Why I don’t want to work or study – causes and solutions



I am 20 years old and I once studied systems engineering but I couldn’t because of the pressure I felt like I wasn’t going to do it, I gave up and now after so much time what happened I don’t know if I want to go back to study a degree or something and work I know I do. I don’t really know what to do because I like to draw and that but I don’t have many opportunities and I’m always sad all the time day, afternoon and night I’m always crying I’ve always been negative all the time I also like to be with him cell phone and always being alone locked in a room and when I talk to someone, I tend to struggle a lot with words and they don’t come out well because I don’t know how to express myself, I don’t say what I think because I don’t want to hurt others and the people closest to me either. I don’t say my opinion because maybe they would say no. Well, I would be disrespectful. I feel like I would be a failure in my entire life and I won’t be able to do anything right. I don’t know if it’s normal to be sad all day, afternoon and evening, all the time. always being negative and so on… Maybe I can relate to this article but I don’t know how true it is 🙁



Hello, good blog, but it happens to me that I finished my degree about 5 months ago and as of today I have not found a job related to my career, I feel frustrated and afraid, also somewhat insecure, because I am looking for a job but I’m very scared, I feel like I don’t need to work either, I’m 25 years old, I feel alone and I also have my goals, I don’t know what to do with my life besides the fact that I feel like I’m falling into depression.

Ale Ui


Hello, my name is Ale.
I don’t know how to explain how I feel, but I’ve been studying for years, but now I’m in high school and I’m 18 years old. I am in my last year of school, this fifth semester is about to end. In fact, before starting to write this comment, I left my homework because I felt strange and came to read this article. I am not a NEET, despite everything I have to admit that my mother and my grandmother have given me a really comfortable life, where my only job has been to study, but this last year I have felt very horrible, because I don’t I can sleep, my hair falls out, I cry for no reason, my mother and my grandmother have tried to make me see things, they support me and encourage me, they trust me and even my friends and my boyfriend have helped me, they work and study and this is where I give myself the typical phrase of “Your only obligation is to study.” I know that my only obligation is that, but every day I try to explain to myself why I feel this way, perhaps because I am in online classes because of the Covid but I still don’t see myself in person. I don’t like to feel like this because I want to give everything to my mother and my grandmother, to be an example for my little sister and the hardest thing is that even though I cry, complain, scream, I can’t sleep and everything bad, I don’t stop is studying and The truth is my grades are above 90, but I’m not happy: (I think about leaving school and starting to look for something that I like and that fulfills me, or maybe rest and then next year go back to another school and finish, My dreams have always been to be in the Navy, I am good at drawing and dancing, but I am not happy at school, I feel very stupid and stupid, I plan to go to a psychologist because if I need one I want to be well and give everything to myself. family but I want to do it with something that makes me happy and I don’t feel obliged to do it or that says it is necessary, I know it is but I don’t want to:( I need help:(

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The psychological topic was very complete for all types of situations that arise. The article above all very clear



I’m 18 and I’m tired of studying and I hate the idea of ​​working. I feel like I have no future. There is no course that I like. Several things may catch my attention but dedicating myself to them would bore me so I don’t know what to do.

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Exactly the same thing happens to me.



Hello, I am 51 years old and I don’t know how to help my 25-year-old son. He stopped working, started a new career, he now lives at home.
He left his religion and practically looked a lot like a hippie. I am worried about the future of him studying agroecology.
I need help

Matthias Setton


The problem I’m having is this. They tell me do what makes you happy. Studying and working I am not happy. I am happy being on my cell phone, going to train, being with friends, playing games, not studying and not working either.

Julia Rodriguez


That happens to me. And the truth is, I already know the root cause. I suffer from anxiety and I am depressed, which has stagnated me. Of course, now that I am older, I have realized some behaviors that I did not realize when I was young. Oh boy, I’m 28 years old. And if the truth is true, I have set goals for myself, I have worked, but I always felt or feel that something was not right with me, fears, lack of motivation. I started something and suddenly I didn’t want to continue; I went to the doctor and they diagnosed me with these problems. It is incredible that as a child you suffer from these things and your parents don’t stop you. I don’t blame them, but many times it’s not conformity or laziness. We have to be alert with our children because they don’t want to study or they simply don’t. They want certain work, and not to point out that they are lazy or lazy, because that happened to me and now I continue to struggle with these conditions, which they have wanted to stagnate me.

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I identify a lot with the article, all the points it presents are what is currently happening to me, I don’t know what to do, I really want to become a great professional, earn money and give my parents the life they deserve, especially my mother, but Every time I sit down to study I don’t know what, whether it’s laziness or lack of motivation, I want to understand what the teacher says but almost nothing registers with me, it’s like it goes in one ear and comes out the other, it’s like I have a mental block. just to study, I get distracted very quickly, and what makes me most angry is that for other things without any relevance I do pay attention but for what really matters I don’t give any interest, it came to the point of hating myself, I feel stupid and stupid, my parents give me everything, I literally lack nothing, I have everything and I feel guilty because by giving me everything I don’t even show interest in studying, while other people who have all the motivation to study and goals to achieve What I have is missing, sometimes I would like to give those people all my things and tell them: you take it, you will get much more out of it than me. I am the older sister and I want to be a good example for my siblings but how can I be if I find myself this way, I told my mother about my problem and all she does is judge me, I think she should do something more than that for example by taking me to a psychologist but no, all he does is judge me making me feel much worse



I’m 12 years old and I don’t want to study, I tried but I can’t consent.



I study chemical engineering, but sometimes I get tired and I don’t even care about the projects or lessons or anything and I let it accumulate until I have to redo it, I don’t know what happens to me, before I didn’t get so tired and I left everything thrown away… I mean there is always distractions but there is no excuse, it’s like they send me so much bath that it exhausts me before I start

Ernesto Chulin


I have had that same problem for more than 5 years, I have still had those symptoms, I still feel like I can’t look for a job, but I don’t know if I hope to find a good psychologist. But the information here is very useful.

Maximo Benitez


Well, where to start? My name is Maximo Benitez, I am 16 years old and I live in Argentina. When reading the post I feel very identified with the points they developed and the truth is that I don’t know what to do to change.
To give a little more context to my situation I am going to talk about certain aspects.
At an academic level, I usually get very good grades in subjects related to social sciences such as history, geography or politics and citizenship, while in hard sciences such as mathematics I do very poorly, it is a subject that I hate and I fail all the exams. years (with the exception of 1 year of secondary school) since
It doesn’t even motivate me at all and I have a mental block with it that prevents me from studying it. I am aware of the implication that this area of ​​study has for the development of a person’s critical thinking.
Regarding the social aspect, I also feel very devastated that I no longer have many friends and I have problems relating to others when it comes to communicating and expressing my ideas. I usually struggle a lot to speak and I am not exactly a good speaker. It is difficult for me to convince with my ideas.
Let’s move on to a personal level, the big problem is that I have very little confidence in myself, I really realize that I see the future almost in an apocalyptic way, I see that if I study whatever I study I will not be able to exercise well. whatever work you do. My parents are really very permissive (I don’t mean that as a criticism), they really give me everything since they have had difficult childhoods and if I do something wrong or say something out of place I don’t receive any punishment, plus I notice that they , especially my mother, do not have very good work experiences. Another thing to highlight is that I am 1.63 tall and my physique is closer to that of a woman than that of a man my age, which is because I do not do any exercise or practice any sport. I completely don’t know myself, I don’t know what my virtues are, I can only appreciate my negative aspects.
Every day I wake up without knowing why, I have no motivation at all, the only thing I do is lie down all day and feel guilty about it. I feel deep pain in my heart and chest.
That was all I wanted to express. Thank you.

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Hello Maximo,
From your explanation, it does seem like you know yourself well. I recommend that you go to a professional who can evaluate your particular case and detect the cause of your discomfort and demotivation and treat them in a personalized way.
A hug.



My love, you are 16, it is normal that you are at the age of the donkey of not wanting to do anything hahahaha and not knowing what to do with your life, don’t be discouraged, everything happens.



Hello, you know the same thing happened to me as you, and a psychologist recommended this book to me, it’s called: Your Erroneous Zones by Wayne W. Dyer and it changed my life forever. I also began to connect with God by praying and studying the word, listening to praise and playing sports, going out with good friends in a healthy way and starting new projects, goals and studies and really all this made me leave that comfort zone and made me the person that I have always wanted to be and dream every day to be better, so from my heart and from experience I advise you to do it. Blessings….



I am 16 and I know that I have privileges that not many have, my parents love me and support me whatever I do and in general my life from anyone’s perspective is good. I really hate feeling this way but I just…