritual side… “they break”. Brittle hair is highly common in people who place much of their faith in the divine. Even their strength and confidence in themselves and in the face of a conflict in life, they discover that this divine part “did not save them”.

– I thought that fate had put that man in my path, and today he asked me for a divorce.

Why did this have to happen to me?

– Why are you punishing me God?

– I don’t understand how the Universe allowed this to happen.

– God is unfair, I did not deserve this.

– I trusted you Universe, I blindly believed in you, you have failed me.


Gray hair, contrary to what most people think, is a positive symptom. Gray hair is a sign of no longer needing the approval of others. Of not feeling the need to pretend to others. That is why they usually make their appearance at maturity. When we become wise people, with a lot of experience. Gray hair signifies emotional “maturity”, regardless of age. It means that emotionally, we have already acquired many learning experiences. Perhaps we have suffered, but we have learned lessons of great value. Now, what if I have gray hair, but my hair is falling out? It happens that emotionally, you are experiencing a conflict in which you feel that at times you lose your inner peace, your abilities, your wisdom, your gifts, your abilities.

– I am calm, but that boy made me angry today and I exploded.

– I wanted to give good advice to my daughter and I was wrong, I spoke without thinking.

– Whenever I try to speak in front of those people, I lose my concentration.

– I thought that this news no longer disturbed my peace.

If I am a person with gray hair and suddenly I start to lose hair from my crown, I am necessarily experiencing an emotional conflict in which, despite my wisdom and peace, I continue to reject ideologies other than mine.

I do not accept another religion that is not mine, I do not accept any other truth that is not mine. My wisdom and experience make me behave foolishly. Where was my being of peace? I lose my ability to think, to discern, to accept other mentalities or behaviors different from mine.

If I am a person with gray hair and suddenly, I begin to lose hair on the sides of my head, I am necessarily experiencing or have experienced an emotional conflict, related to resentment. I have experienced something that has made me live with a grudge against something or someone. There is someone whom I have not forgiven.


If I have dry, lifeless, motionless hair, similar to grass, I am necessarily experiencing an emotional conflict related to constant devaluation of a person with whom I live on a daily basis. It can be my father, my mother, my teacher, my boss, my co-worker, my best friend, etc. Someone whom I see on a daily basis minimizes me and makes me feel that I can’t think for myself, that I can’t do things by myself, that I’m not capable of being independent. All this, mixed with phrases of “I trust you”, “I love you”, “I do it for your own good”, etc.


Such is the devaluation that I receive day by day, that “I am drying up my strength.” I dry up, I lose my joy, my drive, my aspirations, my confidence in myself.

– Don’t forget to take your phone and call me, can’t you see that I’m worried?

– You must ask for things as I taught you, otherwise it won’t work and they won’t give it to you.

– But do you remember how to do it right? Let’s see, repeat what I just told you.

– Are you going alone? And do you remember how to get there? I need to go with you to show you the direction.

– You call and tell him that you need a return, listen to me, that’s how it should be done.

– If you don’t do things as I tell you, they won’t work out for you, I love you.

Source: Akasha Integral Healing

HAIR (in general)

Protecting the skin of the head, the hair symbolizes strength, freedom, beauty and power (think of Samson in the Bible). They are directly linked to the dignity of being, to the essence of power. They put me in contact with spiritual, cosmic and supra-cosmic energy.

My hair grows near the seventh chakra or energy center, the crown chakra. The state of the hair is also the representation of sexual, genital and reproductive power. Several myths exist regarding hair (blonde, brown, bald…).

It is important to know that my hair is the image of the power I have to direct my own life. What do I really want in life? Do I have the feeling that others direct my life? The strength and courage to take control of my life will increase my feeling of freedom and the vigor of my hair.
The hair reflects a person’s joy of living and its cleanliness indicates the interest they have in being cared for, in being here. I observe the different states of my hair that correspond to certain internal states (broken hair, dull, fine or broken, thick, etc.)
I keep myself open to this wonderful power from heaven that is my hair!

HAIR (diseases of the …)

Various causes can bring on the appearance of hair diseases. A great impact…