How should anorexia be diagnosed?

Anorexia is a psychological disorder that requires different means to be evaluated and guarantee a correct diagnosis. Here we tell you how it is diagnosed.

Although its main symptom is the person’s low weight, this condition It not only affects physicallysince it is also involved Mental health of those who live with this condition, so analyzes must be carried out in both environments.

Regarding physical health; In addition to a lower body weight compared to their height and age, medical examinations are required to rule out a biological factor as the cause of low weight. Likewise, other tests must be done to demonstrate the deterioration that may exist in bones, kidneys, liver and other organs.

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Regarding the mind, the person must meet some criteria to have this diagnosis. On the one hand, she must present an intense fear of gaining weight, so, even if the weight is already low, the person will have constant behaviors that prevent it from increasing. There must also be a distortion in relation to the way you perceive your own weight and the shape of your bodyas well as the lack of recognition of its current state.

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Subtypes of anorexia

There are subtypes of anorexia disorder differentiated by one and another that involves episodes of and purges, which have their own criteria for diagnosis. This will be defined according to the behaviors presented by the person in question.

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It is important to remember that these diagnoses They can only be performed by a medical or psychological professional., so if there is any suspicion of presenting it, the main recommendation is to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Early detection could mean better .