Applications in clinical and health psychology

In clinical and health psychology, one of the most important applications of the model is its use for diagnosis of personality disorders. Its supporters consider that the dimensions are continuous (people with disorders have extreme scores on certain personality dimensions or peculiar combinations of these – for example low Agreeableness and low Toughness -), which is contrary to the traditional medical approach, which believes that Personality disorders are distinct and separate categories. The studies carried out suggest that the model, and specifically the NEO-PI-R, can be used to detect personality disorders, since they provide extensive information about maladaptive behaviors, habits and attitudes.

Studies show that Neuroticism and Extraversion are related to almost all personality disorders. Low Agreeableness and low Toughness are also related to various disorders.

Of Openness it seems that it is its lack, rather than its presence, that characterizes the disorders.

Another application is its usefulness in predicting how people will respond to psychological treatment. Subjects with high Neuroticism respond worse to psychotherapy, as do those low in Tesón. However, subjects with high Agreeableness have a good prognosis, as they are more willing to accept the clinician’s interpretations.

The model is also useful in health psychology. For example, it is known that hostile people have a greater risk of coronary heart disease, although this does not occur when hostility is neurotic (experience of hostility: frequent and intense experience of anger, frustration and rage that accumulates inside) and but when it is antagonistic (expression of hostility: characterized by cynicism, insolence and arrogance that are directly expressed).

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The first type of hostility is a facet of Neuroticism, and the second (the one that predicts cardiovascular disorders) is characterized by low Agreeableness. Education and work. In education, the dimensions of Openness and Toughness are relevant. Openness is related to intelligence and divergent thinking, so it is also related to academic performance. It is also related to the need for knowledge.

Toughness is related to good performance, as well as high achievement motivation, which also facilitates optimal results. academic results. In terms of work, Tesón is the best predictor of work performance in different occupations. Openness seems to be a good predictor of learning capacity in vocational training. Extraversion seems to be a good predictor of success in certain jobs dealing with the public.

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