Meaning of Dreams – Interpretation according to Dictionary

Psychoanalysts propose that dreams are a type of messages that the subconscious sends. Which are usually related to emotions, memories or feelings that exist inside people, but that they do not consciously dare to express. In this sense, it is common

Are you looking for the meaning of dreaming about keys? There is no object that people have more contact with than keys. That’s why, Dreaming about them is common. In real life, keys are used to open doors or locks, and when they appear in dreams they reflect the same. That is, dream

Did you dream that you were crying and woke up with a start without knowing what this dream means? Crying is one of the most natural of the human being. Through it we can express different emotions, because not only do we cry out of sadness, but also crying arises in situations

A church symbolizes many things. It can represent a wedding, your religious faith or the peace and calm you feel when you go to a temple of God. In any case, it is common to see a church in real life, but what does it mean to dream about it? No matter what belief you have, dreaming of a church

Sometimes dreams can surprise because of the visions they show. For example, dreaming about infidelity is not very common and can even make some impact. Undoubtedly, infidelity is something very disconcerting, both in real life and in dreams. Therefore, if you have this type of dream,

Have you dreamed about floods and don’t know what that dream vision means? Interpreting dreams is very helpful, because it allows you knowing what your subconscious wants to tell you and, at the same time, it helps you know how you should act in certain situations. Specifically, dreaming about floods

One of the deepest ways couples can express their feelings is by making love. But what happens when you dream that you are making love? This dream can have many meanings, and they do not always have a purely sexual connotation, since it is related to some emotions.

Dreams are somewhat strange and sometimes even funny, but they all have a meaning, since they are the representation of what you keep in your mind. your subconscious. Many of them are related to things that are part of our daily lives, such as food. In this sense, if you dreamed of

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Dreams play an important role in psychoanalysis, since they serve to interpret the expression of the subconscious. In fact, different Experts in psychoanalysis, including Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, indicate that the world of dreams is a space where your memories and feelings manifest.

According to psychoanalysis, when sleeping the brain performs the function of selecting and reflecting the memories and emotions that you have when you are conscious. Even try to resolve the worries you have had during the day. Therefore, when you sleep, different images or dream visions arise. The most usual

What meaning do scorpions have? Scorpions or scorpions are dangerous, enigmatic and intimidating animals. Its sting causes a terrible wound that, apart from being painful, can cause death. Furthermore, for some cultures this animal represents a very important symbol in the worldview,

Have you dreamed about broken glass and don’t know what it means? In real life, the presence of broken glass is not a good sign, because it relates to injuries, accidents or pain. However, in dreams, its appearance is not so negative, since it will depend on several elements such as, for example,

Rabbits are cute, friendly and beautiful animals. They are characterized by being intelligent and cunning beings. Therefore, many people adopt them as pets. If you have a rabbit at home or have recently seen a movie about them, it is normal that you dream about this mammal from time to time. But what

For a long time, dreams have been the subject of numerous studies. Among the most important is the one developed by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Who proposes that dream episodes are a direct cause of the emotions, feelings, desires and experiences that are experienced in the conscious world.

The world of dreams is full of mysteries. Episodes occur in it that often intrigue and raise doubts. Therefore, the interpretation of dreams seeks to reflect on emotions and desires to understand the meaning of each dream. The most common thing is to dream about things that we see every day.

The world of dreams has been the subject of countless studies by many psychoanalysts. Among the main findings of these researchers is the fact that dreams are manifestations of desires, emotions or feelings that we try to repress during the day, but that later

Going to the beach is one of the best experiences in life, because you relax, disconnect from your routine, enjoy the sun and the outdoors. But what does it mean to dream about the beach? For the interpretation of dreams, this is one of the dream episodes that has deep symbolism. Because in the

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Dreams can have various interpretations. In fact, psychoanalysis helps to decipher what dream episodes mean, depending on the elements that appeared in the vision. The common thing is to dream about things that you see in your daily life. The problem arises when you dream about strange animals

According to the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, through dreams you can learn part of the information that is stored in your body. the subconscious. In fact, in everyday life a series of emotions and feelings occur that are often repressed to conform to certain norms.

Whales are impressive, resilient and beautiful aquatic animals. Therefore, dreaming about this cetacean has to do with strength and determination. However, according to psychoanalysis, dreams change their interpretation according to various elements present in them, such as, for example, the place where they appeared.

Chocolate has been one of people’s favorite foods for many years. Its flavor and texture are unique and particular. Besides, Its consumption is very beneficial because it stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain, a hormone that helps with relaxation and tranquility. But you know

The dream world is full of mysteries. This happens because at the time of sleeping it is almost impossible to block the memories of everything that happened to us. It has occurred during the day and, therefore, they remain in our subconscious. In fact, psychoanalysis indicates that dreams are manifestations of feelings

The stars have been the protagonists of countless debates over time. The mystery and beauty of these stars have meant that for centuries become the center of different studies and even the reason for countless artistic works. Therefore, dreaming about stars is something more common

The interpretation of dreams is something that has motivated numerous studies over the years. According to various psychoanalysts, including Sigmund Freud, at the time of sleep the subconscious is activated, which brings out feelings and emotions that are repressed during waking hours. Is by

Elephants are animals recognized for their nobility, strength and wisdom. They are a symbol of greatness, good memory and protection towards those his. It is possible that dreaming about one of these pachyderms can be disconcerting, especially if you have never been in contact with one of them. However, dream

Have you dreamed about snow and don’t know what its meaning is? The world of dreams has been the subject of numerous studies by different psychoanalysts. Sigmund Freud himself said that when we dream, the emotions and feelings hidden in the subconscious seek a way to reveal themselves, through

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For many cultures, birds are a symbol of freedom and peace. If they appear in your dreams, it is normal for you to wonder what that means. dream episode. Dreaming about birds has different connotations, which will depend on the context in which the dream occurred and even the emotions you felt.

Gold is one of the most valuable elements on earth. Its brilliance and beauty have made it the reason for numerous battles, since for man this precious metal is a sign of wealth and power. Dreaming about gold is often related to positivity, prosperity and luck,

Have you dreamed about ghosts and don’t know what it means? Dreams about ghosts usually cause anguish and fear in people, although in reality its meaning should not worry you. For psychoanalysis, when we dream, some emotions or feelings that we have every day flow from the unconscious.

Did you dream about celebrities and don’t know what it means? When we dream of a famous actor, singer or footballer, it is normal for interest to be aroused. and the curiosity to know what that dream episode meant. The world of dreams is fascinating and very complex, which is why it has been the subject of numerous studies.

Dolphins are extremely intelligent, loyal and faithful animals. In addition, they have many striking characteristics, such as being playful and take care of their babies with great patience. If you have swum with dolphins or recently watched a movie about these animals, it may be that at night you dream about

Traveling is one of the most pleasant things in life because it takes you away from the routine, beautiful memories are created and new things are discovered. If you have recently had the desire to go on a trip, it is normal for you to dream about traveling. Although it can also be a recurring dream, without even thinking about it.

Have you dreamed about bears? The world of dreams is full of mysteries that are difficult to interpret, especially because each episode responds to a unique and individual reality. In fact, Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, said that dreams are a great entrance to the subconscious, since they

Dreaming about a war is one of the most disturbing and disturbing dreams that can exist. These dreams…