I am receptive and apply other keys to strengthen friendship from a distance

Right now is when we must strengthen human connections the most, regardless of the circumstances. Tips to achieve it.

Plans to meet with friends during the week or every eight days to eat, have a coffee, go to the movies, party or travel have been delayed, like many others, by the quarantine. In this way, caring for friendship from a distance became one of the most important tasks.

For Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, director of the Communication and Family Relations Laboratory at the University of Washington, a great advantage we have are the technological tools to achieve this. It is vital that we go from WhatsApp chat to call or video call to hear the other’s voice, see their reactions, looks, gestures and, in addition, understand more accurately their moods, which have been affected by the pandemic. .

Regarding this aspect, it is very important that you share what you think and feel with all sincerity, no matter how often it happens and whether it is positive or not. Doing so further strengthens the ties of friendship and trust grows when finding a solution or support for a problem or event. Letting off steam will always give you peace of mind and soul.

Be receptive, it’s time to change and be a better person, so set aside any differences and accept constructive feedback. The tone and way when saying things is key. Keep this in mind in case you are the one saying it.

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Show interest in knowing How is your family, your partner, other friends, your work, study, interests and plans.

It is also recommended show all the love you have through messages of affection or some detail that we know the other likes, regardless of the occasion, although what you cannot forget is the birthday or anniversary date of friendship.

Spend time sharing tastes and enjoying a series, movie or book. By doing so, there is the possibility of exchanging opinions, perceptions and an opportunity to make it a habit and time for friendship.

Cook, exercise, play games, or take an online course that contributes to their professional lives or a hobby will also allow them to get to know each other in a different way and in another setting.

Plan a trip or reunion with that person For when all this happens, propose a common savings to achieve it. No matter how far it is, it is about generating the possibility of sharing again as on previous occasions.

Remember the moments you have lived and laugh of all the funny things you have experienced with that person.

Use social networks to share fun postsmemes, songs, photographs and other elements that they have in common, and make the virtual relationship dynamic.