What is the difference between phobia and fear? When is it normal and when is it not?

One of our specialists answers this question that is common among Internet users. Do you have any fear or phobia about something? Read the following article to clear up any doubts.

Even though that him fear It is not the most pleasant emotion, it is natural, beneficial and one of the first we know as children. Fairly, It is that mechanism focused on defense and survival, which is useful to help us respond to certain situations very quickly. You could even say that it is thanks to her that we have managed to survive as a species.

It is common for many people to fear mice, cockroaches, the ocean, or spiders, just to name a few common fears. On the other hand, it is also possible that we have once heard of someone with a phobia of heights, blood or some animal like snakes.

What happens when instead of fear we talk about phobias?

When we talk about a phobia we are not referring to that momentary fear of seeing some unpleasant element that is accompanied by a subsequent scream and laughter.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5 or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) Specific phobias are intense fear of a specific object or situation..

A phobia is identified by an anxiety that is disproportionate to the real danger that that element may have.. For example, a person with a phobia of butterflies may have extremely high levels of anxiety just by seeing one in the distance. Although it is known that this insect is not dangerous, those who experience the phobia are not able to conceive this fact in a rational way.

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There are also other phobias such as snakes that are potentially dangerous, who has this condition You will trigger an intense reaction just by seeing the image of a snake on your home television in a city where encountering one is almost unlikely.

Those who have a phobia will react in a particular way to that element and will always avoid confronting it in any way. This is where the different areas of life begin to be affected. So that you continue to understand it, Imagine that you have a phobia of closed spaces and you have to work in a small officeconceiving the idea of ​​having to spend 8 hours a day in that space is possibly something unimaginable, so you may prefer to resign or take actions such as not going to the office, and consequently, work problems may arise.

A phobia goes far beyond fear, it becomes something maladaptive that can affect our daily lives.. While fear is rational, phobia may not be rational, as well as uncontrollable; However, there is treatment through exposure therapies that can help a person manage their condition. It should be noted that this is a procedure that must be carried out by a professional who knows the step by step to handle this ethically and effectively, always keeping the safety and improvement of the consultant as a priority.