Menstrual Cup: Advantages and disadvantages of this alternative to tampons and pads

It costs money. According to the (OCU), the average expense on intimate hygiene products, although it depends on both the duration and the type of bleeding, is 50 euros per year.

This means that during the fertile life of a woman (around 40 years) the financial outlay will be around 2,000 euros.

Although tampons and pads continue to be the most used methods for menstruation, now they have a tough competitor. We are talking about the , one of the cheapest options (it must be renewed every five years).

And it also takes care of the environment, since it is reusable, while, as Ecologistas en Acción estimates, disposable menstrual hygiene products take an average of 300 years to decompose.

However, the use of this sustainable alternative raises doubts, which we will try to resolve with the help of Miriam Maireles (), and couple.

Women spend more than 2,900 days of their lives menstruating. But, the period is still a taboo subject, despite the fact that there is no scientific evidence to show that, for example, it prevents having sexual relations.

What’s more, according to the specialist, it can be recommended because “it reduces menstrual pain, there is more lubrication, and sex can be more pleasant than at other times of the month,” explains the specialist.

How to choose the size of the menstrual cup?

There are many brands of menstrual cups on the market. And not all offer the same number of sizes.

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Choosing the correct size of the menstrual cup is essential MICHAELA ZOLAKOVA

However, the most common is that they are available in three sizes, which adapt to the needs of most women.

Maireles specifies that the size of the menstrual cup does not depend on the menstrual flow, but rather its difference lies in its diameter.

  • Small size (S). It is indicated for adolescents, who have not yet had sexual relations. It is also ideal for those who are not used to using other methods such as tampons.
  • Medium size (M). On this occasion, for children under 30 who have not had a vaginal delivery.
  • Large size (L). This size is aimed at people over 30 years of age, regardless of whether they have given birth or not.

How often do you have to empty it?

The maximum continuous use is 12 hours. However, this will depend on factors such as the intensity or volume of menstruation.

That is precisely the main difference with tampons, which have a maximum duration of eight hours, but also have other health risks, such as Toxic Shock Syndrome.

It is a potentially deadly infection caused by staph bacteria, although tampons are not the only risk factor.

The main symptoms are:

  • Fever.

  • Low blood pressure.

  • Vomiting or diarrhea.

  • Rash.

  • Muscle pains.

  • Headache (headache).

How to place the menstrual cup?

The first step is to wash your hands well. “To insert it into the vagina you have to fold it on itself (U-shaped). With the other hand, open the vaginal lips to place it (it is more superficial than with a tampon)”, says the sex and couples therapist.

The last thing is to check that it has been opened correctly. You just have to run a finger through the cup to know if there are bulges.

Menstrual cups need to be sanitized before first use and after each menstruation. freepik

And to remove it?

“It’s much easier,” he details. You have to tighten the base and remove the menstrual cup diagonallycarefully, to prevent the blood from coming out.

The menstrual cup must be sanitized

It is the main drawback. As it is not a disposable menstrual hygiene product, it must be sterilized before using it for the first time and, subsequently, after each period.

For daily cleaning, only water is needed, avoiding the use of soaps, since they can damage the material with which they are made: silicone.

Yes, it can be done with the help of one or by boiling it in a pot.

Another of the disadvantages of the menstrual cup is its price, since it requires an initial outlay that ranges between 20-25 euros. But, as has been pointed out, it has a useful life of more than 5 years (and can last ten).

  • “It is the most comfortable, most hygienic, and in the long run the most economical and ecological alternative, although it is difficult to introduce it the first few times,” he points out.

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