How to stop thinking about the death of a loved one

The death of a loved one causes suffering. The world continues at its own pace, however, the inner universe of close family members undergoes an important change. The power of absence takes you to the memory of that presence. It is important that, with the passage of time, we manage to work through that loss and integrate it into our reality to go beyond the death of that loved one and connect with so many shared moments.

In Psychology-Online we give you the keys so you can know how to stop thinking about the death of a loved one. It is important to accept what has happened and turn the page, observing life as the best scenario for personal development since life is hope. And, through your attitude, you transform your reality with a positive meaning.

7 tips to get over the death of a loved one

  1. Think about the life of that loved one. That is, it changes the perspective. Why do you now suffer the longing for loss? Because previously, you had the opportunity to enjoy many moments in common with that person. Remember those anecdotes and relive those moments. That is, think about life. When you remember the happy moments of the past, you feel present well-being again. Even if the taste of nostalgia remains, you should try to embrace the legacy of shared memories because they fuel your self-esteem by connecting with such a unique part of your life story.
  2. work therapy. To stop thinking about the death of a loved one we have to think that there are times in life when work can become a positive distraction. Try to concentrate your efforts on achieving the planned objectives, enjoy the office routine and put your creativity into practice. Work offers you a source of positive occupation. In this way, thanks to occupations you distract yourself from worries.
  3. Don’t avoid the memories. For example, do not avoid those places that remind you of that absent loved one because it is very possible that those places connect you with the feeling of peace that remains in the soul when connecting with the truth of affection beyond absence. When the memory of an absent loved one comes to your heart, you experience the magic of life.
  4. Change your beliefs. It is not about not remembering that absent loved one but about ensuring that the memory of him does not block you and paralyze you. To do this, you need to grieve. For this reason, accept what has happened, assume the loss with all the pain that it implies. Therefore, cry and express your tears.
  5. Dosage visual stimuli at home. For example, it is very possible that you would like to have a photograph of that loved one decorating a room in your house, however, measure the memories so as not to become anchored in scenes from the past.
  6. Listen to your own feelings. The process of overcoming grief is very personal. It is worth pointing out that there are therapeutic groups for overcoming grief in which attendees express in an environment of understanding, active listening and respect what their feelings, fears and wounds are.
  7. Live day to day. Take this message literally. To do this, set a goal for this day. What is your purpose for today? Focus on that goal.

Think about your life and not the death of that loved one

To learn how to stop thinking about the death of a loved one, it is important to remember that You are an independent and autonomous being. Your story is different from that of that loved one, even if you both have a very close bond. This is something you have to keep in mind when grieving.

That person’s goodbye defines the end of their life, but yours continues. And the best life tribute you can pay to that person is to continue with your story, conquer new joys, undertake new projects and constantly evolve. You deserve to be happy. You can repeat this message to yourself as a mantra as many times as you need.

Therefore, focus on your life since it is in this field of reality where you have power of influence. You can’t do anything to change the inevitable of the death of that loved one, however, you can adopt a positive attitude to live your present and focus on the power of hope. Since hope is one of the most important feelings in this type of situation. Remember how Khalil Gibran expresses; “No matter how long the storm is, the sun always shines again through the clouds.”

Facing special dates after the death of a loved one

Christmas is one of the most emotional times of the year and it is difficult to escape this atmosphere of memories. However, if you take a trip to a destination that you like, breaking with usual traditions from your house this holiday season, it will be easier for you to live this time without the constant reminder of that absent loved one.

You can also change the location of the celebration. For example, this may be a good time to have New Year’s Eve dinner at a restaurant instead of at home. Definitely, make changes in the way you celebrate the Christmas holidays or any other significant date that reminds you of that absent loved one. And thanks to these changes in the celebration, you will also feel better.

This article is merely informative, at Psychology-Online we do not have the power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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