My girlfriend left me for someone else – How to get over it?



I was with my girlfriend for 8 years. And at the end of the day she left with someone else, saying that love was over. And it hurt me a lot what he said to me. But that one made me angry because he blocked her from all the networks better and I don’t know what to do.

Marco Camacho


Hello…a few days ago my partner ended an 8-year relationship…he confessed to me that a few weeks ago he met a person and he was treating her…which was not true because he was already in that relationship even though he was with me… My friends saw her…she felt cornered and had no choice but to tell me…she didn’t even have the courage to face me if she didn’t text me everything…that gave me a lot of anger…a lot of anger…that today Next I looked for her to confront her…she didn’t look at my face…she just told me…”that’s how things turned out…I get the feeling for this person and I leave you to it” broke me into pieces… She deceived me…she lied to me…and even so I only wished her luck…that everything went well for her…that I still loved her…now I can’t get her out of my thoughts…I feel terrible with my nerves…I can’t sleeping at night…I lack appetite…I can’t concentrate on my work because I can’t get her out of my mind…I can’t stop thinking about the fact that I’m already with another person…8 years in which we shared countless things…I have taken refuge in alcohol since that sad day…I can’t take it anymore…I know I should continue with my life…but it’s costing me a lot.



Hello, good morning, doctor, I have a virtual girlfriend, she lives in Uruguay and I, Peru, always treated her well, I gave her love and affection and a lot of romance. We had a year of dating for a little while, we always played video games and everything, but right now she left me for a friend and I miss her. and I want to go back to her
Please help me



My ex-partner and I built a relationship of honesty and transparency, in which we allowed ourselves to talk about our vulnerabilities without judging each other. Since I met her, I helped her overcome several bad moments and I always made it a point to be there for her. Until the last day she thanked me for that. The matter unfolded like this: she tells me that she has begun to have feelings for a friend and asks me for an open relationship because she still loves me a lot but does not want to repress her desires (that if she did not love me, she would end me and that’s it). I understand her, we talked about it and we began to work on opening the relationship, however, as the days went by I realized that I am not in a very good emotional state to handle it and I propose closing it until the medium term. From there I begin to notice a slight distance, so I ask her for some time to clarify what she feels and then she finishes me.
I always asked him to tell me if there had been problems in the relationship that he did not tell me, however, until the last day he told me that the relationship was going well, and that the third party was not coming to fill any gap. She ends up telling me that she is not emotionally stable enough to pursue a commitment and she believes that in my current situation of emotional instability (I broke up with old friends and lost my job) she could not assume the responsibility of being my support. However, she tells me that she hasn’t stopped loving or liking me but that she prefers to be alone.
I confess that a few days after finishing I checked his rss and discovered that he is in a relationship with this other guy. I was consumed with great anger and I felt betrayed, not only because of the lie, but because he decided to leave me alone in my worst moment. It’s his decision, and I understand it. However, the lie hurts me and the fact that he didn’t have enough confidence to tell me.
The toxic thoughts that arise are, of course, the feeling that I was insufficient for him, but even worse, the feeling that I was never able to give him the trust to talk about his intimacies, when that is how we had set out to build the relationship from the beginning.
I have already faced that it already happened and that he actually left me for someone else. How can I, however, get rid of the anger, frustration and partly hatred towards her? We had agreed to be friends when both of our infatuations had passed, but today I doubt that.

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Christopher Orellana


Hello, something similar has happened to me, and as you say, this post helps you heal and feel good about the change that has been made to you, but the way it happened to us fills us with anger and a rage without relief because when we find out later After the breakup we did not have the opportunity to file a claim, after a process I will tell you what has worked for me.
1) Understand that in her mind she has not done anything wrong, in everyone’s mind one is never guilty, there is testimony from serial killers that provide a justification, Pablo Escobar and Alcapone felt that they were providing a service, in their heads About your ex, she has done things very well, so stop thinking that one day she will give you an explanation or ask for forgiveness, that will never happen. That thing when you see a movie of a repentant woman saying I’m sorry, you deserve better is 100% fiction.
2)Forgive her, the most trite but true phrase to hate and hold a grudge is to take poison hoping it will hurt her, it’s difficult, she doesn’t deserve it, but you do, you deserve to let go of that grudge, you deserve to be happy, don’t wait the carma or that the same thing happens to her or that she puts herself in your place, just forgive her, but not a forgiveness that if in 5 years they meet in life and want to try again there will be no hard feelings, not that, a forgiveness from me I understand that we make mistakes that hurt other people even if we don’t want to, even if it’s not our intention, it was our fault if Perl was already forgive her and let her go



Hello Anna….
Well, all this is complicated for me, I dated a person for 5 years throughout university, and although we always had doubts and differences, I didn’t think we would end up in the worst way, since in quarantine I was not there for her in a problem she had ( a comment that hurt him and he didn’t talk to me until months later) he didn’t want to give me his trust…And in the end he gave it to a mutual friend, and in the end he cut off the relationship to give himself a chance with that person. She always wanted to go out to parties but with me she didn’t have that ease that he gives her… and I don’t know with all that maybe all that made her fall in love with her. And without realizing it, she always talked every day…
My question is how she could forget all those 5 years that we practically never broke up…and she left everything for him…..Since I think she only thinks about the future and not like me who thinks about the nostalgia of the past.
Help me what can I do please

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Hello Giovanni,
You have to keep in mind that relationships can always end. People can change, they can distance themselves, modify their priorities or preferences… In short, a relationship can end for many reasons. After a breakup, the way to follow is to cut contact with your ex-partner, lean on your loved ones and work on yourself: on your self-esteem, your hobbies, getting to know yourself and dedicating time to yourself… If you have the opportunity to have professional support, It is always a good option.
A hug!



My girlfriend is leaving me for someone else, what should I do?



My wife left me for someone else a year ago, everything in the relationship was excellent, we didn’t argue, it was always fun, I helped her with everything, we have 2 children involved, I have communication with her because of the children but it’s hard for me to get over it. What happened, I behaved very well with her, the truth is I don’t understand why she left, she moved away from me, she started working, it was at the same job where we worked out together that she married me with another person. I felt a lot of anger and pain because I trusted her.



My ex-girlfriend broke up with me 2 weeks ago… we had been in a relationship for 8 years… our relationship was very stable and we had wonderful things although I was sometimes rude to her, not very detailed, and at some point she asked me to get married and I didn’t like her. with a negative. 5 years ago she met a guy who worked with her and he talked to me a lot about her and he gave me a lot of distrust. One time he didn’t answer her cell phone all day and it bothered me and I cut her off. After a few weeks I thought that maybe I was very toxic and I asked her to come back and she refused until I talked and even begged her to come back to me… and I asked her not to have any more contact with that boy, a year later I met a girl who called me attention and I went out with her a couple of times as friends, maybe I felt like I had the opportunity to get revenge on her, she found out and broke up with me and I asked her to talk, she agreed and I also lost contact with that girl, the following years everything went well Well, with future plans that we never made, there came a time when the relationship became somewhat monotonous due to lack of time for her work and taking care of her daughter, so we argued and I stayed away from her for a month. She came back to look for me, we talked and she told me that it would be the last time she looked for me. After 4 months her father died and she fell into practically depression. I wanted to help her but she was angry or she didn’t listen. I didn’t know what to do whether to go away or stay with her. An acquaintance began to put things in her head that my family didn’t love her and that I didn’t want to marry her, which wasn’t true because my family loved her more than me. We had problems again because she was irritable because of her grief until the moment came when I decided to leave her, I didn’t break up with her, I stayed away from her for a month. She contacted me again to invite me to her professional exam and I went a week later and she told me that she didn’t want to talk that I had hurt her and that she wanted time alone and I agreed… she cut off all contact with me but we continued communicating on messenger for 3 months. I asked him to forgive me for seeing each other again until he finally agreed and we saw each other and talked about what had happened. I asked him for forgiveness, I almost begged him and he told me that he had contacted the boy he had met 5 years ago and had gone out with him in a plan. of friends. However, she told me that we should try or go out again and win each other back, and of course I accepted. For a month we were dating and contacting each other and maybe I pushed a little. One day I called him and he didn’t answer until three hours later, he sent me messages saying that he was busy, I insisted and he received my call and he confessed that he had gone out with this boy and that he was his friend and I had no right to complain because we were no longer nothing and that made him more insecure about returning… during that week I walked away, I gave him his space and I only greeted him once after a few days he complained about a publication that my mother made on Facebook supposedly disrespecting her and her family. I called her but she no longer answered me, and now she has blocked me from all social networks.

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Hello, I have a situation in which my girlfriend broke up with me after 4 years of relationship, just completed, it all happened in an argument we had because I complained about a boy I met who gave me bad feelings, so I didn’t like that she was In her circle of friends, I admit the truth is that I treated her very badly because she defended the boy a lot saying that nothing was happening between them, so she decided to end me right there, and the worst thing, it was by text message, I just accepted there because I thought that had me…