Proton therapy: the revolutionary cancer treatment that improves quality of life

Around 1,100 children get cancer every year in Spain, according to the latest data from . And at present it constitutes the first cause of death by disease in the smallest, within the developed countries.

The most frequent tumors among children are:

  • Leukemias (30%)

  • Lymphomas (13%)

  • Central nervous system tumors (22%).

The five-year survival of children under 14 with cancer in Spain is 82.5%, which reflects great progress in recent years, since it has increased by 43% since 1980.

Radiation therapy is part of the multimodal treatment of most childhood solid tumors along with surgery and chemotherapy.

And within radiotherapy, the most indicated technique for the cancer treatment of the smallest is the so-called proton therapy.

The value of proton therapy stands out as a fundamental treatment in pediatric tumors, in improving the survival of children with cancer and in their quality of life, and in minimizing sequelae and subsequent neoplasms thanks to its precision.

What is proton therapy and what are its benefits?

Proton therapy is a special form of radiation therapy that uses protons instead of x-rays or electrons.

This type of radiation allows the dose to be more precise in the tumor tissues, affecting less the healthy tissues that surround the tumor.

The Dr. Monica Ramos Albiaccoordinator of the and radiation oncologist at the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona), points out:

  • “During the last ten years, irradiation techniques have improved so that we can increasingly be more precise in the administration of the radiotherapy dose and avoid areas of healthy tissue close to the treatment area.”

  • “In this way, we can minimize long-term unwanted effects in many of those who are cured of childhood cancer.”

“In this scenario, proton treatment has played a fundamental role in recent years, making it possible to further reduce the dose to healthy tissues and improving the future quality of life of our pediatric cancer patients.”

Among the unwanted effects that proton therapy reduces from SEOR, the following stand out:

  • Reduction of late adverse effects in the organs and tissues surrounding the tumor.

  • Reduced risk of developing second tumors.

Proton therapy is a modality of radiation therapy that uses protons instead of X-rays or electrons.

Can it be used in any type of cancer?

Proton therapy can be applied in the treatment of all solid tumors, but cancer patients with liquid or hematological tumors, such as leukemia and lymphoma, among others, cannot benefit from this radiological technique.

One of the main indications for proton therapy is in tumors in the pediatric population, mainly those located in the central nervous system and those located close to risk organs such as the spinal cord, lungs, etc.

Dr. Mónica Ramos points out that “radiotherapy plays an important role in the curative treatment of pediatric brain tumors, as well as Ewing sarcomas, rhabdomyosarcomas, Wilms tumors, and neuroblastomas.”

Currently, proton therapy is available in two centers in Spain: la and .

But this number is going to increase.

A few days ago, a donation was made that will allow the creation of 10 new proton therapy centers in Spain, specifically located in Madrid (2), Barcelona (2), and one in Santiago de Compostela, San Sebastián, Valencia, Málaga, Seville and Las Palmas.

On the other hand, a public/private initiative will open another unit in Santander, specifically at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital. In this way, Spain will be at the European forefront in Radiation Oncology.

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