How to overcome the fear of injections during covid-19 vaccination?

If you are one of those who has thought a lot about whether or not to get vaccinated when your turn comes because you are afraid of injections and needles, you should know that your phobia has a solution if you seek help.

During vaccination times, are you afraid of needles to the point that you think you won’t be able to stand the pain? If you feel identified, we tell you that you suffer from a phobia called: Trypanophobia.

This A phobia and extreme fear of needles and injections is one of the most common, and although it may not seem like anything out of this world, it can be a real obstacle. when undergoing an examination, medical treatment or applying medication, in fact it is a complicated fear at the moment, although those who suffer from it do not believe that they are going to die, if they become convinced that the pain can be so strong that they cannot They will be able to bear it. We invite you to read:

It is estimated that 10% of the population suffers from it, making it one of the most recurrent.

“Trypanophobics have really dramatic effects when they have to give themselves an injection or go to a hospital out of obligation, to the point that they can even avoid these situations, without measuring the risks that this implies for their life,” explained psychiatrist Rodrigo Córdoba, former president. from the Colombian Association of Scientific Societies, to El TIEMPO.

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Where does it come from?

One of the causes in the development of this fear is found in traumas and bad experiences with injections during childhood. It can also develop due to what is known as vicarious conditioning, that is, if as children we see adults who enter into state of panic when it comes to getting a puncture.

Are there any symptoms?

Emotionally you may feel fear, anguish, anxiety, irrational thoughts and the feeling that something serious could happen when faced with syringes, needles and the possibility of receiving injections. Physically, tachycardia, increased breathing, nausea, pain, hyperventilation, feeling of suffocation, dry mouth and even losing consciousness.

How to handle it?

In the midst of mass vaccination against covid-19, it is normal that they can become evident those fears that should not be minimized, but rather addressed psychologically. We can help you call us or write to us at 333 033 3126, our attention is free. In adults you can use breathing and relaxation techniques to reduce symptoms such as anxiety or hyperventilation. It may interest you:

As it comes from childhood, andFor the little ones, it is recommended not to use injections as a threat, nor to trick them into getting vaccinated., nor belittle their fears or make them feel bad for having them. Understanding and empathy is key in these cases so that they feel the necessary support and security.