The importance of active breaks in the workday

The importance of rest for our mental and physical health is widely known, but we are not always attentive to having good health practices at work. Active breaks are a key part of our work well-being.

What are active breaks?

According to the , active breaks are “short periods of time during the work day where employees, through different exercises, can reduce muscle fatigue and prevent musculoskeletal problems (in bones, joints and muscles).” Long work days, eight or more hours a day, entail great and constant physical efforts of which we are often not very aware.. From jobs that require physical and muscular fatigue to those that require long periods of concentration, they wear us out physically, which is why it is essential to consider the so-called “active breaks” to collaborate with our good physical and mental state.

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According to the WHO, more than 60% of the world’s population does not carry out the physical activity necessary to maintain good health. This also has to do with labor exercise.

Physical health risks

  • Muscle tension overload
  • Joint exhaustion
  • Constant bad posture
  • Headaches
  • chronic stress
  • Pain and injuries from repetitive movements
  • Hearing or eye diseases

Researchers from the University of Carabobo, Venezuela, in a study titled “”, explain that it is It is desirable that active breaks be taken during work days to recover muscle function through stretching, breathing, resistance and relaxation exercises.. This is in order to avoid long-term problems in the physical and mental health of a company’s employees.

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Some benefits

  1. The practice of active breaks has numerous benefits, including:
  2. Circulation stimulation
  3. Reduction of the burden of work stress
  4. Managing emotions in work functions
  5. Rest from the daily routine
  6. Correction of habits harmful to health
  7. Relaxation and injury prevention
  8. Facilitates socialization among colleagues

We recommend practicing active breaks in your days. It is advisable to practice different types of exercises that include the cervical, lumbar, upper and lower extremities, and visual exercises.