How to keep cholesterol at bay: these are the forbidden and allowed foods

Half of the Spanish population has high levels of cholesterol in their blood. This is confirmed by a study of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (SEC), from which it also follows that a large part of the people who suffer from this problem do nothing to treat it. And not only with medicines.

Despite the fact that high cholesterol is the main risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, many neglect their daily habits and continue to consume foods that raise LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol). Although diet is only a part of those habits (you must lead a healthy life by also exercising), here we teach you what to eat and what not to lower “bad” cholesterol.

What foods lower cholesterol?

The oats

This fashionable food is a perfect ally when it comes to reducing cholesterol, among other benefits. Oats contain soluble fiber, which is also found in beans or apples and reduces the passage of low-density proteins (LDL or bad cholesterol) into the bloodstream.

The olive oil

If the Mediterranean diet is envied abroad for something, it is largely due to the use of native olive oil. And it is that liquid gold contains a powerful combination of antioxidants (especially extra virgin) that can reduce “bad” cholesterol while they leave the ‘good’ intact. But do not overdo its use when cooking, since the oil also has a high fat and calorie content.


Almonds, walnuts, peanuts or pistachios are very beneficial for health, as long as they are taken in moderation since they are also high in calories. nuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, which help reduce LDL cholesterol in the blood. About 45 grams a day of these high-energy foods, which would be about a handful, can reduce the risk of heart disease.

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fatty fish

Sardines, tuna, salmon or mackerel are fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as Eicosapentaenoic and Docosahexaenoic), perfect for reduce blood pressurethe risk of clots and increased arterial vasodilation.

the avocado

This fruit, increasingly popular in our country, has always been under doubt as to whether or not it reduces bad cholesterol due to its high levels of saturated and unsaturated fats. But it is the latter that act by preventing LDL cholesterol is deposited in the internal parts of the arteries and causing HDL cholesterol to rise in the blood. Of course, its saturated fat content means that, although it is a very beneficial food, it should be consumed in moderation.

What foods increase cholesterol?

The ‘trans’ fats

These types of fatty acids are the greatest ally of LDL cholesterol and are basically found in foods that have been industrialized through a process called hydrogenation (transforming oils into solid fats by adding hydrogen to them). These ‘trans’ fats, present in the fast food, Cakes or margarines increase low-density lipoproteins (‘bad’ cholesterol) and reduce high-intensity lipoproteins (‘good’ cholesterol).

the offal

Although its consumption is highly appreciated in some cultures and highly repudiated in others, it is clear that the entrails or offal have their benefits but also their drawbacks. One of the main harmful effects of its consumption is that they contain high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol, especially the ‘red’ viscera such as tripe, heart, kidneys, tongue or liver.

Sausages and cold cuts

This type of food should be avoided by people suffering from hypercholesterolemia, since its consumption increases the risk of coronary heart disease due to its high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol.

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Whole cheeses and dairy

The main step that all those who have high cholesterol should take in their diet is to change milk and whole yogurts for skim milk or plant-based milks. Similarly, depending on the type of milk it comes from, many cheeses should be left out (for example, gouda or cheddar).

The industrial bakery

In general, products that are high in sugar also carry high levels of saturated fat. Also, the effects of LDL cholesterol are worse when there is excess sugar in the bloodstream.