Qvadis One allows you to answer the phone and open the portal from your mobile

Qvadis One is an innovative system that allows the telephone to be transferred to the mobile, allowing the elderly or people with reduced mobility to speak with someone who calls their home portal and open the door without moving or getting out of bed. simply picking up a call on your mobile.

The operation of this system is simple: when someone presses the floor button on the intercom, the mobile rings and just by answering, as if it were a normal call, they speak to the person who is in the portal, the same that if we had picked up the telephone, and simply by sliding our finger across the screen we could open the door of the building.

The installation of does not require works in the buildingit is not necessary to replace the door entryphone, just change the internal telephone of the house and an App is downloaded to the mobile.

QVadis One connects the mobile phone to the home telephone, avoiding having to move to open the portal door or attend to delivery men, postmen or visitors

As indicated Arsenio Villalongatelecommunications engineer and creator of this system, “Currently there are other very similar systems, but none of them is compatible with traditional telephones and the entire installation of the building has to be changed, which makes it more complicated, since the agreement of the neighborhood community is needed and it implies a significant outlay and retire systems that are still working after 20 or 30 years”.

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The genesis of Qvadis is the story of an entrepreneur who had an idea a few years ago while attending a technology fair in Las Vegas. Until then, Arsenio Vilallonga had traveled the world working in high-tech companies specializing in security and surveillance. He began designing and testing prototypes of his invention at home. Project in hand, Arsenio discovered that a similar invention had already been registered and “I slept” in a drawer at the University of Malaga.

“After so many years, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from Arsenio, an old classmate from the School, showing an interest in transforming our invention into a product. It is a satisfaction that someone brings this solution to society. We are sure that really it will help many peopleand more in the current situation”explains Cristina A. Urdiales, professor of Electronics at the University of Malaga.

Qvadis Innova transformed Arsenio’s invention into an industrializable product, with production in Spain, making it possible today turn the mobile into the home phone. “It is exciting to see how all our efforts are worthwhile, and even more exciting to think that we can help people who spend a lot of time at home, who find it difficult to reach the traditional telephone and especially when now, confined, that need becomes more evident. It is our ‘grain of sand’ in these hard times in which our obligation, that of engineers and researchers, is make life easier for the most vulnerable population. Times will come to sophisticate our invention. Now it’s time to help”, says Arsenio Vilallonga. In addition to the scientific endorsement of the Qvadis One is supported by the National Innovation Company ().

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