I know how to deal with job loss

Losing your job is one of those situations that no one wants to go through, much less at times like these.

The Covid -19 pandemic has impacted other aspects of our daily lives in addition to health. Consequently, the effects on the economy have left thousands unemployed around the world.

If you or someone close to you is going through this situation, it is likely that emotional effects such as stress, anxiety and uncertainty will manifest. Liz Moreno, psychology advisor at Porque Quiero Estar Bien, gives us some recommendations to understand that crises are transitory and that all human beings have multiple capacities to control them and reinvent ourselves.

Acknowledge your feelings

How do you feel today? Is there joy, sadness, fear, anguish? Losing your job unexpectedly will always impact, in addition to your finances, also your emotional well-being. In fact, you cannot immediately eliminate negative feelings but you can control them. To do so, the first step is to recognize what you are feeling.

Find your support networks

In this case, your family, partner and circle of friends play a fundamental role, talking to them allows you to open an emotional escape valve, and you can also find in them the support and even financial relief that comes with sharing burdens. Your networks of contacts could also be the way to find a new job opportunity.

Focus your attention on your life project

Although work is a very important area of ​​life, it cannot and should not be the only one. This should be an opportunity to focus your mind on other aspects such as study, your relationship with your family, the projects you had in mind and why not think about the possibility of entrepreneurship.

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Look for alternatives to reduce expenses

As we told you at the beginning, this new challenge poses a change in your lifestyle and if you take it with the best attitude you will be able to get ahead much faster. To reduce expenses, you can adjust and even start to change some habits, look for alternatives such as agreements with banks or people with whom you have debts. Each case is different but looking for alternatives is the best option.

Activate plans to have other resources

At this point it is time to ask yourself: What other resources can I activate to support myself while I get a new job? Prioritize your obligations and organize your savings, severance payments or liquidation; This will help you know the margin you have to get a new job.

As we told you at the beginning, losing your job can lead you to think that you are going through a catastrophic moment and have feelings of hopelessness. But at some point you will find the balance again, write to us or call us so that together we can find the most appropriate strategy.

We are here to help you!