3rd Stage (Movement/assessment). We will start by saying that everything conflictproblem, discomfort, damage, accident, wound, callus, deformity, etc., on the big toe means: Obligation towards my mother.

In the case of corns, we are going to add “Protection” to that obligation. Therefore, having a callus on the big toe means: “my mother forces me to do something and I am protecting myself.”

You have to pay a lot of attention to a basic detail of the biodecodingand this is: Everything can be Real either Symbolic. Therefore, my mother can effectively be my mother, she can be my grandmother, she can be the woman who raised me, she can be my teacher, she can be my boss, she can be my mother country (country), she can be any figure that in my life, I see as my mother or my guide.

And still, after all this clarification, to add, that of course, in the case that I am a woman, it can also mean “What do I force myself to do, as a mother”. Having clarified this basic point, let’s move on. We already know that the big toe is “mother”, and that callus is “protection”.

Toes – 3rd Stage (Movement/assessment).

  • Big Toe: My mother.
  • Second Finger: My brothers, my collaterals: brothers-in-law, husband, co-workers, friends, neighbors, etc.
  • Third Finger: Communication problems, circulation problems in communication, absence of dialogue, always, in relation to collaterals.
  • Fourth Finger: Repressed anger, resentment, injustice. Always in relation to my mother or my collaterals. That is, they are always attacks that I receive from these people and that change my mood and emotion.
  • Fifth Finger: Conflict of territory in relation to collaterals. Territory, the same, can be real (land, property, house, etc) or symbolic (husband, friendship, stability, inheritance, children, family, etc).

Now that we know the meaning of each finger, we can think and analyze what our problems are due to without complications or questions on the air.

If I have a finger that gets on another.

“I must act, make the decision, start, etc., because I am the oldest (real or symbolic)”. “I have a hard time finding my way.” It is logical that the meaning of the finger above and the meaning of the finger that remains below should also be analyzed, to specify the emotional origin of the problem.

The emotional cause What causes our toes to begin to curl is that we are very hard on our thoughts. We rarely show flexibility in life situations. We cling to emotional pain from the past and would rather continue to suffer than get over it.

A change of thoughts, a taking of awareness where we allow ourselves to let go and be flexible will heal our fingers.

If I have calluses on my fingers.

All corns, calluses, and the like, mean: I am protecting myself from… “Therefore, a situation of fear, of lack of confidence in myself, remains implicit. Of total lack of determination to put an end to the situation or situations.

Do I have calluses on all fingers? in 4 fingers? It does not matter! We will have to analyze again the meaning of each finger. It doesn’t matter if the callus is on one side of the finger, below the finger, or on top of the finger. Let’s not turn the matter around. I am protecting myself and there is no more.


The emotional cause What causes calluses is that . We don’t know how to set limits, we don’t know how to walk away, we don’t know how to be ourselves. And they may think: “it’s not true, it’s the shoes”. Yes of course, I’ll say. And it may not be that your fingers are crying out to stop wearing those shoes but “don’t you know how to say no?” You have to take a moment to analyze.

A strengthening of the self-esteema complete feeling of security and self-confidence, will be more than enough for us to begin to say no to any situation (related to the finger that has a callus) and to be able to eliminate said calluses.

And what happens if the calluses are not on the toes, but on the foot itself? Well then comes another explanation:

– Foot = Mom (Real or symbolic)
– Sole of Foot = Dad (Real or symbolic)
– Heel = Mom

Therefore: I am protecting myself from my mother or, I am protecting myself from my father.

If I have Bunions or Spurs.

All bunions mean: I must meet my mother. Don’t think about it, don’t look for excuses. It is so. And if you analyze your life situation, you may discover that every day they call your mother, they bring her bread, they take her to the supermarket, they prepare her food or, she calls and I have to answer, she comes to visit me and I have to receive her, she asks me that I go every Sunday to eat with her and that way I can continue all my life. The point is, that for one reason or another, I haven’t known how to say no, I keep doing it and I don’t like it, it annoys me, it irritates me.


As we already said, it can be my real mother or it can be something symbolic. Maybe my boss always asks me to stay longer in the office when it’s time to leave, do you understand the situation? And it will not be until I become a confident person determined to achieve my happiness and healththat this will continue.

I must empower meI must be safe, I must be emotionally intelligent, so that my feet do not suffer from my lack of decision. Or, stay the same and stop complaining about my bunions or my fabulous heel spurs.

You can see too.