Meaning of Dreams – Interpretation according to Dictionary

Dreaming about police officers has different interpretations, but basically it is related to security, compliance with laws or application of punishments, since those are the principles that govern this profession in the real world. Let us remember that dreams allow the feelings and emotions that are repressed to emerge.

Have you dreamed about lizards and don’t know what it means? This may be one of the strangest dreams you have. It can also be distressing. if the animal attacks you. But before entering fully into the explanation of this type of dream episodes, you should know that dreams, from the point of view of the

Have you woken up with a start because you dreamed about the end of the world? It is no wonder, since this is one of the most disturbing dreams that you can have. However, its meaning is less negative than you imagine. This dream experience is related to changes in your life or decisions

When you sleep, the brain is still working and, in general, dreams try to give you signals that you often cannot understand. In these episodes it is common for friends, family or colleagues that you see frequently to appear. But what does it mean when you dream about unknown people? For

On many occasions, dreams are full of somewhat striking and conventional elements such as, for example, fruits. These episodes Dream dreams can arouse curiosity, especially if you are someone who does not regularly consume this type of food. Dreaming about fruits, in general, is synonymous

Today, due to the work of many psychoanalysts, including Sigmund Freud, it is known that when we sleep the subconscious expresses emotions. and repressed desires. In dreams, information appears disordered and it is difficult to interpret it properly. However, it is disturbing when you have episodes

Our brain never stops, not even when we sleep. In fact, upon entering the dream world, the subconscious mind tries to tell us things that, when we are aware, we cannot analyze. This is when dreams arise. Some of these episodes are disturbing, such as dreaming about

The dream world is full of elements that tend to confuse if we do not know their meaning. One of them, for example, is water, which It can come in many forms, such as in a swimming pool. In general, this type of dream is usually associated with good omens and positive news, given that

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Dreaming is an activity that occupies almost a third of life. When we sleep, we enter a state of subconsciousness, activating a kind of a “switch” that lets desires and emotions flow. In fact, this phenomenon has been the subject of numerous studies over the years, from Sigmund Freud to

Dreaming that you are at a party and not knowing what it means is more common than you think. This occurs because dreams, according to Sigmund Freud, are capable of revealing certain aspects of our personality and state of mind that you may have overlooked. Dreaming about a party is almost always a sign of

The dream world is full of mysteries that we often do not know how to interpret. Sigmund Freud himself said that dreams are a psychic product. worthy of study. In fact, it is normal for things to happen in them that are difficult to decipher and that sometimes have nothing to do with what happens on a daily basis, which

Have you dreamed about a tsunami in recent days and don’t know what its interpretation could be? Dreams reveal a lot of information about ourselves. mood or about our personality. Dreaming about a tsunami is an example of this. When we talk about dreams related to atmospheric phenomena, a

Food is part of our life. That is why dreaming about food should not be strange at all. We use food for meetings family, reunions with friends or work meetings. But what does it mean to dream about food? What do our dreams want to tell us when we dream of a plate

Have you dreamed of a pride of lions and can’t find the meaning? Despite what it seems, dreaming about lions is not that strange. There are many people who find this animal in their dreams and then don’t know how to decipher the meaning. So if you have dreamed of a lion and you don’t know what they want

Have you been dreaming about fish for a while and don’t know what the meaning could be? In the dream dictionary, dreaming about fish has a meaning special. These animals symbolize wealth, energy and well-being, as well as freedom, since they are animals that are always on the move.

Dreams usually appear as a consequence of thoughts, worries or lived realities that are constantly kept in our mind. mind for a long time. In this sense, each of our dreams has a different meaning. Dreaming about having a car accident is one of your nightmares

One of the most common dreams is the one in which that special person appears who is capable of making us feel butterflies in our stomach. When we are in love or attracted to someone, most of our daily thoughts focus on that special person. The beauty of her, her

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If you have recently seen a movie or series in which animals appeared, it is very common that you can dream about them that night. but the same It happens if you see some specific friends, you are having a type of relationship with someone, whether bad or good, or you are experiencing a situation that is peculiar to you. Because

Although the world of dreams is full of fantasy and unreality, the truth is that it is very common to witness scenarios in dreams. that very familiar dreams develop. Any type of dream you have can be a clarification to your current life situation, but this representation will be

On many occasions our dreams can be characterized by the presence of animals, such as horses. Although the most common thing is that In the dream, dogs, cats or other domestic species appear that we usually live with or are used to seeing in our daily lives, the truth is that

Dreaming about water can have different interpretations depending on the context and details of the dream. It may be related to a process of renewal, with emotions and adaptation to change. Thinking about water can lead us to a diversity of options. Water is a very abstract concept, because

Have you ever woken up with a start after having a dream about mice? Dreaming about this animal is not usually a reflection of something positive, but rather a negative reality that invades us every day. Worries, misunderstandings with friends and family, anxieties, phobias or daily

Although it may seem otherwise, dreams have more importance than we may be giving them, because dreaming is interpreting. the reality we live every day and our most frequent feelings, emotions and thoughts. On many occasions, these dreams may be negative, which is

While we sleep, we can dream of a large number of incredible worlds, in which we can be whatever we want, such as: a hero or heroine and save the world, be an artist in the world of entertainment, among others. On the other hand, there is also the possibility of dreaming about being attacked,

Dreaming about different animals can be something very beautiful and cute, causing us to feel happy. However, there are different types of animals or insects that when we dream about them produce an unpleasant effect on us. A clear example of this is lice. Normally these bugs are associated

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It is said that dogs are human beings’ best friends and that they are always there for us. They give us their unconditional love, as well as They also brighten our day with their crazy things or occurrences. However, in dreams it is not always the case that dogs are a good thing, so we invite you

Has it happened to you that during your dreams, you have witnessed a fire? Dreaming about fire is quite common and does not mean that you are a bad person. or that you can become an arsonist, that is, a person who enjoys starting fires anywhere. Like this and many others, dreams have a meaning

Have you ever dreamed of blood? Sometimes it may happen that you are asleep, enjoying an incredible dream, and suddenly you start to dream about blood, whether it’s your own or someone else’s. While these dreams may seem a little scary and cause discomfort in people who have them, they do not

Do you wonder what it means to dream about babies? This can be a good sign, since babies mean a new beginning. Also It can mean something related to your innocence and your vulnerabilities. Since Freud published his book Interpretation of Dreams, the importance of understanding

Have you dreamed of dead people? You should not worry, death means transformation and changes. Dreams are messages from us unconscious about thoughts or emotions that alter us on a daily basis. Freud studied the interpretation of dreams as a tool of introspection,

Dreaming about cockroaches is related to fears of specific situations, related to each person’s personal situation, and to the need of change in different areas of life. It should be noted that the meaning of dreams is not an exact science and depends on each person, but many times

Getting married is the dream of many people, and it is also the success and self-realization aspired by many, so much so that it can manifest itself. freely and literally in the dreams of these people. But our aspirations are often based on many other experiences, whether in our childhood

Dreams of death are those that generally cause the greatest anguish in people, since, apart from being associated with cultural concepts of omens, they are also linked and covered with our moral part. Death scares us so much that in dreams they can even wake us up and end

Not all dreams are interpretable within the framework of a psychoanalytic session, sometimes, there is no…