How to do a mental and emotional detox?

Have you had a desire to reset your life or your present? Maybe there are a series of exercises that can help you with that.

The term detox refers to a process of detoxification of substances that are harmful and cause a deterioration in a person’s well-being. In the case of mental and emotional detox, it means finding a balance again to continue functioning in the best conditions.

By implementing it, habits, thoughts and feelings that are not healthy for you will be purified and it is done in order to improve, change or return to various aspects that do not allow you to be calm.

We recommend you:

proposes a one-week mental detox, so that work daily on the aspects that limit you, do not allow you to free yourself from emotional burdens, but; Furthermore, for make room for new ideas. All this in order to be able move towards the goals you want to achieve in the short or long term.

Mental detox schedule:

Monday: take out your mental garbage

  • Writes A list of the words you repeat to yourself that are blocking your life.
  • Get out of your head the thoughts that overwhelm you.
  • Observe the behavioral patterns that make you feel bad such as: procrastinating, ruminating, complaining, among others.
  • Identify What kind of thoughts are limiting you, write them on a piece of paper and in front of each one place an alternative.

For this exercise, you need to objectively see the way your internal dialogue limits you and how repeating negative words to yourself wears out your mental energy.

The ideal is that you are aware of limiting thoughts, for this You shouldn’t limit them, just observe them and discover how they make you feel.. You may see how They dissolve and transform, that is part of feeling them. Crucial for change.

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Tuesday: don’t believe everything your mind tells you

The most difficult emotions to manage are those that generate fear, worry or frustration and they start from anxious thoughts with which the mind tries to prepare you to face challenges, but by not being aware of them you end up paralyzed or feeling attacked,” explains Sánchez.

When the mind generates worry, it does so because it wants you not to forget something important and for that reason it activates rumination, believing that it is productive. If you write what you think at that moment, you take away its power, since you removed it from your mind.

For this you must answer:

  • What kind of situations detonate in you the worry?
  • What is your biggest fear?
  • make one list of your worries.
  • Is there any tLet it be repetitive in your mind and generate you concerns? For example, money, your relationship or your work performance. Realizing it is important to take the next step.
  • What would you do if some of those thoughts that limit or affect you come true? Could you stand it? Would there be a way to overcome it?

Finding answers to these questions allows your brain to find new neural pathways to overcome difficulties and stop feeling like you have no control.

Wednesday: identify what gives you energy or takes it away

It is likely that in your daily life you are surrounded by “emotional vampires” (they waste or limit your energy) or “vitamin people” (they make you feel capable and motivated). It’s time to adjust your environment a little, the recommendation is:

  • Clean your phone. Delete those numbers of people you no longer contact, need or want to have in your life.
  • Check who you follow and They don’t bring anything positive to your life. Cleaning social media is quite healing.
  • Choose follow accounts that contribute to youamuse or inspire.
  • Unsubscribe from any unnecessary mailing lists and only fill your inbox with junk information.
  • Stop recording or photographing all the good things that happen to yousometimes you miss the sunset trying to take the best photo.
  • Choose a couple of phrases that brighten your day and place them in sight.
  • Send him a thank you message to a person who has given you something positive.
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To read:

Thursday: take back control

Procrastination wears out and limits; Furthermore, it leads to the discomfort of having to make up for lost time.

The The consequences of this can be suffering from migraines, muscle tension, sleep disorders and even depression.n.
Having as many things pending per day as possible allows you to feel light on your baggage, with energy to create what you want. For this:

  • Write the 3 most important things that you have been putting off.
  • Start moving forward in the first.
  • Define by areas what slopes you have and put an execution date on them.
  • Reward yourself, divide what you have to do into small tasks and with each achievement reward yourself. It doesn’t have to be an expensive trip, but going for a walk and having a coffee is also comforting.
  • Apply the action: “sJust for today I will do as many things as possible during work time.” in each relevant task.

Friday: connect with your goals

Who do you want to become in a couple of years? lVisualizing this goal in your life can help you amplify motivation and begin to direct you towards your objectives.. Do it through a dream map.

How to do it?

  • Start a diary in which you record all the steps you take to move towards your goals.
  • Protect your dreams of hopeless people, don’t share them with everyone. Sometimes it is better to live that experience privately and share it when it is happening.
  • Read biographies, watch movies or listen to podcasts of people who have achieved their dreams, so you tune your mind to the possibilities and realize that even if there are difficulties it is possible to achieve your goals.
  • learn something that allows you to continue growing.
  • Share what you know with others.
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Saturday: protect your mental state

Sometimes, and without meaning to, friends, family or co-workers live in eternal disagreement, criticizing, complaining or focusing only on the negative. Your task is not to allow yourself to become infected with their emotional state.. In that sense:

  • Tune your mind When you start the day with what you want to live.
  • Practice affirmations three times, during the day, to strengthen the neural networks related to your confidence.
  • Before sleep visualize your dream already come true.
  • Commit to aligning your actions with your goals And if you are deviating, get back on track.
  • Expand your consciousnessIf you find yourself having negative self-talk, replace those limiting words with recognition of your abilities.

Sunday: take care of yourself

Plan a day of well-being and joy surrounded by people or places that calm you.

  • Starts your day slowly.
  • Thank you for having made the decision to do an emotional detox.
  • Writes A letter to your future self in which you tell him or her the goals you currently have and what you are going to achieve.
  • Have breakfast your favorite food.
  • Listen happy music that recharges you.
  • Salt to nature and take a walk.
  • Enjoy of do anything. The mind needs rest spaces to activate creativity.

You can adapt, modify or complement this cycle with the activities you want. The important thing is to realize that we live on autopilot and this is costing us happiness, health and life itself.